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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » What other cleaner can I try?

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Author Topic: What other cleaner can I try?
Susan Banasky

Member # 1164

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I need the experience of all you great people. I have a banner....it had some felt type ink transferred onto it's surface in transit. THe receiver tried 'Comet' and got most of the black off the surface, although some came off, it was not enough to save the banner. I have just brought it home and tried everything I know without results. I have tried Alcohol, Rapid Remover, even Laquer thinner as a last resort. AS Nothing is touching it....is there any other chemical known to man (or women) that I could try?
One freind suggested I cover the mark with white vinyl just to get the customer through the event....but it would look just like white vinyl covering a boo-boo! Besides making another banner.....what are your thoughts?
HELP!!!! and Thankyou!

Susan Banasky
Source Signs
Nanaimo, British Columbia

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Si Allen

Member # 420

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Don't know if they still make it, or if it's too late, but you might try "ink eradicator" ...should be available at an office supply store.

Si Allen #562
La Mirada, CA. USA

(714) 521-4810

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Member # 1053

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Is the ink on the surface or has it dyed the material - if it is on the surface, maybe a scotchbrite pad??? (very gently) but if it has soaked in and dyed the plastic, Si's Idea might work, but its probably a lost cause!

Bob Sheers
24 Hour Services
Columbia, MD

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Doug Allan

Member # 2247

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If rapid remover can't touch it, then goo-gone probably won't, but it is a stand-by around here for that stains on substrates.

Doug Allan

"you get what you settle for"

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David Harding

Member # 108

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Try good ol' household bleach. Put some on a rag, dab it on and wait. The ink stains may disappear in a few minutes. Then rinse. This approach has worked for me many times on a number of different substrates, including stains soaked into Marble. It would not be a bad idea to try the bleach in an obscure spot first to make sure it doesn't create other problems.

David Harding
A Sign of Excellence
Carrollton, TX

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captain ken
Member # 742

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I use some wierd stuff to remove adhesive, some work better than others in differnt situations.

WD-40... works good on banners and plastics

Carborator cleaner... (gum out) works good on vehichles sometimes

Starter fluid... works on aluminium

^^^^ these I usually spray on let sit briefly, then scrap off the glue with one of those plastic vinyl peeling thingies

also, When you use these the can damage the background on trucks etc. its a good idea to do a test spot first.

and always when your done wipe it down with RAPID prep or Precleano, prepsol, etc....

Ken McTague,
Concept Signs
57 Bridge St. (route 107)
Salem MA 01970


"A wise man once said that, or was it a wise guy?"

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