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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » AutoGraphics, how stupid do they think we are?

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Author Topic: AutoGraphics, how stupid do they think we are?
George Perkins

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I just went to the mailbox and there was an offer for AutoGraphics magazine........man,,, I still have a bad taste in my mouth from all the b.s. that went with subscribing to that thing when it first came out. Now they are going to bring it back?????????
After Bob Bond has done such an excellent job carrying on with Auto Art Magazine this is wrong, wrong, wrong, plain and simple!!!!!!!!
I already e-mailed NBM with my feelings, I just wanted to inform those who may be new to the trade or unfamiliar with what went on before to BEWARE!!!!!!! The "brothers of the brush" I'm sure will stick together and send the "suits" a message.

George Perkins

"I started out with nothing and still have most of it left"


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Mikes Mischeif
Member # 1744

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Goerge, I agree. This concept got lost when they could not decide who to catet to. Auto graphics was strong on body add-ons that most detailers and customizers do. They dabbled in paint/graphics, except for those california style low ryder "use every color" shredded graphics.

Bob started stong, but the mag became his personal "how-to" bi-monthly publication, or was it 3 months in between ...I don't remember.

I do remember that my interest was lost when the articles streched 4 pages in a 20 page mag that featured a guy pinstripping miniature hot wheels cars & another guy painting t-shirts. GIMME SOMETHING I CAN USE!

I'm sure it was well intentioned, but it was not for me. Auto art / auto graphics should be just what the name implies. Leave all the hobby stuff to another publication.

my 2 cents

[ June 27, 2002, 03:35 PM: Message edited by: Mikes Mischeif ]

Mike Duncan
Lettercraft Signs

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Rick Chavez
Member # 2146

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Sorry everyone I have been out for a while, but here it goes. Having worked for and around the contributing editors of certain sign/autographics magazines, I find that they usually use thier articles as a vehicle to serve themselves or their interests, which to a certain point I can see, but these guys get free software and equipment to try out, and if that is mentioned in the article, it can give a biased twist to the stories. It's funny to see articles come about, and I can see why so many are unhappy with the quality of the articles. What they need to do is more shop features and how-to's by others outside their circle of editors.

Rick Chavez
Hemet, CA

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CJ Allan
Member # 52

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I just sent in for a three year subscription.......


CJ Allan
CJs Engraving
982 English Dr.
Hazel, KY 42049


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Randy W. Robarge
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That's funny this should come up. I just went through my mail before starting up my home computer. I had the AutoGraphics offer in there, but I threw it away 'cause I already have a zillion publications coming through now.

Graphic Details
Promotional Merchandise Distributor
South Glens Falls, NY

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Bob Bond

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Thanks George, CJ, and all of you who support AutoArt Magazine. I can assure you that Jennifer and I are going to do everything in our power to keep AutoArt Magazine coming. Over a year ago NBM contacted me asking if I would write for them and if there was a way for AutoArt and Auto Graphics to merge as one. The truth of the matter is they wanted to kill the name AutoArt and wanted me to help with the resurrection of Auto Graphics. I personally still feel bad about how they dropped Auto Graphics and left some subscribers hanging after taking their money and then discontinuing the magazine back in 1999.

At one point I was contacted by NBM and told they don't want to do anything to hurt me so they would not bring back Auto Graphics because of our association over the years. And then was contacted and told they were going to bring it back anyway. They have contacted several of my friends (fellow artists) and asked them if they would write articles for the new Auto Graphics and have been told no, and I truly appreciate the support in this matter.

While some feel there is always room for more than one trade publication. I don't believe that to be the case in the niche industry of automotive customizing, pinstriping and truck lettering especially when it comes to advertisers.

If I may I would like to clear up a few points made earlier: (1) AutoArt is and has always been a bimonthly publication coming out every two months. (2) Each issue has contained at least 32 pages and has now grown to 36. (3) There has never been an article on painting T-shirts. I did however, publish an article on creating a self-promotion T-shirt design using the 4-color process printing technique.

I believe that NBM would like to put AutoArt out of business. And in ending I would like all to know that we are not a publishing company. AutoArt Magazine is published by Jennifer and I in our garage/studio for fellow artists and enthusiasts. Again, thank you for your support. Bob & Jennifer

Bob Bond's Artistry
AutoArt Magazine
Lee's Summit, MO

Posts: 101 | From: Lee's Summit, MO USA | Registered: Jan 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
roger bailey

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Thanks for posting BOB, how are you anyway?
better we hope !

I stoped spending money with Auto Graphics and SB. a few years ago, they could not keep the promises they made to me.

I have had great results with advertising in your publication, and its full a fun stuff to look and drool over as well !! [Smile] [Smile]

I cast my vote a couple years back, AUTOART for me ! [Wink]

Roger [Cool]

Roger Bailey
Rapid Tac Incorporated
186 Combs Dr.
Merlin Oregon

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Bob Bond

Member # 26

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Hey Roger, How's things in Hawaii? I'm jealous and I miss surfing a whole lot, that's where I should be. One of these days I'm going to make it there to visit you. Healthwise, I'm doing real good and feeling much more like my old self now. It did get scary for a while, Jennifer thought I had died. And I didn't even realized I had passed out until I came to.

