I just love this program And the support is right there too. I discovered my plotter was not giving me the exact size cuts that I wanted and asked for I called the plotter folks..they gave me all the tek stuff I needed to call the software folks next call..VMP....Simone took the info...I bugged her all day...she was busy Still ...before the day was over....I had the necessary info to fix ...... Nice Its all workin jess rite agin How many times have ya heard that"communication" is the key????? need new software for makin signs???
But Michael..Ya see..Corel 11 is about to be released..why would you want anything else??? LOL LOL
-------------------- Dave Grundy retired in Chelem,Yucatan,Mexico/Hensall,Ontario,Canada 1-519-262-3651 Canada 011-52-1-999-102-2923 Mexico cell 1-226-785-8957 Canada/Mexico home
Every time I want things cut exactly, which is most of the time, I have to recalibrate the plotter in the software. I have to punch in 39.828125 in the x coordinate and 20.0234375 in the y. It's a little aggravating but these settings are lost as soon as I shut down the cutter. It won't save them. I believe you have to take the plotter (Ioline) apart and change something inside.
-------------------- Wayne Webb Webb Signworks Chipley, FL 850.638.9329 Posts: 7405 | From: Chipley,Florida,United States | Registered: Oct 1999
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