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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » What has happened to the idea of an international letterheads meet?

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Author Topic: What has happened to the idea of an international letterheads meet?
Bruce Deveau
Member # 1600

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Hello Heads,

What has happened to the idea of an International Letterheads Meet? In the past, there has tended to be a single three-day major summer meet in north America, typically labeled an international event.

Last year in Milwaukee it was agreed that this year's event would be in Mars, PA. Now I see there is a three day event a few weeks before Mars and a three day event a few weeks after.

This doesn't make sense to me. Most of us can only afford to go to one major event per year, and now we are forced to choose between three. It seems that this will hurt attendance at all events.

Less people means less opportunity to make connections, less chance to see friends one normally sees because they went to another event, and in general, a splitting off of what has been an important central gathering.

What do other people think? Is this trend healthy or not?

Bruce Deveau

Bruce Deveau
331 Main St.
Amesbury, Ma USA 01913

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Dan Sawatzky

Member # 88

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Many letterheads can only make a meet in their close region.

My logic tells me that the more meets the better. While the crowd may be split up a little there is more opportunity to turn folks on to the letterhead movement.

Because of time constraints I can generally go to only one or two events per year... none in the busy summer season to my regret.

It's nice to see old friends at the meets and just as great to make new aquaintances!

And no matter how large or small the meet there is so much to share and LEARN!


Dan Sawatzky
Imagination Corporation
Yarrow, British Columbia

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Dave Grundy

Member # 103

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Bruce..I happen to prefer the "smaller" meets. Personal preference.

I don't know who the "authorities" were who "decided/agreed" where this year's meet would be but they sure as hell had a lot of nerve making that decision on behalf of one HELL OF A LOT OF PEOPLE!!!!!!!

Dave Grundy
retired in Chelem,Yucatan,Mexico/Hensall,Ontario,Canada
1-519-262-3651 Canada
011-52-1-999-102-2923 Mexico cell
1-226-785-8957 Canada/Mexico home


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John Jordan

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Hi Bruce,
I have just read through your post on the International Meets, on looking through the list of meets in the U.S. I noticed that of all the meets there is only one listed as an International venue.

Here in Australia we only have one International Meet per year, but during the year there are,
what we term Region Meets or Restorations at various sites around the country throughout the year. Bearing in mind that Australia is only 100,000 square miles smaller than United States but with only a population of 20 million.

I will be attending The International Meet in Mars, from there I go to the International one in England, again only once a year before returning home to host the International Meet of this year in Sydney before going to New Zealand's International Meet in early November.

Here in this country the venue for the next International Meet is decided at current venue by the attendees, not by indivduals as suggested by Dave.

Take care, and I hope to meet you in Mars, regards

Aussie John
Caringbah, N.S.W. Australia

man makes a thing of beauty of that which he loves

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Bruce Bowers

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Hey there, Mr Deveau!

I kind of figure that a 2-3 day event within 8 hours driving time or so of home are great for me. I would rather attend small meets for $40-50 three or four times a year than spend $120+ for the International style of meet once.

The timing for the three meets is unfortunate. When planning the meets, the meet that was announced first probably should have been given deference in reference to the other two.

Is this healthy? Hard to say from my viewpoint but I would think that it wouldn't bode well for the other two later meets. The meet that was announced first is probably going to garner the lion's share of the attendees.

I would have to agree with Dave Grundy. I prefer the smaller meets over the larger meets. I feel that a smaller meet affords more one on one and can be a lot less overwhelming. It is easier to navigate through 20-40 people a lot easier than 200-300 people.

Mass Mayhem was a perfect meet for my tastes. Big enough space, just enough people, not to mention the weather was fabulous... So was the company there.

Have a great one!

Bruce Bowers

DrCAS Custom Lettering and Design
Saint Cloud, Minnesota

"Things work out best for the people who make the best of the way things work out." - Art Linkletter

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Mike Pipes
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Hey, if you dont like the way the meets are ran or where they are or how they are named, there's a simple solution..

YOU start your own meet and put in the time, effort and aggravation that's required so other people can enjoy themselves!

Who cares if a meet is listed as International or not, the only real border is the one in your mind. If you wanna go to a meet, GO!

"If I share all my wisdom I won't have any left for myself."