Thank you for your support of AutoArt, it means a lot to us.

Bob Bond's Artistry
AutoArt Magazine
Lee's Summit, MO

Posts: 101 | From: Lee's Summit, MO USA | Registered: Jan 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
roger bailey

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Glad to hear your better Bob, hope you can get over here, but let me know a month or so in advance. [Smile]

We are selling 3 cars right now(litenin the load) in preperation for a year long R.V. trip on the mainland, don't know exactly when we will get started till these cars are gone ! [Confused]

Will be sending ya some new ads shortly.

Roger [Wink]

Roger Bailey
Rapid Tac Incorporated
186 Combs Dr.
Merlin Oregon

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Member # 373

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back then, I sent a check for renewal to auto graphics mag, and the first issue I got was the last they printed. This time around, if they start up again, they wont get my money. Besides, I like auto art better than theirs was then.

Rick Kubicki aka R1campr
Columbus Ohio

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I got the offer and passed. NBm sends several magazines free of charge. They are filled with ads rather than articles. Sign Business is an exception and is no free. When I did have a subscription to SBM, it was Bob's articles that interested me most. I'll stick with Bob and Jen. I respect the people contributing to each issue and wish to thank them along with Bob and Jennifer.

Santo Brocato
Promotion Graphics & Letters
Spring, TX

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Linda Silver Eagle
Member # 274

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My money's on Bob and Jennifer! I've met them in person, and WOW!

Linda Welborn
Aigle D'Argent



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Julian Braet
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[Confused] To "Mikes & Rick", If you are unhappy with any of the magazine articles, why don't you write one or more & send them to Auto Art,NBM,Signs of the Times, Sign Builder, Auto Graphics,Air Brush Action, or House & Garden? I know that ALL are always looking for NEW articles. [Roll Eyes]
As far as writing "how to articles" is concerned,yes, there are those who write(?)for strictly "Personal Gaines",& it shows in their articles,I am Not one of them.
I get paid a small fee, and EARN IT, as anyone who's ever sat down to write & take photos for this kind of article, it's not that easy.
I write about what I know,what I use & how to use the product(s) and am not ashamed to "inform" the reader(s) what product(s) I prefer.
I & everyone else in YOUR "so called inner circle", are constantly asked to try out or evaluate all types of products(yes,some are for free)I personally turn down much more than accept.
This is a way for mnufacturers to get their product in a "real world" situation,& most of them will respect the "end-users" evaluation & recommendations.I once was asked to "evaluate" a certain water-based paint, when I told the "suits" what I thought they needed to do to fix the paint to make it work, I was informed that my input was not necessary ( they just wanted to use my name)because they were going ahead with the product anyway, I lost a VERY lucrative "endorsement", but I could sleep at nite & the paint is only a bad memory for those that bought the "hype".
I know what Bob & Jenifer are going thru and will continue to support them, as all of us should.

Mr.J Designs/Xcaliber Corp.

"Over 30 years in the business and I'm still auditioning for the job!"

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Tim Barrow

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Thanks folks for this post. I just got the same free issue promo junk mail here. Not looking at it closely I assumed it was Bob's magazine but due to this post I see the difference.I'm curious as to what suppliers are paying for the focus of the articles as these people are obviously not going to do this on spec without a market to sell ad space for,....tell me they ain't gonna do one on how to do vinyl flames and graphics onna street rod paleez,...

fly low...timi/NC is,
Tim Barrow
Barrow Art Signs

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Robin Sharrard

Member # 388

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I've recieved two of these free offers and got rid of them both. AutoArt Magazine has done a great job of providing something of interest to all the folks in the "AutoArt Arena". I refer to my collection on a daily basis. While advertisors are important to any publication, Bob and Jennifer have done a great job at keeping the ratio of ads to articles low. No matter what the "How To" article is, I think its great that people are willing to share their knowledge and time with other people that just mite be able to diversify a little to their own benifit. I can remember a time when it was almost imposible to get someone to tell you how they did something, now their more than willing to share their portfolios to the world, "AutoArt" is International. My personal interest is that I write the "Safety Corner" article for this magazine and I've never asked for a penny because I know that the information I provide, be it redundent at times, may spark an interest in someone's mind and help prevent an injury or tragic situation. Everyone gets what they want out of a publication and ditches the rest. If it does not live up to your expectations then away it goes. Auto Graphics may find its way back into customizing and vehical add-on shops, but I do not believe that they will be able to surpass the quality that Bob and Jennifer have strived for in their magazine, nor do I think they will be able to provide the kind of Artist profiles that this magazine is filled with. To me, AutoArt Magazine is up there with Sign Craft & LetterHeads Magazine and Auto Graphics will be more like Sign of the Times. Anyway, thats my two cents worth. If your not presently enjoying AutoArt Magazine, you don't know what your missing! Robin

