Thanx for the complements, and coming from you ray thats a lot, you "rock" mate.I did this pics quite some time ago, the thing i'm trying is loading pictures on here from my web page but not having them visible on my web page. Not sure if this make sence. I have a new look web site almost ready to load up onto my server but wanted to be able to put up some pics here of stuff i'm doing to let ya know what i'm up to with out craming my site with crap.I tryed a couple other pics which didnt work so did this, pretty much thinking it would work as its on my site. Hmmm i'm getting confused my self well i'll keep trying. At the moment i heve been using cute ftp. I think i'm not quite "nurd" enough quite yet but getting there. As a few of you have seen my airbrushing I wanted to show you i could swing a brush too. (sorta)
-------------------- Rod from, EAST COAST AIRBRUSHING "Airbrush Art & Graphics" Nambour; Sunshine Coast, Queensland. Australia E.mail: Web:
As far as posting from your website without the pics being visible to the general public. What I did was create a sub directory of my website that I called "samples". There are no links to that subdirectory on my website so as far as anyone knows it doesn't exist. I just upload pictures to that directory if I want to post them here or if someone else wants a picture posted here.
NOW..that being said..anyone who reads this thread could go to that sub-directory and get a listing of what files are currently in it and view them, but that really doesn't bother me since I generally clean it out every month.
-------------------- Dave Grundy retired in Chelem,Yucatan,Mexico/Hensall,Ontario,Canada 1-519-262-3651 Canada 011-52-1-999-102-2923 Mexico cell 1-226-785-8957 Canada/Mexico home