Is it any particular season for you at your shop right now? Any particular type of work, or customer lately?
I think it's lawyer and vet season here. Doing a website and brochure for one vet, an illuminated sign for another vet, and some dimensional letters for yet another vet.
Also doing two separate dimensional signs for two separate lawyers. Installed one last week, and starting one this week.
As for types of work ... 'tis the season for dimensional signs ... and we also enlisted quite a few web clients recently.
How 'bout you?
-------------------- "When Love and Skill Work Together ... Expect a Masterpiece"
I have a few lawyer signs in the hopper as well.
Mostly, it's builders' and developers' signs. There are a few apartment complexes going up over here and I have the project signs for them...hope to get all of the building signage as well.
Hope everyone has a GREAT week.
-------------------- Pat Neve, Jr. 321-537-8675 Capt. Sign
Here in Texas it seems to be the season for art galleries (3), country clubs (2), and B&B's (2). We normally have a good supply of developers also, but they genrally are a continual type customer. Lately, it seems that there has been a run on dimensional signs, with many having some carvings with gold leaf. It's different than it has been in a long time, but I'll take it.
-------------------- Chapman Sign Studio Temple, Texas Posts: 6306 | From: Temple, Texas, USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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I haven't been doing this full time for long but this is either a wierd year or something. I am either slammed or dead. What gives? Either no business (except for small stuff, we sell tons of car tags and Magnetics) for a week or two or so much work I need to start hiring folks. It comes spaced out just enough that it can't be evened out. Seems like all I have been doing are Consignment Shops the last week.
-------------------- John Thompson JTT Graphics "The big guy with a little sign shop!" Royston/Hartwell Georgia Posts: 626 | From: Royston Georgia | Registered: Feb 2002
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Nettie, Years from now you can do a Vet sign for my daughter(8y/o). The wife made a real nice pot roast yesterday for fathers day dinner. Megan hardly touched her meat, and I asked her if she was going to become a "vegitarian", she hardly eats any meat anyway. She looks up at me and states "No Dad, I told you I am going to be a Veternarian!!!" of course this was in a voice that told me right away, I had asked the wrong question.....
-------------------- Troy "Metalleg" Haas 626 Kingswood Dr Evansville,In 47715 Posts: 1100 | From: Evansville,Indiana, USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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It's jetski season for me, year round. From now until September I'll sell alot of recreational type graphic kits, then September will be hog-wild making race numbers in preparation for the World Finals jetski races here in October. November through February it's truck and trailer graphics for all the racers plus more race numbers, sponsor logos and a few recreational kits for those with winter cabin fever that long to get out on the water.
The past few weeks I've had a run on boat registration numbers and it seems as though people are no longer settling for the plain jane boring ones. They're ordering custom mixed colors to match their boats, color fades, patterns, shadows, airbrushed F/X, etc.
-------------------- "If I share all my wisdom I won't have any left for myself."
Mike Pipes Lake Havasu, AZ Posts: 8746 | From: Lake Havasu, AZ USA | Registered: Jun 2000
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I have noticed that different types of signs seem to run in cycles. I very seldom do magnetic signs, yet last week I did 6 pair. I also have orders for some A-Frame type signs, which I haven't done for awhile. Lately, it seems I'm backed up with truck lettering. Next month will probably be 4X8's. I can't figure it out.
The type of clients are quite varied, so I haven't noticed a trend there.
-------------------- John Novicki 122 London Dr Palm Coast, FL 32137-9756 (386) 445-0372 Posts: 242 | From: Palm Coast, FL | Registered: Jul 1999
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I have also been getting a lot more requests recently for digital graphics...building elevations and multi-colored logo's and the like. I've got a good local contact for the output.
Funny how jobs come in "waves" like that.
-------------------- Pat Neve, Jr. 321-537-8675 Capt. Sign
Two months ago it was sailboat season for me. this past two months have been tractor/trailer season. I love it!
-------------------- Dave Grundy retired in Chelem,Yucatan,Mexico/Hensall,Ontario,Canada 1-519-262-3651 Canada 011-52-1-999-102-2923 Mexico cell 1-226-785-8957 Canada/Mexico home
It's currently holiday season here! All last week and this week.
