Hi guys- Thanks to Bob for that link to the exhibit. Here's a little more info-The museum is The National Heritage Museum @33 Marrett Rd in Lexington Ma. Phone is 781-861-6559. Hours are Mon-Sat 10-5 and Sun. 12-5 with Tues. open til 9pm.(Call to be sure). The exhibit runs through Jan 5, 2003. Bruce, I'm not sure about a website. Robert, since you'll be in Boston, Lexington is only about 10 miles or so down the road, so it'll make a easy trip for you. I'm familiar with the area, so if anyone needs any help finding it, just let me know. Good to hear from you Ken! I was in your neighborhood a couple of weeks ago. We went to the barge-the Rockmore I think it's called. Ever been? If your serious about that field trip, I'm game for the fall. Tisha