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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » Group Hug Needed!

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Author Topic: Group Hug Needed!
Amy Brown
Member # 1963

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Well my baby officially started pre-school this morning. She cried a lot less than her mother did! I miss my baby already but she I and both need the break from one another. I might stop crying by the time I pick her up!! [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

Amy Brown
Life Skills 101
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Posts: 3502 | From: Lake Helen, FL, USA | Registered: Feb 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
John Deaton
Member # 925

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Consider yourself hugged Amy! [Wink]
The time apart will be good for both of you. The baby will be able to enjoy the company of others its age, and play, play, play.
You will be able to, uh, think about your baby all day!
Just kiddin! You'll be okay. I missed my son when he first started preschool, he is now eleven, and I still miss him when he goes to school.
Kids is wonderful.

Maker of fine signs and
other creative stuff.
Located at 109 N. Cumberland ave.
Harlan, Ky. 40831

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David Wright
Member # 111

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Schools get our kids early enough, what's the hurry with pre-school?

Wright Signs
Wyandotte, Michigan

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Don Hulsey

Member # 128

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My son is 20 now, and I still miss him when he goes away to school. I haven't actually cried about it for the last 15 years though.heh heh

Here's a big HUG!!!

I can't say it gets any better, but it gets different.

[ July 23, 2002, 09:43 AM: Message edited by: Don Hulsey ]

Don Hulsey
Strokes by DON signs
Utica, KY

I've always been crazy... but it's kept me from going insane.

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Lotti Prokott

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I know how you feel Amy!
When my daughter started Kindergarten, I was completely useless all day. Just walking around in a daze, imagining her needing me and crying alone in some corner. I could hardly make it through that day.
Well, it turned out she was having a ball and couldn't wait to get back the next day...
It will get easier, you'll see.
[Smile] [Smile]

Lotti Prokott
Woodland Signs
Pelly, Saskatchewan

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Janette Balogh

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Hi Amy!

I don't have any kids, but still I know I'd probably be very emotional about letting go on the first school day!

Big Hug from me to you!

I hope your daughter has a good day, and greets you smiling at the end her new schoolday adventure!

Wow ... another stepping stone in life!


"When Love and Skill Work Together ... Expect a Masterpiece"

Janette Balogh
Creative Studio


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Kathy Joiner
Member # 1814

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Oh, poor Amy. I feel for you. It is hard but the first step a mother takes toward letting go. Just wait untill Amber gets married! We'll have to all come give you personal hugs!

When my youngest started kindergarten I cried for 2 weeks beforehand! I got lucky though, my friend Rose pulled strings to get him in her class and called me to help her teach for the first few weeks!

We grow with them Amy and I'm sorry you are feeling the "growing pains".

Kathy Joiner
River Road Graphics
41628 River Road
Ponchatoula, La.70454

Old enough to know better...Too young to resist.

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Valerie Connot
Member # 76

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Hi Amy,

I remember wandering around aimlessly when the kids first started school. After a few years I figured a way to make the first day of school special for me too.

Since nothing ever gets done that day anyway, it's a special "Mom" day. I buy myself a new novel and soak in the tub and read, and then go meet my sister or a friend for a "ladies" lunch or maybe go check out a few gift shops that have caught my eye (but are not as much fun with a little one)! lol

This ritual has continued through three kids starting school, and two staring college, it never fails to keep me busy and give me a lift. So go find something you enjoy and give yourself a break today! You deserve it!!

Then when your little one comes home you'll both be ready to share "What I did today" stories!


Valerie Connot
DOA Flatliners
North Wales, PA

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Deb Fowler

Member # 1039

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Hi Amy,

It's got to be tough! (You can always stop in with cookies or when the teacher needs something?)
Hang in there, you will enjoy your child more when she is proud of her art pictures she makes for you! My daughter's children's preschool is 1 block from her house so it isn't so bad, and the second one just started with the five year old for summer camp. They are together now, and time goes by quickly. They love socializing with the other kids. Hugs to you, Amy.

Deb Fowler

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible - Walt Disney (1901-1966)

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Rick Chavez
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I cried too, my oldest son was so heartbroken that I would drop him off with a bunch of strangers. I remeber hearing him scream DADDY! DONT LEAVE ME! I cried all the way home. I have 4 boys and I've done it 3 times and it doesn't get easier. Hugs to all of us left behind.....

Rick Chavez
Hemet, CA

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Dan Sawatzky

Member # 88

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I remember clearly the day both our kids set out for school. They were happy to 'grow up' and we were happy to share it with them.

The scariest day for me was the day they got in the car and drove away alone for the first time.... that was the topughest one for me.... a new found independance when they got their drivers licence.

THe awesome resposibility they were taking on was far more striking to me than them at the time.


Dan Sawatzky
Imagination Corporation
Yarrow, British Columbia

Being a grampa is one of the the most wonderful things in the world!!!

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Todd Gill

Member # 2569

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It's tough letting your little one's go off to school and into someone else's care. You'll start feeling better within a week or two. Your feelings are an indication of what a good, loving mother you are. [Smile]

I'm finding what's tougher is when they get into junior high and high school. These days, that's when they start to quickly dismantle the belief systems you taught them, in favor of "everything is right and nothing is wrong" type thinking. A good time to consider private or charter schools. [Wink]

...what will really make you feel good is when your child comes home and shows you a drawing of her "stick" family, with a smiley face on the sun, and a little dialogue balloon that says, "I love mommy". [Wink]

[ July 23, 2002, 02:22 PM: Message edited by: Todd Gill ]

Todd Gill
Outside The Lines
Potterville, MI

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Member # 332

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Hugs here too Amy. My boys (5, 3, and 1) soon will be off to their own schools in the next few years and I know it will be tough.