When I get back to work, I know it will be firetruck season once again. I'm resting while I can. (and enjoying it!)
I had never thought of the work flow in trends before, but you're right. And it seems the more you do of one thing, the more of it that seeks you out. (blasted firetrucks anyway)
Around here it's been crazy season. We went to st petersburg for a weeks vacation, While we were there the people we rented a place from asked us to do a sign for them. So, were going back the first week of Aug to install it. We get to stay on the beach for a week free!
-------------------- Robert Davis Sticky Sam's Signs (828)488-1715 The Great Smoky Mountains Bryson City, N.C. Posts: 133 | From: Bryson City, N.C. US | Registered: Jul 2000
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John T., do you advertise? are you in a retail shop ?
It always pays to do some "promotion & advertising" like hitting the comercial buiss. introducing yourself with a flyer or? also join the local commerce groups and associations.
If you just wait for buiss. to come to you, you will always be at its mercy.
-------------------- Roger Bailey Rapid Tac Incorporated 186 Combs Dr. Merlin Oregon 97532 Posts: 3020 | From: Merlin Oregon | Registered: Dec 1998
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Mural Season....doing some very cool bus wraps for our local casino (Hand Painted, of course!)
Restoring an old sign on the wall of an old building...formally a "Cat House"...hahaha Painting a Red Goose Shoes sign...imagine that!
Raised my prices...again...still can't chase em away! Oh-well
-------------------- Jackson Smart Jackson's Signs Port Angeles, WA ...."The Straits of Juan De Fuca in my front yard and Olympic National Park in my backyard...
"Living on Earth is expensive...but it does include a free trip around the Sun" Posts: 1001 | From: Port Angeles, Washington | Registered: Jan 1999
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Hey Roger, I am pretty well known in our town because my family owns an established business and I get a lot of exposure from it. It is every business in our whole area up and down. I have a friend who has had a Video Store for 18 years and he is beyond well established and he is pulling his hair out as is my own family. One week wide open next week nothing. I have been putting up most of the new signs in my town since the frist of the year so I am not worried. Still doing really good just coming in spruts and not a steady flow.
-------------------- John Thompson JTT Graphics "The big guy with a little sign shop!" Royston/Hartwell Georgia Posts: 626 | From: Royston Georgia | Registered: Feb 2002
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Hey Adrienne...thanks for the offer...I love your work...I am sure it would add some class to my own... However...I have all the help I need at this point...I just need 3 more of you know how to clone?
-------------------- Jackson Smart Jackson's Signs Port Angeles, WA ...."The Straits of Juan De Fuca in my front yard and Olympic National Park in my backyard...
"Living on Earth is expensive...but it does include a free trip around the Sun" Posts: 1001 | From: Port Angeles, Washington | Registered: Jan 1999
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I have a huge project for a chain of womens fitness centers here in my area. Everything from light boxes to wall murals. Nice work & I'm enjoying the scenery very very much...
-------------------- Mike Duncan Lettercraft Signs Posts: 1328 | From: Centreville, VA | Registered: Oct 2000
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It's Beer Season around here! We are in the process of lettering a 36' enclosed trailer which is the tow-rig for an old "roll wagon" that draft horses pull for Leinenkugel's Brewery here in Chipppewa Falls. We will be lettering the wagon as well. Then next week it's time for some more Leinie's signs we're getting ready for Rock Fest here in the Chippewa Valley, then the following week, it's up to the fairgrounds where we will be doing beer garden signs for Leinenkugel's in time for the Chippewa County Fair.
We will have more Leinie's work at the Brush Bash in August as well. Anyone thirsty for a Leinie's?
We have been busy as ever since February around here! On top of that, we just moved our family closer to the heart of Chippewa Falls on May 31st, so we are busy settling in to our new home. How's that for alot on one plate? We are certainly entering the busy planning stages for the Bash... we're getting more and more calls, e-mails and registrations sent in about the meet. Click on the Letterhead Meet tab at Chippewa Brush Bash for the latest regarding the meet!
-------------------- Kurt Gaber Chippewa Falls, WI Thank You Letterheads for being a part of both Brush Bashes in '02 & '06!