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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » Health Check up!

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Author Topic: Health Check up!
Janette Balogh

Member # 192

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How is everybody doing?

Just wondering what Letterville folks are doing to keep healthy, fit and happy this summer? What kinds of things help you keep your physical, emotional and mental health in check?

Last month I found out that my cholesterol level took a jump up, and it's now hovering around the "no-no" zone. I was pretty flabbergasted since I hadn't gained weight or felt different or anything ... I thought I had been eating all the right things and I'm reasonably active. So what gives??? I took it as a wake up call.

I did alittle self inventory, and admitted that I had slowed down abit on my physical activity since I've been doing alot more designing recently. Things like webstuff, brochures, logos and printed stuff are challenging mentally, but being stationery isn't a plus. Funny how subtle changes sneak up on you like that. Good to nip'em in the bud, (especially at, ehem, ... my age!) so I've jumped right on it!

I realized that I had also started a bad habit in the past year of using real whipped cream (yummy!) instead of half n' half in my coffee every morning. Hmmm.... looks like that luxury was taking it's toll! So, I'm back to the leaner stuff now.

For the past several months I've been doing yoga once a week, and loving it. Great for the body and mind too! Now I'm getting back outside to the park these days again and putting in some miles. Feels great! We'll be taking a hiking vacation this fall, and so I'm gearing up for that too.

It's so difficult to keep a balance of things going. Wonderful when it's working, but so many things can throw you off. Lately an onslaught of work has tipped the balance some. I'm aware of it, and do make an effort to keep things like work and play on an even keel. I know that when I don't make time to take care of "me", everything else suffers.

Dave and I both make sure we make time for fun stuff. We also try to keep our attitude up and add humor to even the day to day grind stuff. Laughing is good for your health! It's great to have a supportive partner and friends to help keep you on track and distract you from thinking of work too much! I'm grateful.

So, what's up with you folks?
Any hurdles you've had lately, challenges you've conquered, ... revalations you've made?
How have you been maintaining good health and happiness for yourselves?


"When Love and Skill Work Together ... Expect a Masterpiece"

Janette Balogh
Creative Studio


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Eric Barker
Member # 2972

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Nettie, I take my dog Max for a 2 mile walk/run every morning(I walk, he runs). I also go on a 2 hour mountain bike ride, 3 to 4 times a week. Getting out and riding in the mountains, is good for the body and the soul!

Until about 5 months ago, I'd been unable to do much physical activity, due to a back injury. It sure feels good to be active again. Combine that with doing something I love; things are looking up!

Eric Barker
Rosewood Design

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Dave Grundy

Member # 103

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Hi there Nettie..

Quit smoking 4 months ago and I feel a whole lot worse! I am now on a prescription nasal spray to keep my sinuses open. Seems it is a "sometimes" adverse reaction to quitting smoking for long time smokers. Shirl's gums bleed every morning when she brushes her teeth since quitting smoking. I guess quittin ain't as healthy as it is touted to be!! LOL [Smile]

Up side?? We are a bit more healthy in the bank account.

Neither of us has gained any weight, so that is a plus also.

Today I continued my life long pursuit of skin cancer! [Smile] Sat out in the blazing sun in a pair of shorts and yacked with my buddy Steve Shortreed fer an hour or so. No sun screen!!! What a risk taker I am! LOL :)YES it is quite warm in the "Great White North" these days. About 95 F today! [Smile]

Oh..one "good" thing about not smoking..and about the only really good one I can think of..no more waiting for a "smoking" table at a restaurant and no more searching for "smoking" areas in airports!!!! [Smile]

Everyone quit smokin!!!! ya will have a lot more fun!!! [Smile]

Dave Grundy
retired in Chelem,Yucatan,Mexico/Hensall,Ontario,Canada
1-519-262-3651 Canada
011-52-1-999-102-2923 Mexico cell
1-226-785-8957 Canada/Mexico home


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roger bailey

Member # 556

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Not always, but sometimes health is where your head is.

I was told 25 years ago I had ANGINA, well, I figured I will consider it and let my mind do the rest.