Hang in there! [Smile]


[ July 23, 2002, 02:27 PM: Message edited by: Nevman ]

Pat Neve, Jr.
Capt. Sign



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Member # 411

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My older son starts high school this year. Their band is talking a trip to Hawaii. I've work 2 of the last 3 Sunday nights at the Bingo Hall with the band boosters to help pay for participation fees for the regular program(only 10 more to go) and the trip is on top of that. Don't worry Amy you'll be in the same boat in no time.

[ July 23, 2002, 04:04 PM: Message edited by: Santo ]

Santo Brocato
Promotion Graphics & Letters
Spring, TX

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Judy Pate

Member # 237

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Big hug to you Amy!
My grandson,Blake,starts pre-K on August 9th.Does Amber go all day until 3? I thought pre -K was just 9 - 12..NOT! I think my daughter will get a much needed break since having Julie. Julie is 7 weeks old and weighs 10 pounds. Can you belive it?Of course Jill has a 2 1/2 year old son also so she has lots to keep her busy!
It will get better Amy, hang in there!

[ July 23, 2002, 05:59 PM: Message edited by: Judy Pate ]

Judy Pate
Signs By Judy
Albany, Georgia USA

Live simply...Love generously...Care deeply...Speak kindly...Leave the rest to God.

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Amy Brown
Member # 1963

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Thanks for all the great hugs and support everyone.

Judy, to answer your question, she goes 8:30 - 12:00. She could go all day but the school is only in the morning and playing in the afternoon so I don't see the need to pay for that!

She did really well. Fell off the swing at play time and cried a little and when she saw me come to pick her up she came running down the hallway almost crying because she was so happy to see me. I got my very first artwork from school. I see the need for a new collection box! Hopefully all will go just as well tomorrow. She had fun and wants to go again so I think that's a good sign!

Thanks everyone!!
[Big Grin]

[ July 23, 2002, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: Amy Brown ]

Amy Brown
Life Skills 101
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Posts: 3502 | From: Lake Helen, FL, USA | Registered: Feb 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Member # 1926

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And from me too! I can only imagine what it must be like.
But she's home by this time and everyone's happy again............till tomorrow.


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Gail & Dave Beattie
Member # 572

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i was one of the lucky ones that never really felt the separation of school/pre-school
all the other mums cried cept me... i had too much to do

when the eldest started highschool i was too absorbed with the brand new twins at home to get all 'mum like'

then they started having their own babies (one did anyway) and the joy still outweighed the sadness or separation as they moved away and on with their own lives

till last week that is...

one of my boys came home from his honeymoon last thursday.
as we sat, after dinner, with all the noise that my lot generate when they are all together, i looked through the photo's of the tropical island wedding and the honeymoon snaps
and then it hit me
i turned the page and saw a total stranger, all dressed up in a suit, standing in an arbor of flowers holding his new wife in his arms.
that grown up man used to be my baby
and all of a sudden i realised that my baby was no more and i cried
i guess it comes to all of us eventually


Gail & Dave
Hervey Bay
Qld Australia


sumtimes ya just gota!

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Donna in BC

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Glad it went great, Amy. I'm hesitating on the preschool issue myself, as Cody is at a sitter's 3x a week, from 10:30-6.

When I first found a sitter outside the home, I think I cried for the whole first week. It broke my heart to leave my baby elsewhere. And it didn't help one bit when he didn't act excited to be there!

The big turning point came when I changed to another sitter where I think he felt more comfortable. He was eager to go and didn't want to come when it was time to leave. I'm cool with that!

We still have our on/off days, but overall, he's in a good environment with other kids, and the sitter has music, gymnastics, art, playtime, stories, etc most everyday. So he's getting a good range of activities which makes me feel better. And I'm sure he's having more fun than being disciplined while in my office! LOL!

Donna Williams
Funky Junk Interiors
Yarrow, BC Canada

~ Check out the newest junk at ~ http://funkyjunkinteriors.net/

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Member # 135

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Well it happens... BOth of my boys went to preschool, and it was worth it! When my oldest started kindergarten, he was at least adapted to social situations that alot of other kids weren't. We considered preschool a place for our little guys to explore their own world, without us being there to direct them to what we felt they needed. Since then our oldest son has found an incredible knack for building (blocks, wood, etc.) that we didn't realize he had. But our youngest still looks like the military is a good option! (Just kiddin). Just consider preschool to be a opportunity for your young ones to explore and have fun, plus learn a bit of independence...

Eric Patzer
A.S.A.P. Design
Lafayette, CO

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Lee Attewell
Member # 2407

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I know how you feel Amy. When your daughter crying and you're leaving, have a look back into the room thirty seconds to a minute later...I bet she's finished and is having a ball, while you're the one still breaking your heart. This has been proven by me and my four year old son...The little faker.

Anyway it hurts... so hugs to you both.

Lee Attewell
Graffic Jam Auto
Unit 3, 1731 Albany Highway,
Kenwick Western Australia 6108

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David Harding

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When my wife and I dropped our daughter off for her first day of pre school, the parking lot was a scene of bedlam, crying kids and parents everywhere. We pulled up, Rachel jumped out and said: "Ya'll can go now" and walked off. I guess after spending so many hours/days/years in a sign shop, she couldn't wait to go somewhere else.

One time, when she was about 6, a friend picked her up to spend the weekend with his daughter. When she walked in the door she told them: "Boy, I'm glad to be here. I sure needed a break from those two!"

Some offspring don't mind springing off.

David Harding
A Sign of Excellence
Carrollton, TX

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