Mike Pipes
Lake Havasu, AZ

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David Fisher
Member # 107

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Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
In essence at least all meets are international, the movement being the headless beast that it is along with the internet will (I hope) ensure that.
No governing committee that I'm aware of determines that Meet X shall be of a particular variety while Meet Y shall be of another type.
If I'm wrong then I think its a damn shame and the governing group/s should be disbanded with all possible haste.
One sure way to kill the spontaneity and creativity meets are designed to foster is to force them into lock step with the group.
Can anyone tell me who decides if a meet is local, national or international ?
My point is that the whole shibang should never be allowed to be governed by a group with the opinion that they are the last word in all things Letterhead.
The day that elections are called for the first Letterheads President I'm outa here.

[ July 22, 2002, 06:16 AM: Message edited by: David Fisher ]

David Fisher
D.A. & P.M. Fisher Services
Brisbane Australia
Trying out a new tag:
"Parents are the bones on which children cut their teeth
Peter Ustinov

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Bruce Deveau
Member # 1600

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This is my understanding of how the letterheads movement has worked thus far:

No, there is no governing body and the original founders were explicit in their desire to not centralize power or decision making. The agreement in Milwaukee last year was not made by a small core of people, but rather by those willing to step forward with the energy to host a major event. There was no voicing of disagreement or desire to host other events at that time.

My point is that once a major has been posted, regional events should give deference to that meet, and this is why: Anyone who takes on a major event is taking on a large burden,in time, money, and energy. We owe it to that person to support that effort. If we don't want to go, fine. But don't plan a competing event and hurt what has become the central meeting for letterheads in North America.

In planning a major meet, it is expected that you will need to attract a large number of people in order to cover the cost of hosting it. large numbers mean more sponsors, etc. If those hosting major meets lose large sums of money (and I believe it has happened)it will get to the point where there are no one is willing to take the risk.

DON'T MISUNDERSTAND ME! IT IS NOT THAT I DON'T APPRECIATE OR SUPPORT REGIONAL EVENTS! AND THIS IS NOT A DEBATE ABOUT THE MERITS OF ONE OR THE OTHER! I have hosted at least six local and regional meets and I love them. However, if we are to remain strong as a group I think it is in our best interest to maintain focus.

Bruce Deveau

Bruce Deveau
331 Main St.
Amesbury, Ma USA 01913

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captain ken
Member # 742

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How does the first weekend in May sound? Dont plan anything for that weekend, ok? I got dibbs on that one.

Ken McTague,
Concept Signs
57 Bridge St. (route 107)
Salem MA 01970


"A wise man once said that, or was it a wise guy?"

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Gail & Dave Beattie
Member # 572

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in oz things are fairly simple in the decision making for the next major meet.

as john jordan said the attendees at the national meet vote at the end of the 3 days, choosing from whome ever put up their hands to host one.

as far as what to call the meet or in fact any particulars about the event, thats all down to the host

this years 'national letterhead meeting' became the 'international' meet because as the host (jordo) said we have people coming form all over the world for this one so of course it's an international letterhead meeting

i agree with dave fisher's reasoning, the movement is international, and open to all to attend most every gathering, as it should be.

i personaly have fought for the host's right to decide all aspects of their own meeting in our country, it wasnt always that way, and will continue to support that as the only criteria for letterheads anywhere.

i too love the small resto's and gatherings, as one of the hosts of such an event (indian root pills resto) i found the casual atmosphere and complete lack of structure to be a nice change from time to time.

as the old story goes, a horse designed by a committee ends up a camel.

i dont think any of us will agree to letterheads ever becoming a camel


Gail & Dave
Hervey Bay
Qld Australia


sumtimes ya just gota!

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Member # 337

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My "DUCK SOUP" meet,although located in the South.
Was NOT promoted as a "DIXIE LETTERHEAD" event.
Rather it was my "OPEN HOUSE" in celebration of my New Shop.
Which turned out to be "INTERNATIONAL"with the attending of our friend Rod Tickle.
I really did not want to "CHARGE" for the experience,but feel everyone got thier monies worth BECAUSE of the support of sponsors NOT that vendors were present.
It was a wonderful time had by ALL,with the attendance of many "FIRST TIMERS"
At NO TIME did I feel pressured,loose work time from my business,or other wise wish I had NOT hosted this meet.
My BIGGEST thanks to the people whom showed up at the very inconvient time with such talent and enthusiasm!
I too think that location is a key ingrediant and look forward to R.T.'s and Kathy Joiner's meet in Louisiana.
Actually believing this idea of DUAL timing and location as a GOOD thing for the Letterhead movement.