Then 6 years ago I was told I had skin and lung cancer(got a second opinion) nope, I'm still good.

Then I got a case of Pnemonia(sp) bout 4 years ago, went to a new dr. she said I would be breathing from a ox. bottle before the year is out.

Then my dr. gave me a physical(just cause I hadn't had one in a while)
Well the cholesterol was a bit high (big deal) I eat beef,real butter, pork, love sweets etc., smoke 1 pak a day, drank a fair amount since 1963,(quit drinkin 6 months ago)first 4 months felt like hell, now I'm adjusted.

Had my results back from physical;
Clear lungs, Great blood preasure 120over70, good liver, good clean bill of health all around.

I'm 53, work out at the gym 4 times a week, just got over knee surgery and am startin to run again.

I say "we all have a chemistery lab within ourselves", if you trust your own bodys ability, and beleive in yourself and your own diagnosis, you can beat most all odds.

My wife and I wear matching gold bracelets, ingraved in the top of each; "Against All Odds"

I feel good !!

Roger [Smile] [Smile] [Smile]

Roger Bailey
Rapid Tac Incorporated
186 Combs Dr.
Merlin Oregon

Posts: 3020 | From: Merlin Oregon | Registered: Dec 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
John Thompson
Member # 2750

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Hey Roger, maybe Rapid Tac is a cure for all of that bad stuff too!!!!!!! HA!HA! This 'ill make you wonder, My granny died at the age of 91 because of old age. She ate anything and everything she wanted, was overweight, and didn't go to the doctor for checkups. She even ate fatback every day. I know other people like that too. On the other hand I know people who have gone in for checkups more than regularly, watched their diet and exercised and they died of some mysterious cancer or something. Strange world isn't it.

John Thompson
JTT Graphics
"The big guy with a little sign shop!"
Royston/Hartwell Georgia

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roger bailey

Member # 556

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I think if you worry bout everything it sends negative signals to the body. [Frown]

Kinda like not trustin your instincts, pretty soon they quit workin ! [Eek!]

Roger [Cool]

Roger Bailey
Rapid Tac Incorporated
186 Combs Dr.
Merlin Oregon

Posts: 3020 | From: Merlin Oregon | Registered: Dec 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Member # 504

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The Good news first, One full year smoke free!!!! After smoking for 20 yrs. this is a major milestone!

BAD NEWS, I've gained weight! [Embarrassed] another challenge I will have to face.

Coming soon: The svelt and sexy "coop"! [Big Grin]

David Cooper,
The Sign Shack
Enid, OK.

Posts: 658 | From: Enid,Oklahoma, USA | Registered: Dec 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Donna in BC

Member # 130

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I've been bad. No planned excercise routine even though my physiotherapist suggests it. I'm to walk 3x a week for 2 miles. (trying to improve bad neck) I can't seem to wing that routine with what goes on here daily.

But I don't stay inactive. Cody always drags me on the trampoline with him, or we play catch/hide n seek, just every day stuff here. Recently I took my mom to the beach with us and she commented on feeling tired and how I was doing. I commented back that I always felt like she does now. LOL! Hard to stop moving when chasing a midget.

Enjoying lots of beach days and sunshine. But now that I'm back to work this week after my holidays... oh well. [Smile]

Donna Williams
Funky Junk Interiors
Yarrow, BC Canada

~ Check out the newest junk at ~ http://funkyjunkinteriors.net/

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Todd Gill

Member # 2569

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Cholesterol is high...and I have a bad habit of munching on junk all the time. I sit at this desk designing all day long and have almost no physical activity.

I've been looking into buying a Bowflex and making a radical change in my eating habits. I'm not fat, but could stand to trim about 20-25 lbs in my opinion.

I need to do some walking also...and then move into some jogging.

Why is it that relatively slim individuals can have high cholesterol while some obese people have very low cholesterol? This makes no sense to me and seems totally unfair.

Don't smoke...don't drink....just don't have the urge for those vices. But I do love to eat..and my willpower for excercise is not very strong.

