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Author Topic: Photoscript RIP?
Mike O'Neill

Member # 470

Icon 15 posted April 23, 2002 08:09 PM      Profile for Mike O'Neill   Author's Homepage   Email Mike O'Neill   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Anyone using this?

Anything to say about it?
Good, bad or indifferent... any comment welcome..

Mike O'Neill

It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value.
- Arthur C. Clarke


Posts: 3094 | From: Labrador City, NF, Canada | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
John Harville
Member # 959

Icon 1 posted April 24, 2002 12:20 PM      Profile for John Harville   Email John Harville       Edit/Delete Post 
I have it, but haven't loaded it yet. I'm maybe like you, i want to know something about it before i try to use it. It came with my update to Sign Lab E-6

John Harville
J & K Screen Printing Co.
260 Gilliland Dr
Danville, Va 24540

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David Wright
Member # 111

Icon 1 posted April 24, 2002 12:40 PM      Profile for David Wright   Author's Homepage   Email David Wright   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I use it to drive my encad. Seems to work fine for me, though I have never used another
rip to compare it to.

Wright Signs
Wyandotte, Michigan

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Robin Sharrard

Member # 388

Icon 8 posted April 24, 2002 02:18 PM      Profile for Robin Sharrard   Email Robin Sharrard   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Been messing with this since SignLab e-6 came out last year. SignLab e-6 has a modified version built into it and works just fine. If you have the rip and print feature and the contour cut feature in SignLab, it's a simple point and click operation. I've been Using these features since I got my Roland PC-600, no problems. The problem comes into play when you try to install Photoscript LTE, or Photoscript PLUS, or FastRip. They are all made by CADLINK and they all us a Rip manager called CLEO. It's a little cat that pops up on your bottom info bar and I've learned to hate that little cat! It's like putting multiple foremen in one shop...they don't work together at all! I've doccumented a good number of hours on the phone with CADLINK over this situation. Photoscrip Plus will allow you to print quality halftone positives on a few wide formate desktop inkjet printers like the EPSON 3000 which I have and I do screen printing, so I've gone through all of the scenarios trying to make something work. Yes, when they are functioning, there great! So my solution is this. Instead of using the Photoscript that is built into SignLab e-6 or the Photoscript LTE that came with SignLab e-6 if you did the early upgrade, I'm using the Roland ColorChoice RIP (that came with the Roland PC-600) through the Print comand and it recognizes the contour cut from SignLab. Broke a few ribbons and had to call Roland before I got the settings right. I've installed FASTRIP which is a task modified version of Photoscript PLUS and it works just great. The stand alone Photoscript Plus puts out some very nice work as well and did work fine with Corel Draw 8 but if you have Signlab e-6 do not install any other "CADLINK RIP" as it will disable the built in RIP feature. Cadlink tech support has assured me they are working on a solution and it will be availible very soon. We shall see. Hope this helps and saves someone some grief. Robin

Robin Sharrard
Sharrard Graphics & Sign
Fallon, Nevada
"Proud $$$ Supporter"

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Mike O'Neill

Member # 470

Icon 1 posted April 24, 2002 02:51 PM      Profile for Mike O'Neill   Author's Homepage   Email Mike O'Neill   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Thanks All,

I'll be using it to print on a hp3500 from (mainly) Corel, no cutting required, and the only computer here with signlab on it is attached to the engraver and we don't print from it. It sounds like it should work O.K. then. I'll keep ya'll posted.

Mike O'Neill

It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value.
- Arthur C. Clarke


Posts: 3094 | From: Labrador City, NF, Canada | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Big bly
Member # 1630

Icon 1 posted April 24, 2002 07:29 PM      Profile for Big bly   Author's Homepage   Email Big bly   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
If you haven't bought it yet & can afford it buy Postershop. Photoscript was the bane of my life for the time I used it.

Bigg Blighh
Rip Graphics
Milsons Point, NSW Australia

Posts: 33 | From: Milsons Point, NSW Australia | Registered: Jul 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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