Hope this helps

[ July 23, 2002, 03:20 AM: Message edited by: PKing ]

PKing is
Pat King
The Professor of

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The timing and distance will keep quite a few people from attending any meet. The alternative meet at a different time and convient distance will allow many more to attend and experience a live meet and see that the Letterhead experience is all it is QUACKed up to be.

Santo Brocato
Promotion Graphics & Letters
Spring, TX

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Ed Williams
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Your right Bruce, I seen this coming a long time ago, and talked to parties involved. Looked fishy to me.
I sure hope people don't get hurt over it. Like you said there is a lot of time and money put up trying to host a big meet.

Ed CJ Williams
CJ Graffx
Just have'n fun....

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mike meyer
Member # 542

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Good Post Bruce.....I believe the people hosting the meets can only schedule them as it fits into their towns festival schedules. It does work out nice for people who can't make a Meet far away to go to one close by even though it may not be an "International."

Let it be said, right here, right now...Letterheads 30th Anniversary International Meet...."Sign Painters Picnic" July 2005 Mazeppa Minnesota.

Normally the "Anniversary Years" aka 10th-20th-25th and so on, gravitate back to either Denver or Boise. I asked the Colorado Group if they would be doing the 30th. They responded with a "No", because they are tried of doing it, gettin' up there in years etc.

They deserve a rest and I feel they should be honored at such an event. I'm working on getting the 7 originals together.

The usual Skulldugery and Tomfoolery will take place.....Parade, Monster Trucks, you know, another weekend in Mazeppa.

Interested in being on my staff? Operators are standing by...........

My sources tell me..2004 International..Des Moises Iowa at the State Fairgrounds

2005 Mazeppa
2006 Signs of the Times Cinncinati Ohio 100th Anniversary


Mike Meyer Sign Painter
189 1st Ave n P.O. Box 3
Mazeppa, Mn 55956

We are not selling, we are staying here in Mazeppa....we cannot re-create what we have here....not in another lifetime! SO Here we are!!!!!!!


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Member # 1912

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To Whom It May Concern (dave grundy)
Before I got on the train to make the trip to Waukesha, it occured to me that it would be so cool to have an International meet in my small boro of Mars, PA.
I asked Doc Welty if it would be OK. No one else was chomping at the bit, and he said yes. When others heard the name of the town, they were excited. There was no electoral college of Letterheads sitting around in judicial robes to give the absolute final go-ahead.
I had no idea at that time what I had gotten myself into, but I'm still NOT SORRY. I have been working on this meet since I stepped back off the train in Pittsburgh at 6 am last August.
I don't mind that there are 2 other meets bookending Mars. I know a meet can be too far away or too expensive. I like to think that folks will attend Kurt's bash in order to get stoked for mine. And maybe they'll go to the one which follows to avoid the after-meet blues. As far as I'm concerned, the more the merrier. We all benefit from the fellowship of a meet.
As for a committee to plan this one, I'm it. I took all the advice I could get from folks like Mike Meyer, Big Dan Fleming from Midwest, and Dave the Letterman. I have wrangled up about 10 Mars citizens and friends to help do the muscle, foot, and paper work to accomplish this.
Yes, there will be vendors. I'm glad of it, too. I'm glad for everyone who attends Mars. It should be one of the best. I promise. I think even you will like it, Dave...well, maybe not.
Thanks to Bruce and Mike Meyer, and everyone who has given me input of any kind. See ya in Mars-less than a month away, folks!
Love- JILL

That is like a Mr. Potato Head with all the pieces in the wrong place.
-Russ McMullin

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Kathy Joiner
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Thank you Jill for your input! I have been following your posts about your meet for almost a year now and have also heard some exciting things on chat. You have done a very impressive job!

As one of the hosts of the southernmost "other meet" I wondered how anyone could think that our "itty bitty" event could effect or compete with your "Big One" at all. We would all love to be in Mars for the big one, but can't. We support you with all our hearts and thank you for being so gracious.

I wanted to see if there were little green men on Mars! Good luck and have the best meet ever.


Kathy Joiner
River Road Graphics
41628 River Road
Ponchatoula, La.70454

Old enough to know better...Too young to resist.