Maybe I should start eating weeds like OP... [Wink] (just teasin)

Todd Gill
Outside The Lines
Potterville, MI

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Gail & Dave Beattie
Member # 572

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i would agree with Roger, our minds can just as easily put us at 'dis-ease' as any bug can.
and we can so quickly fall into the 'i'm sick' mind set that we live that life

we always live in the world of our own persception

a while back, 1997, i was told that my surgery wasn't a big success and that i would have a year before i must start the ball rolling for a transplant, in the mean time i ws to take lots of pills and do all the right things... and i did

that was the year from hell, i had so many 'other' problems from the meds and living as an invalid wasnt any kind of life, i found myself wanting that year to come to an end so that it could just be over.

then i made a choise, as the calender rolled over to my 'use-by date' i threw the pills away and went back to my life... the one i owned

well 4 years later i am still wakeing up each day, so thats a bonus
i do what i want, eat what i feel like when i want too and refuse to keep the illusion, or thought form, of 'oh poor me i'm so sick' going

i laugh most everyday and get so much joy from the work that i do, not to mention the travels that i've undertaken and the people i've met in 'borrowed' time

devo finally convinced me to have a checkup recently cause he worries
my colesterol was 13.5 (suposed to be between 4.5 and 5.5)
doctor freeks and starts giving me grief about whats going to happen if i dont do the right thing, i remind him that 'quality' of life is what he should want for me and anyway i'm 4 years past my use-by date so i guess i'm doing sumfin right after all to still be here

you know it took days to shake off his negitive effect

i dont kid myself that i'm 10' tall and bullet proof everyday, but most of the time i can just refuse delivery on the invalid tag and for that i'm greatful

i truly feel that there is only one valid question we must ask ourselves every moment of everyday, 'am i still here?'
if the answer is 'yes'
then get up and get on with it!


Gail & Dave
Hervey Bay
Qld Australia


sumtimes ya just gota!

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John Deaton
Member # 925

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Back in the eighties, I was a competitive powerlifter for about nine years. Even had a state record in the deadlift of 633 pounds. I lifted weights from about the age of 23 until about a year and a half ago, when my training partner and best friend passed away suddenly. At that time I was bench pressing 450 pounds at the age of 43. Never took steroids or any strength enhancing drugs. Just about totally quit though. I started back last week, and am already feeling better. Itll take awhile to get back into it, but Im glad I started back. Also walking and jumping rope. I have never smoked at all, and only drank during my younger years. I've dropped ten pounds recently , and intend to drop more. Life can be prolonged with better health, or at least I hope so. [Smile]

Maker of fine signs and
other creative stuff.
Located at 109 N. Cumberland ave.
Harlan, Ky. 40831

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roger bailey

Member # 556

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Only if you beleive John !!

Way to Gail, you got the power !!

Roger [Cool]

Roger Bailey
Rapid Tac Incorporated
186 Combs Dr.
Merlin Oregon

Posts: 3020 | From: Merlin Oregon | Registered: Dec 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
old paint old paint has just turned 75
Member # 549

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cholestrol is being produced by your own body. as we grow older 35 and up, body metabolisium changes for the worse. it slows down, and doesnt clean itself as quickly as it did when we where younger. so you eat meat, eggs, dairy, its all loaded with cholestrol. now your body has 2 sources of cholestrol to deal with. for those who dont want to become vegitarians....it gets harder to deal with with added years if you dont bring it back to acceptable levels. so doing a weekend meat eating only and sparingly at that, for 30 days...will allow your body some time to level out. so you can still have your meat and lower the count at the same time.todd..cholestrol loves ugly.....so it follows you.....heheheheheheh

joe pribish-A SIGN MINT
2811 longleaf Dr.
pensacola, fl 32526

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roger bailey

Member # 556

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I never bought in to that "high cholesterol" thing.

I think everybody has a different level(acceptable amount) that they're body uses,needs,is ok with !
Trying to use a given number (count) determined by age,weight etc.. Well I don't buy it, I'm 6ft.2"-195lbs.53yrs.young, 220 cholesterol.

I think my bodys ok with that.