Robin Sharrard
Sharrard Graphics & Sign
Fallon, Nevada
"Proud $$$ Supporter"

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Rick Chavez
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Mr "J"
As I mentioned in my post, I said it "could" give a biased view to a certain products, I have witnessed first hand pressure from a munufacturer to add a little mention of thier product in articles, and have seen products endorsed that were not worth the time and effort of a person to get, and have caused heartache to those who have purched a lousy product endorsed by a contributing editor. I have met you Mr "J" and Bob Bond, and I am a big fan of your work and your articles, and I hope that I did not offend you in my comments, nor was I refering directly to you, or Bob, I think your commitment to the art is the best and that you have a personal stake in that would never endorse a product that didn't work. I will never put any of my former employers in a position to PERSONALLY have to defend their actions, as I was not in their position. I think Bob's magazine is what Autographics should have been. As far as an inner circle, which I did not say, would have more to do with the fact that magazine publishers give the appearance that there are only his small group producing these graphics, when in fact we all know that there are plenty of us who have the same gifts and abilities as you have. You are right, in saying that others should get involved in writing articles and that will be a big difference in bringing more information and interest into the field. I want to state that this is not an airing of greivance to any former employers of mine, who are members of this great board, of which I have worked for 4 contributing editors of Signs of the Times, Sign Business, Autographics, and Sign Craft, and that each experience has been a blessing and has helped me develop to be the sign designer I am now, and I am very gratefull for it. But I am no longer the young grunt upstart I was before, and I have an opinion and a different view, and have seen it first hand, and I hope that future articles that come about are of the quality that we expect from those we trust.
Again I want to expess my sincerest apologies to anyone who I may have offended, that was not my intention, but to express my view.

Rick Chavez
Hemet, CA

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Joey Madden

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the "Inner Circle" is that part of the "Original Eight" ? hehehehehe.

AutoArt is a great magazine run by persons who relate to what it is we do, not being a follower of trends but more of an innovator is a great concept. Personally, I opt not to rehash and order older pulications which have let me down in the past, such as what AutoGraphics had done, I choose not to subscribe.

As far as manufacturers and their products, I use products made by persons who do what I do as well as use them. This way I can be re-assured that these are whats needed and not just some gimmick.

Most of the articles written in AutoArt are by persons I am fimiliar with and also use my KillerKart in their everyday work, that impresses me as well as knowing these persons are responsable enough to give us the lowdown instead of the bullsh-t.

HotLines Joey Madden - pinstriping since 1952
'Perfection, its what I look for and what I live for'


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Desire Rusovsky
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I'm pretty new to this, but please let me know. How could I subscribe to AutoArt?

Desire Rusovsky
SDG Signs
rue du Lac 24
1342 Le Pont

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Steve Shortreed
Deceased Mayor

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Thought you would never ask! You can learn all about AutoArt at their website. You'll find it at http://www.autoartmagazine.com

Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9



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Jed Pedersen
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Autographics was the first trade magazine that I had the misfortune to put down my limited hard earned money for and almost the last... I received ONE issue and that was it. The only good thing about it was finding something about Bob Bond in it. Autoart is the best publication that I have seen and the Bonds have been great when I have had a question about something. Autoart has me for life and I've learned more in it than I thought possible.

As for the little flyer asking for me to come back, I'm going to give it to them the way they gave it to me. I'll get my free issue and then CANCEL!!!


Jed Pedersen
Graphic Air
157W 300N
Malad, Idaho 83252

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Luke Scanlan
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I agree. "F" Autographics. I am one of the former subscribers (victims) to this publication. I feel they let us all down. I have received my "free" issue offer. It is in the trash where it belongs.

Luke S.
Luke Scanlan Artistry
Ocala, Fl.

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Si Allen

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Awwwwww! Come on guys...don't hold back....tell us what you really think of both magazines!

[Smile] [Smile] [Smile] [Smile]

Si Allen #562
La Mirada, CA. USA

(714) 521-4810

si.allen on Skype


"SignPainters do It with Longer Strokes!"

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Bob Bond

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Hey folks, a guy called me yesterday and told me of his idea and asked me to share it with you because he is not on the net. When he received his advertisment for Auto Graphics in the mail,he went back in his records and found the deposited check he had written to AG for a 3 year subscription just before they folded. He is going to send them a copy of the check and a letter saying that he should recieve the issues for the next 3 years which he had paid for. I would hope NBM would honor these letters and who knows maybe you can get something for what you already paid for. It can't hurt, to those of you who paid for a subscription years ago, why do they believe you should you pay twice if they already have your money? Just my thoughts, what do you think?

I can never say it enough, thank you all for your support. It feels good to know that all the time we put into AutoArt is appreciated. -Sincerely, Bob Bond

[ June 30, 2002, 12:04 PM: Message edited by: Bob Bond ]

Bob Bond's Artistry
AutoArt Magazine
Lee's Summit, MO

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