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Dave Grundy

Member # 103

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Jill..The reason I reacted the way I did was that I read what Bruce typed.
Last year in Milwaukee it was agreed that this year's event would be in Mars, PA.
I read that as some high "muckety mucks" (and YES there are a whole bunch of em) made the decision and it didn't sit right with me. Been there and seen that before (even at Letterhead meets, usually bigger ones).

Bruce I apologize if I jumped in too hard!

Jill I am sure that your meet will be a huge success and I am definitely thinking about attending, if only to see my old buddy Old Paint once again! (Bugger about the Canadian dollar dropping another 2 cents compared to the U.S. buck today, Makes things tougher and tougher fer us Cnaucks to visit the USA)

Dave Grundy
retired in Chelem,Yucatan,Mexico/Hensall,Ontario,Canada
1-519-262-3651 Canada
011-52-1-999-102-2923 Mexico cell
1-226-785-8957 Canada/Mexico home


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Bruce Deveau
Member # 1600

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hey Dave,
Hope you make it to mars so that we can have a beer. And try to go easy on the "muckety mucks"...usually they are good people who took action while other people were waiting for something to happen...and before they knew it, they were in charge.

My main concerns here were that:
1. No one that steps up to host a major meet gets hung out to dry because of conflicting meets.
2. We, as a group, come to understand our needs (do we want a major meet each year?)
3. We respect and understand each other.

My hope is that this dialogue continues.

Let's go to a meet this summer and have some fun!


Bruce Deveau
331 Main St.
Amesbury, Ma USA 01913

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Mark Fair Signs
Member # 289

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don't give grundy a hard time.

go easy, he is a quick tempered person just like myself. [Wink]

the glass panel he did for jimmy chatham's commerce meet was awesome!

him and shirley love this biz.

you keep on keepin' on dave!

now back to the original question...
i personally believe that we can all spread the word (letterheads)

i had a little meet back in december of 1999, sgt. meyer had a lot to do with it.
he helped me get the WORD out.

thank you sir. [Smile]

there are people out there like mike that have a love for the "craft".

thanks bubba.

pvt. fair

(the best of luck to you on your meet Jill.

kick sum ass!!


[ July 24, 2002, 11:38 PM: Message edited by: Mark Fair Signs ]

Mark Fair Signs
2162 Mt. Meigs Road
Montgomery, Alabama 36107

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Robb Lowe
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One thing will always be true, no matter what the cause, task or effort.

There will always be more people in the peanut gallery than in the arena. The world is full of stadium patriots.

I dont know if anyone actually does anything for the show arranger (or whatever the official title is) but we ALL owe Jillbeans a BIG attagirl and a bouquet of roses (or beer, whichever you prefer Jill).

For one thing - there is no actual "Letterheads Inc" you know. Even this site has no more connection than sharing a title. It's a non-club club. A unwritten brotherhood with no roll, no dues.

Had Jill not stepped up the plate and took the watch, there may well have been NO meet this year at all!

So pat that pinkhaired hottie on the ass already! She's given of herself for almost a solid year with NO compensation. How many people would do that???

You?? (you being aimless and rhetoric..)

Robb Lowe

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Dave Grundy

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Hey there Mark! Bruce wasn't giving me a hard time...But thanks for the backup!!! [Smile]

I am about 99% convinced that I am heading to Mars. I need a break...been busy busy busy ever since "Mexico" ended in early February.

This Canadian/U.S.A. exchange rate is really killing us Canucks though..Serious stuff here..the meet entry fee of $125 means $206 of our dollars and the motel rates of $59 are almost $100 a night in our currency.

Sorry to sound positive and negative at the same time. I am happy as hell to be busy but in these times of uncertainty I like to keep a few bux stashed. I figure a weekend at Mars will cost me about $1000 Canadian.. that includes lodging, entrance, gas, and extra expenses like drinks ( that ARE frowned upon by the high muckety mucks!!! [Smile] once again..been there and experienced THAT!)

On top of that..the BIG events are geared to the hand painters and the gilders and the carvers..NOT the computerized vinyl jockeys...

BUT I might change that and take my laptop and cutter and limited selection of chisels and gouges and show computer folks how to make a vinyl pattern and stick it to some wood or HDU and start carving. Carving wood is an art!!! Carving HDU is a piece of cake! [Smile] As long as you have a pattern to follow. [Smile]

(sorry the last part of this post was a dream!!! [Smile] Using any kind of computer at an international meet would be a NO NO!!! [Smile]

look out fer flying [Smile] s

Dave Grundy
retired in Chelem,Yucatan,Mexico/Hensall,Ontario,Canada
1-519-262-3651 Canada
011-52-1-999-102-2923 Mexico cell
1-226-785-8957 Canada/Mexico home


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Curtis hammond
Member # 2170

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Hey jill

i hope yer meet is the best ever. You go girl

I dint see a complainer jumpin to host a meet.