Roger [Smile]

Roger Bailey
Rapid Tac Incorporated
186 Combs Dr.
Merlin Oregon

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roger bailey

Member # 556

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Ultimately, a "good ball." in all things.

Some lite,some dark, some good,some bad,some slow,some fast, not too much of anything.


Roger Bailey
Rapid Tac Incorporated
186 Combs Dr.
Merlin Oregon

Posts: 3020 | From: Merlin Oregon | Registered: Dec 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Todd Gill

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Old Paint - hahhahaha.......I'm sitting here smiling, trying to think of a good come-back....and can't come up with anything good. I'll have to get back to you on that one! [Wink] By the way...I notice your picture isn't posted either....hehehehe.

Todd Gill
Outside The Lines
Potterville, MI

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Mike O'Neill

Member # 470

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Here Roger, an explaination for your good health ...

This link will cost you a gallon of rapid prep [Smile] .

Cancer-Preventing Properties of Essential Oil Monoterpenes D-Limonene and Perillyl Alcohol ...

When people first hear the word monoterpene (MT), typically the ‘terpene’ portion conjures up images of some sort of cleaning fluid such as turpentine. Associated with this image is the idea that they are poisons.

While the MTs are indeed used as cleaning (try placing a small amount on the front hubcaps of your car to clean off the black grime) agents, due to their solvent properties, they are far from being poisons.... www.positivehealth.com

D-Limonene is the primary active ingredient in Rapid remover.

[ June 24, 2002, 02:07 PM: Message edited by: TransLab ]

Mike O'Neill

It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value.
- Arthur C. Clarke


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Stan McKinnon
Member # 2316

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I had a sleep study performed about two months ago. Showed I have severe sleep apnea. ( thats when you stop breathing during your sleep and your brain startles you awake in order to "keep you alive"). I now having a CPAC machines that I wear over my nose at night . It provides constant air pressure flowing to keep your airway open.

The doctor said I would see a huge difference after the first night. He was right. I'm not sleepy throughout the day anymore and my general feeling off well being is much improved. And the morning headaches are gone.

I'd highly recommend you checking with your doc if you have the classic signs of apnea.... sleepy, headaches, grumpy, etc.

The machines works great, is covered by insurance, and helps you make peace with your spouse since the snoring is completely gone.

Stan McKinnon
Signs & Designs
Murfreesboro, TN

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Don Hulsey

Member # 128

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I do not know what my cholesterol level is. Never had it checked. Never felt a need to.

My diet consist of meat and potatoes. I don't eat fowl or seafood. Potatoes are the only vegetable. Very few fruits, but I DO like strawberries(especially in chocolate). IF I have breakfast or lunch, it is from some fast food place.

I smoke any where from 2 cigarettes to 3 packs a day(depending on the day) I can work in a plant where smoking is not permitted for 8 hours without wanting one. I just lit the third one since being on the bullboard this morning. I started smoking at age 12, and stopped one time for 2 weeks. [I am NOT saying people should smoke, and I applaud those who have been able to stop. I am just stating what I do.]

These things may take me down some day, but when you consider that I only sleep 2-4 hours a night, at age 49, I may have already lived longer than most people ever will.

There was a time that I worked out regularly, but have not had the time for several years. I still do handstand push-ups from time to time, just for fun. Later this week, I will be setting 3 8x8x18' posts by myself. That's the kind of exercise I get now.

I believe the Lord designed me to live this way, and when He decides it is time for me to leave this life, I will. Then I will move on to the next world and live the way He sees fit there.

BTW... I'm not asking anyone to agree with my way of life, just answering a question.

Don Hulsey
Strokes by DON signs
Utica, KY

I've always been crazy... but it's kept me from going insane.

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Bob Burns
Member # 268

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The closest I get to exercising, is watching Denise Austin workout on TV!

Bob Burns


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Stan McKinnon
Member # 2316

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Now that's a good choice Bob! [Embarrassed] )

Stan McKinnon
Signs & Designs
Murfreesboro, TN

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Suelynn Sedor
Member # 442

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Way to go Dave, Shirley and Coop!! My lungs did the same thing Dave, I guess all that tar keeps the allergens out of your lungs, and now that protective coating is being reduced! That is a good thing though!

