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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » digital camera question?

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Author Topic: digital camera question?
Richard Neff Richard Neff has just turned 72
Member # 952

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I would like to know if you can take a picture of a vehicle or building etc. with a digital camera, then import it into 6.2 graphix adv.(gerber) and add lettering to the picture,I've seen it done but don't know how to do it.

Richard Neff
Nixa Sign Crafters
492 W Tracker Road
Nixa, MO 65714

Posts: 20 | From: Nixa, MO | Registered: Jul 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Glenn Taylor
Member # 162

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Sure, you should have no problem. Just take the picture (which is usually a JPG), import it, adjust the size of the image as desired, and then drop the text on top.

If you are looking to make the image life-size, take a picture of the vehicle with a 12" ruler propped up against one of the wheels. After you've imported the photo, enlarge the image until the ruler in the photo measures 12".

BlueDog Graphics
Wilson, NC


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Jacki Allen
Member # 2672

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A variation on Glenn's technique. I have an offcut of some mag material with a 6" black circle on it. When I have to "measure" a vehicle, I slap that baby on there, somewhere where I dont intend to letter and snap the picture.

Once I import the picture, I draw a circle on the circle to get what size it is on the photo.

Divide 6" by the measurement on the photo's circle then move the decimal point 2 places to the right and blow the picture up by that percentage.(ie 6"/.25" = 24 so inflate the picture by 2400%)

Jacki Allen
PDQ Signs
3081 Haggerty Rd
Commerce Twp. Mi, 48390

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Doug Allan

Member # 2247

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I measure the door like I would do anyway if not using the photo. If I draw a box around the door, I can go into a re-sizing tool & the program will give me the percentage to take the selected box up to the measurement I input. Then I resize everything to that percent.
My digital camera went on the blink & for $40 I got a polaroid. Weak looking prints I wouldn't want to pay a buck apiece for otherwise, but for selling a design, it has allowed a quick scan to sell the job, without rushing out for another digital camera untill I'm sure I can't solve issues with the old one.

Doug Allan

"you get what you settle for"

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Neil D. Butler

Member # 661

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Richard I have been praising the use of digital cameras on this board for almost 4 years, I bought my Camera almost 4 years ago and use it several times a day, I would'nt be caught without one, and especially now with the prices being so low, when I bought mine I paid $1300.00, it's a kodak dc260, you can even record voice messages onto it. Like Doug all you have to do is measure a door, if your camera allows then you can record that onto the actual image on the camera. When you take the image into composer just enlarge the photo untill the door is the size you measured and you 're away to the races. I've attatched a few photos of this technique, the first is one with the graphics superimposed onto the truck the last 2 are of the truck finished. Notice that the first one has the toe of the booy covering the body seam. When taking the photo for design purposes always make sure you are perpendicular to the truck. Good Luck, and have a blast designing right on the vehicle, or building, or....whatever.



"Keep Positive"

Neil Butler
Paradise, NF

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