Leaper of Tall buildings.. If you find my posts divisive or otherwise snarky please ignore them. If you do not know how then PM me about it and I will demonstrate.

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mike meyer
Member # 542

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Grundy quit cryin' about the exchange, wasn't it enough that you beat us in Hockey here in Mazeppa, then the Olympics? Take your Higher up Hockey MUCKY MUCKS and put them in Government and maybe you'll have a better dollar turn around!

This note is typed with a BIG smile...I'm not into fighting unless it's on "Hockey Night with Don somebuddy!"

See you in Chippy Falls next weekend!

Mike Meyer Sign Painter
189 1st Ave n P.O. Box 3
Mazeppa, Mn 55956

We are not selling, we are staying here in Mazeppa....we cannot re-create what we have here....not in another lifetime! SO Here we are!!!!!!!


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Jay Allen

Member # 195

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Dave Grundy,

You sound like a "conspiracy theorist". Just who are these people (muckety-mucks) that you hold in such contempt - and what was the crime they committed on you?

Your attitude is contrary to what the Letterhead philosophy is about. As Bruce said, "usually they are good people who took action while other people were waiting for something to happen...and before they knew it, they were in charge."

The only issue I take with that statement is the reference to "they" again. Would someone please tell me just who the hell "they" are that folks like Dave are referring to? People went to great lengths to grow and continue this "movement" and this is the thanks "they" get? (Presuming of course that that 'they' is the same 'they' they were talking about - see how ridiculous that sounds?) Bull**** that's what I say.

Lighten up and go to a meet (big or small) and find somebody to have fun with. God knows there's enough meets and enough people attending. But keep your bitching and discontent to yourself - or don't go at all. For the effort it takes to run even a small meet, you should be down on all fours shining a host's shoes for putting the party together for YOU!! The details needing attention are incredible in number and it consumes your life AND work. Again, this is the thanks previous host's get?

It reminds me of the guy from Jersey who flew to be at the International meet we hosted in 1997. He cornered me in the Community Building at the start of the meet and complained that there wouldn't be a pinstriping seminar. Anybody remember the theme of the meet? "Walldog Rendezvous". Well, I had worked two years putting that meet together and thought everyone would be pleased. But that comment was ALL I could hear the rest of the day. Alan Johnson and Bill Beckner heard about it and came up to me and said this: "What kind of dumbass comes to a mural meet hoping to learn how to pinstripe? Find the guy and we'll give him personal lessons the rest of the weekend". Now who had the Letterhead spirit there? Alan and Billy - or the guy from Jersey? I think that's obvious. Well, what they said made me laugh anyway - and did make me feel a bit better - but the fact that I let even ONE person down really did hurt. I guess there always has to be someone finding something wrong in things doesn't there? Just think about who might hear it before you say it next time - at home, at work - or at a meet. Sounds reasonable to me anyway.

By the way, Mike Meyer, are you one of 'them'? If so, I think we'll have to part friends right here and now!! I'll have no part of being one of YOUR kind. You, you ... "they", you. (By the way, Mike, I need to you letter out a word in script for me with your chubby script. I'll be calling or faxing soon)

Jay Allen
ShawCraft Sign Co.
Machesney Park, IL

"The object of the superior man is truth."

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Raymond Chapman

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I'm not sure if I am an "us" or a "them", but I do know that anytime you step out in front you make an easy target - from all sides. It doesn't matter if you are right or wrong, you just happen to be in a convenient spot for anyone to throw things at you.

That's why not many will step out. It's a lot easier to throw than to dodge.

[ July 25, 2002, 02:39 PM: Message edited by: Raymond Chapman ]

Chapman Sign Studio
Temple, Texas

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Member # 2028

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Grundy, what is this 99% sh*t? [Smile] I've been waiting to meet you since last year when you wimped out of Duck Soup (Dave knows I'm kidding, don't anyone get their panties in a bind), then you told me you were going to Mars. Now you're saying 99%. What gives????