Personally, I've lost 12 pounds and working towards 20. I've also taken some steps to reduce the stress level I am at, and have (finally) hired some part-time help. She started last week, two days a week, and she is already cutting on her own and assembling simple vinyl signs. She will be doing my bookkeeping, and I am LOVING it!


"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
-George Eliot

Suelynn Sedor
Sedor Signs
Carnduff, SK Canada

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old paint old paint has just turned 75
Member # 549

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roger.....your 220 is not bad, what iam saying is 250-325 is when you really got a problem, mine was at 305. and you dont feel anything when you have high colestorol.....you WILL FEEL A DIFERENCE WHEN YOU GET IT LOWERED!!!! like you said "if your happy iam happy"...so be it. but speaking from a place you havent been(having high colestrol and then lowering it from 305 to 160 in 60 days)it makes a big diff. iam 5'11" 270 and 57 yrs old. yes i need to drop 40-50 lbs. if i had high colestrol with the weight...id have big problems....todd...ill give you a week...hehehehehe

joe pribish-A SIGN MINT
2811 longleaf Dr.
pensacola, fl 32526

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Si Allen

Member # 420

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I bought one of those aerobic pads! Every time that I get the urge to excercise, I lay down on the pad and take a nap, until the urge goes away!

[Wink] [Razz] [Roll Eyes] [Eek!]

Si Allen #562
La Mirada, CA. USA

(714) 521-4810

si.allen on Skype


"SignPainters do It with Longer Strokes!"

Never mess with your profile while in a drunken stupor!!!

Brushasaurus on Chat

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Mike Pipes
Member # 1573

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I've lost 30 pounds since this past March. [Smile]

The best part about it, is I didnt have to *try* to do anything out of the ordinary to do it.

When I wintered in St Louis last November-March, I put on alot of weight because physical activity virtually came to a stand-still and there wasnt enough time to breathe let alone cook a decent meal, and not to forget about the heavy holiday meals too. Between contracting at an engineering firm 40 hours/week and keeping up with my business, not to forget helping my dad finish up getting his log house together, there wasnt time for real physical activity.

Now that I've been back in AZ since Mid-March, dropping the weight has been pretty easy because I'm an outdoorsy kinda person anyway.. I enjoy cycling, inline skating, swimming at the lake, jetskiing, hiking, etc. etc.. I dont have to make a point to do any activities because I sincerely want to participate in them and would do almost anything to be out there doing it. I used to lift weights as well but that became a chore because it wasn't something that I really enjoyed. Now I just stick to the outdoors stuff.

I eat pretty much what I want, but the things I want include fruits, veggies (raw or cooked doesnt matter). I like meats too but it's with moderation. I can only eat about half an 8oz steak when eaten with salad and veggies, after that I'm just too full to eat more. When I was in St Louis and became accustomed to pigging out (you'll notice mid-westerners are all fat compared to the costal people) I could take down a whole 12oz or 16oz steak in one sitting, as I am sure many other people do. Not any more, I just simply cannot put that much food away. Shoot, I took my sister out for breakfast this morning before she left to drive back to Tucson and I could only finish half of my 4 egg omlette.

I have cut back on the sweets quite a bit though.. I'm a total sweet-junkee, but now when the sweet tooth attacks, I just hold out for 30 seconds til the craving passes.. then I dont "need" the sweets anymore. Snickers bars, Mint Chocolate Chip and Ben & Jerry's "Phish Food" ice cream were my major weeknesses. They're all conquered now. [Smile]

Also, drinking water instead of sodas or bottled fruit juices has to be the single biggest thing you can do to make yourself feel better every day.
Compare those bottled fruit juices with cans of soda, they contain about the same amount of sugar!

I still drink a soda or iced tea with meals (at most one a day, some days I dont drink any at all) but for the most part I drink water, and lots of it... about a gallon and a half on days I spend inside, and two and a half to three gallons on days that I spend outside. Of course, I live in the desert so the water is really important to have here, and because I live in the desert, all that water I drink actually evaporates instead of making more pit stops. [Smile]
I always have a 32oz cup of water by my side and sip from it almost subconsciously by habit! [Smile]

"If I share all my wisdom I won't have any left for myself."

