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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » remedy for sags

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Author Topic: remedy for sags
Member # 411

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Do you try to remove sags and by what methods?
The paint is 1-Shot on on Aluminum blank and the sag is slight.

Santo Brocato
Promotion Graphics & Letters
Spring, TX

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Si Allen

Member # 420

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Cosmetic surgeons are great at getting rid of sags! [Smile]

I carefully shave them off with a razor blade, then add a thin coat to even out the gloss.

Remember the old painter's addage..."Runs don't rust!" [Smile]

[ July 23, 2002, 11:49 AM: Message edited by: Si Allen ]

Si Allen #562
La Mirada, CA. USA

(714) 521-4810

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Joey Madden

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Body Shop Suppliers sell a little block with a file like thingie on it which shaves the paint sags. The tool works great.

Sagging happens when paint is thinned too much. I know that hot weather makes for thinner paints, but additives instead of thinners and reducers work much better. Alway shake can for 5 minutes then open and stir with stick, til your medium is obtained. Keep paints in a COOL dry place in the hot weather.

HotLines Joey Madden - pinstriping since 1952
'Perfection, its what I look for and what I live for'


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John Thompson
Member # 2750

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Hey Santo, if your lazy like me and don't want to drive looking for it, you can get one of those things Joeys talking about from www.eastwoodco.com [Cool]

John Thompson
JTT Graphics
"The big guy with a little sign shop!"
Royston/Hartwell Georgia

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Member # 411

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I picked one up at noon. It's called a run razor just under 70 pesoes.

Santo Brocato
Promotion Graphics & Letters
Spring, TX

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Mike Languein
Member # 319

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You can pick up a small run or sag while it's still wet by touching it with a piece of masking tape - sticky side to the paint. tear off a piece of the tape and holding it at each end, so you have a horse-shoe shape, quickly touch the glue side to the run and remove it. Light touch! No drying time or repainting required. If one touch doesn't take it all away get another piece of tape. One piece = one touch.
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Joe Rees
Member # 211

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Yeah, what Mike said...
it helps a lot but will still leave a noticible ripple in the paint depending on how juicy everything is when you lift it. For most sign work it is acceptable.

Recently I had a 4'x6' (3/4") PVC panel I was spraying on both sides that got a sag on one side I didn't notice right away. Unfortunately it was in an area where I had also applied a blend. Tape would have lifted the top color right off. Instead, I just flipped that sucker 180 degrees to let the sag start running back the other direction. Five minutes later I flipped it again so it wouldn't start going the other direcion on me. By then things had stabilized pretty well and all dried with only a slight deformation on the surface and the blend intact. It's one of those things you can only see from close up, only if you're looking for it. Sometimes you get lucky.

Joe Rees
Cape Craft Signs
(Cape Cod, MA)
e-mail: joe@capecraft.com

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Steve Robinson
Member # 2215

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Take a single edge razor blade, then take two pieces of masking tape , and wrap the outside edges. This will leave the middle of the blade open for the blade to cut. If the blade is elevated to much, use a thinner tape such as scotch tape.

Runs aren't always caused by the paint being to thin. There are several variables.It's generally caused by putting the second or third coat on before the prior coat has had a chance to flash..peace Joey

Stephen Michael Robinson
Steve's Pinstriping
Houston, Texas

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Dave Grundy

Member # 103

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I never had any luck "slicing" off runs, but as Joe said I guess it is acceptable for sign work. When I was spraying vehicles all the time I had no problems with runs, but since I haven't sprayed and entire vehicle in over 8 or 9 years, I spray all my panels laying horizontal. It saves any possibility of developing "lace curtains".

Dave Grundy
retired in Chelem,Yucatan,Mexico/Hensall,Ontario,Canada
1-519-262-3651 Canada
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David Harding

Member # 108

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I have sometimes cured that "extra High gloss" while it is still fresh by wetting my finger and smoothing it out.

David Harding
A Sign of Excellence
Carrollton, TX

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Monte Jumper

Member # 1106

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Hey Santo...if you catch them while they are wet you can "lift" them off with a piece of masking tape then repaint and you'll never see it.

"Werks fer me...it'll werk fer you"

"Werks fer me...it'll werk fer you"

Monte Jumper

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