See you in Mars Dave. I couldn't resist giving you a hard time. [Wink]

Chris Welker
Wildfire Signs
Indiana, Pa

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Dave Grundy

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Jay...I have noticed that as a rule your only contribution to this BullBoard is to step in and lecture someone. I don't need any lectures from you!

If you will look at my SECOND response in this thread you will notice that I explained to Bruce why I had made the comments I did and then apologised to him for jumpin in too hard. I also let Jill know that I felt her meet would be a huge success.

I see no reason to continue explaining myself to you so I will refrain from even opening this thread again.

Nuff said.

Dave Grundy
retired in Chelem,Yucatan,Mexico/Hensall,Ontario,Canada
1-519-262-3651 Canada
011-52-1-999-102-2923 Mexico cell
1-226-785-8957 Canada/Mexico home


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Jay Allen

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Are they lectures, Dave - or just restating the obvious?

You can't retract your words once they are up and posted here so if you feel I came on strong then I apologize. But maybe you should have edited the part of your post that did lead some to think bad things about 'them'. That would have eliminated any defensive response from me - or anyone else. Remember, your comments are read by people who may just be looking to see if this group is worth looking into. I can't believe for a minute that your comments didn't cast at least some doubt. Whether they were 'off the cuff' of not - they were up here to read.

I really don't mean to sound like only my opinions count here. I've been accused of that before and I've NEVER not apologized for any misconstruing of my points. But perhaps you'd like to poll other BB posters (and Letterheads who don't visit here) about what they feel on this subject. I'm just guessing that maybe then my comments wouldn't be characterized as "lectures" - but as affirmations of what the general population feels. I bear no animosity towards anyone in particular - especially you, Dave since we've never met. I just have a general disdain for behavior that is inconsistent with what most Letterheads think the group stands for. I am allowed the right to speak up, aren't I? Why must I always be characterized as 'lecturing' when all I am asking for is a common understanding - and respect - between fellow Letterheads? Not finger pointing or characterizing the 'non-club members' as being factional as you have. I personally have never seen that going on. How is my experience at meets different than anyone else's? I attend the same meets and don't see any segregation - anymore than anywhere else in the world. Where are some of you hanging out - and with who?

Sharing. Respect. Understanding. Support. Love of the Craft. If any of those things lacks, you're not a Letterhead. Plain and simple.

Jay Allen
ShawCraft Sign Co.
Machesney Park, IL

"The object of the superior man is truth."

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mike meyer
Member # 542

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I hear ya Jay....I'm calling my Meet in 2005 "Sign PAINTER's Picnic" I'm sure a Vynull Geek will be offended by this...WHY DOESN"T A VYNULL GEEK HAVE A VYNULL GEEK MEET? Huh? HA!
Hey, we'll have Vynull stuff as well..chill people. Jay,
What's the word you need done?
Maybe I am one of "Them" I really could give a rat's ...!
Jay, will you head up the first ever Letterhead fashion show for me in 2005? Please? I hear Pink will be hot in the summer.

GRUNDY! STICK ON THE ICE! Gimme two laps.

Mike Meyer Sign Painter
189 1st Ave n P.O. Box 3
Mazeppa, Mn 55956

We are not selling, we are staying here in Mazeppa....we cannot re-create what we have here....not in another lifetime! SO Here we are!!!!!!!


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At bit of Letterhead history:

The first "meetings" were after hours in Denver, often at a tavern or bar with only a dozen or so attendees.

The next generation of meetings were held in Rick Flores sign shop in Denver with only a few more attendess.

The Boise BBQ was held in Boise in June of 1982, with about 35-40 people attending.

The first "large" meeting was in Moore, Okla. in October of the same year. Most of the people from the Boise BBQ were there, plus about another 100 people.

Ron Overby volunteered to host the next meeting in Kansas City and "everyone" said "fine, go ahead". Everyone in this case, was the group already at the Oklahoma Bash.

Memphis was next and basically the same thing happened....the next person to volunteer at the current meeting got the thumbs up. That is how it basically progressed for quite a few years. By the end of one large meeting, you already knew where the next one was going to be because someone had already spoken for the event.

At the 20th Anniversary Denver meeting (1997-or 1998?), Noel Weber "spoke for" the year 2000 meeting. Who would argue, after all, he was one of the original seven? There were other meetings that year, and even a couple relatively close in time to his.