Mike Pipes
Lake Havasu, AZ

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I'm thinking about losing a 150 lbs before the end of the year. You know most of the weight loss plans are just money makers for the seller. How much does a divorce cost?

[ June 24, 2002, 03:19 PM: Message edited by: Santo ]

Santo Brocato
Promotion Graphics & Letters
Spring, TX

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Bob Burns
Member # 268

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If you have to ask....YOU DON'T WANNA KNOW! [Eek!]

Bob Burns


Posts: 2121 | From: Prescott, Arizona, USA | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Gail & Dave Beattie
Member # 572

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colesterol is an interesting thing isnt it
we count ours diff to you up-overs but here if it gets to 5.5 your on medication real quick!

i inherited mine... dad died at 47 his colesterol was thru the roof (like most of the family) my brother had his heart attack at 41, me at 39

with investigation i found out that we didnt inherit a bad heart like we thought, we inherited a bad liver... thats the organ that can't help itself in our family running around making all that stuff to line our arteries with

my cardioligist is 24 stone (14lb to 1 stone) eats all the wrong stuff, drinks and smokes and his colesterol is under 5.
he tells me that i would get more colesterol from a glass of water than he gets from a baked dinner [Smile]
its just the way my body works... so i must take pills (nup not doin that)

for those that want to know all the bad things i eat... i'll tell ya

breakfast= dont eat before noon, glass of coke and cigarette

lunch= miss it most days, but sumtimes nibble dry rice crakers, glass of coke

dinner= tiny bit skinless chicken, ham or pork with salad or veg... heavy on the salad & vegies

dessert= dont eat it

sweets= one piece of chocolate once a week (maybe)

things i dont eat (cause i dont like em)
butter, cream, milk, anything fatty (hate the taste) cakes, buscuits, lollies

things i eat very rearly (like once a year)
bread, pies, red meat

so there you have it... i live on rice crackers, coke n cigerettes, no colesteral in any of it!


Gail & Dave
Hervey Bay
Qld Australia


sumtimes ya just gota!

Posts: 794 | From: 552 O'Regans Creek Rd Toogoom Qld 4655 Australia | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Dave Grundy

Member # 103

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GAIL!! Ya sexy thang!!! I take a pill..fer cholesterol..and a couple others too..WHY?? Because I wanna hang around and enjoy life a wee bit longer!!! I wanna be around to meet and greet you again!!!

I know where yer comin from Gail, but medication DOES work fer me!!! [Smile] [Smile]

Dave Grundy
retired in Chelem,Yucatan,Mexico/Hensall,Ontario,Canada
1-519-262-3651 Canada
011-52-1-999-102-2923 Mexico cell
1-226-785-8957 Canada/Mexico home


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old paint old paint has just turned 75
Member # 549

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i read the PDR on the cholestorol lowering drugs....and the SIDE EFFECTS paragraph is longer then then the paragraph of what it is and does!!!!
no thank you...take a pill to relief the cholestrol, but now i might have, kidney, liver, bladder, heart problems from takin the drug!!!! dont make any sence to me!
i can live with out the meat....with all the crap it has in it..that i dont need....and it took me 60 days...to bring mine down to normal levels. the only sorta pills i take are MOTRAIN and i do some herbal stuff like saw palmetto, geletin, and a few others .....

joe pribish-A SIGN MINT
2811 longleaf Dr.
pensacola, fl 32526

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Tim Barrow

Member # 576

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Don't ask santo ya don't wanna go there unless ya got no other choice,....

fly low...timi/NC is,
Tim Barrow
Barrow Art Signs

Posts: 2224 | From: Winston-Salem,NC,USA | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
jimmy chatham

Member # 525

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I am diabetic, high triglycerides, herniated
take $800.00 in medicine a month
but i am in pretty good shape
for the shape i am in. haha

Jimmy Chatham
Chatham Signs
468 stark st
Commerce, Ga 30529

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