Now, hovever, there are meetings all over the place and there is no central core body to either give a blessing on the date, or deny it. There is no mechanism to make those decisions, so it now becomes the burden of the host to promote the meetings to attract the people they want, on the date they pick. Good or bad...just the way it is now.

The host can call it a local meet, regional meet, national meet, or international meet. There are no rules or anyone to enforce them. Without any sort of central organization, overlapping events will just be part of the evolution of the movement. That's fine with me, as I don't want to see a President of Letterheads, with a bunch of rules. It wouldn't surprise me to see four or five "International Meetings" in one year.

There are some "guidelines" on this site www.theletterheads.com ~ That site is sponsored in part by the Denver Chapter of The Letterheads. That is about the closest thing I know about to a steering committee for Letterheads, but they have no teeth and don't want any. Kent Smith is the person I contact when I have questions to the Denver Group.

Everyone should host a meeting at least once, even if is a small one!

Just my 2¢

Mike Jackson

Mike Jackson
Golden Era Studios
Jackson Hole, Wy

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Steve Shortreed
Deceased Mayor

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Sharing. Respect. Understanding. Support. Love of the Craft. If any of those things lacks, you're not a Letterhead. Plain and simple.

If only life was really that plain and simple Jay. In truth, we are all only human beings, and all of us fall short of these ideals from time to time.

I've attended a few Letterhead meets over the years. My first was in 1983 and it was one of those life changing moments for me. Our initial excitment eventually led to the first Canadian Letterhead Meet and now Letterville. Letterheads is a wonderful thing.

I've seen Mark Oatis and Kent Smith swear in new Letterheads at various meets. It's all done tongue in cheek, but at one point we promise never to talk about another Letterhead...unless they are out of hearing distance. [Smile]

It's said in jest, but we all know there is an element of truth in it. In a talented group like Letterheads there are lots of huge egos. If we were to "kick out" every Letterhead that ever complained, put down another or failed to understand everyone, I fear it would be a very small group.

Instead of always fixing the blame, I feel we should be doing more to fix the problem. New Letterheads need to learn more about the orgin and history of what has become known as The Letterhead Movement. Much of this could have been avoided if Dave was more aware of how things work. He may appear to have an abrupt manner in asking questions, but he likes to know how things work.

I see Mike Jackson has posted while I am typing this, and as usual, he has some excellant advice. Mike wrote an excellant History Of Letterheads at http://www.letterhead.com/basics/org7.html. Everyone, including us oldtimers, is encouraged to read it as well as the other info on his website.

Mark Oatis and Noel Weber are the only two original Letterheads that I see active today. To me, these two people have always been, and always will be bigger than life. If there is a "they," these guys are it. One of my biggest regrets is that I have never taken the opportunity to get to know Mark and Noel better. There are often times, I wonder what they think about Letterville and the job we attempt to do here. It's time I stop being intimidated and do something about this oversight.

One final comment. Whenever I have hosted a meet or thrown any sort of party, I've always felt that I should shine my guest's shoes, not the other way around. They are the ones who invest the time and money to attend. It's the same here in Letterville. We supply the venue for our online meet, but it is all of you who supply the knowledge we exchange. It is you that make us look good! Thank You.

Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9



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faye welsh
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hi all,
this is fiddles, jill's sister. i have read your comments all of you, good and bad. a lot of thought and planning goes into these things. my phone rings at all hours with jill's excitement and concerns. i know the ones who have held a meet know where this comes from. jill is not looking for a pat on the back, or anything else. some of you have helped with banners, they are awesome !! jill is totally blown away by the talent in this group. she worries about the cost. most of it is trying to be defrayed. she has wrangled and finagled to get what she can. she wants to give you her best. she does not need the criticism. she does need your support, a friendly word, or just a laugh. jill has a heart of gold. her phone rings non-stop. she is star struck with the people who call. she tells me how honored she is that each and everyone is coming. the ones that have visited ahead of time are planted in her little pink head for eternity.some people complain about everything, and some people poor mouth with a loaf of bread in each hand. if jill had two, she would give you one. beleive me, this is a heartfelt effort. whether anyone likes it ,or feels it is the best or worst,at least wait till it is over,please.there is one very little tired lady in a little town called mars, and she is out of this world. thank you all for your support, i read all of them. fiddles..mr. grundy, i am sure your ears are burning... [Wink]

Faye Welsh (fiddles)
4848 cherry street
allison park, pa. 15101

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