I've sent an e-mail to the following addresses letting them know that I'm receiving e-mail from them that is infected with the W32/Klez.H@mm virus. My e-mails were returned as undeliverable. I hope they will read this and be able to get their computers cleaned.
Glenn....I have recieved 10 so far....most addresses are bogus! Only one person Emailed back, and his computer is not infected. I even got one from my daughter's old Email address...and that hasn't been operative for 4 months!
Evidentaly "W32Kles.gen" is a clever little %&@#*&!!!
-------------------- Si Allen #562 La Mirada, CA. USA
(714) 521-4810
si.allen on Skype
"SignPainters do It with Longer Strokes!"
Never mess with your profile while in a drunken stupor!!!
Brushasaurus on Chat Posts: 8827 | From: La Mirada, CA, USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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It has picked some interesting e-mail subjects. Cheryl hopes I win. Mayo says try again. CaptainKen provided a password. Duncan wanted to talk about Ontario.
uh oh.....sorry to be a part of it. I have received some strange ones too....I just delete right away.
Posts: 3729 | From: Seattle | Registered: Sep 1999
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I've checked Norton's live-update 3 days in a row, and had to download something new every time. Gotta give Norton credit-----they are trying to keep up with these things.
-------------------- Bill Preston Fly Creek, N.Y. USA Posts: 943 | From: Fly Creek, N.Y. USA | Registered: Jan 2000
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Yeah, I'm the culprit hotlines, I got my first infected email from Barb at Letterheads, anyone know who that is?
So far I've deleted 225 emails and am downloading 75 more, already wiped out my Norton anti-virus right after I updated within 20 minutes. Enough of this crap.
-------------------- HotLines Joey Madden - pinstriping since 1952 'Perfection, its what I look for and what I live for'
That's news to us Joey. We've used Eudora as our mail program since day one. Our understanding is that Eudora does not have the virus sending problems Outlook is famous for.
In addition to using Eudora, we also update our virus definitions daily. The newest version of Norton Antivirus scans every piece of outgoing mail before it is sent. As far as we know, every precaution is being taken at this end to prevent this from happening.
Please forward the file so we can check it out. Has anyone else ever received an infected file from us. If so, we need to do something to ensure it never happens again.
I have gotten tons of these yesterday and today too. All are from sign people and stripers. Estriper57 ? was the last one. They all look like they have huge files and have strange subject titles. Sheesh....this is getting ridiculous.
Posts: 3729 | From: Seattle | Registered: Sep 1999
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I have to give a hearty thanks to my business ISP. They are catching the infected e-mails before they reach me. When they do catch one, they send me notification.
I too have received numerous similar e-mail viruses and they are all coming from the same ISP. The ISP is and it's hosted through
The actual web space it was sent from has no e-mail listed for it (imagine that). But it was sent thru according to the info I see in the message source.
Judging from the way some of the message subjects have been tailored to our interests, and some of the message return addresses have been forged to look like it has come from a sign person in some cases, it is my belief that it's someone who knows this bulletin board and the people on it.
-------------------- EmpY Mayo Pardo #138 South Elgin, IL. Posts: 436 | From: South Elgin, IL | Registered: Nov 1998
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Even though someone may receive an email that looks like it was from may not be. The program actually forges your email address into the messages. Chances are that Barb didn't send the message, but instead someone who was infected had her in their address book, then the virus forged her address into the message sent it to someone else.
-------------------- Bruce Evans Crown Graphics Chino, CA Posts: 910 | From: Chino, CA | Registered: Nov 1998
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There is nothing sinister going on with anyone using this BBS. Its just another virus/worm that masquarades itself to cause mass mayhem..
If you get infected... This variant will use your ICQ dabase as a source for email addresses. So, anyone in your ICQ list will get a virus email too. Just as in any family. You will get a dose of virus just as when your kids give you the flu. And since this group is like a family united through emails and ICQ it is inevitable that all of us will get some unwanted gifts.....
-------------------- Leaper of Tall buildings.. If you find my posts divisive or otherwise snarky please ignore them. If you do not know how then PM me about it and I will demonstrate. Posts: 5274 | From: Im a nowhere man | Registered: Jul 2001
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Yikes! My name mentioned in a virus??? It wasn't me man! I can barely type on this thing....
-------------------- Ken McTague, Concept Signs 57 Bridge St. (route 107) Salem MA 01970 1-978-745-5800
"A wise man once said that, or was it a wise guy?" Posts: 2425 | From: Salem, MA | Registered: Apr 1999
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Klez, the virus that's currently bombarding e-mail inboxes, appears to be hurting people more than computers.
The virus arrives attached to an e-mail that typically appears to have been sent by someone the recipient knows.
Many computer users say that friends, co-workers and business associates are angrily -- or patronizingly -- accusing them of sending out viruses. Some victims say they fear their professional reputations have been harmed. Full Article
-------------------- Mike O'Neill
It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value. - Arthur C. Clarke
Thanks Mike, that story contained a lot of the info I was looking to find in this thread. I have been suddenly getting 4 or 5 blank emails a day & wondered if that was tied into the latest Klez thing. I never get an attachment with it, & my Norton AV never detects any problem. I am still worried anyway, especially after reading that disabeling a computers AV program is one of the areas attacked by this virus. I up-dated the definations & downloaded a Klez removal tool from Symantec, but ran it & got a clean bill of health. Still worried though.
My favorite (out of about 15) was the heading from Hotlines.... subject was NEW FONT COLOR ! Okay, now tell me,,,, how does a font even have a color ?? Yeap, you gotta hand it to these guys.
-------------------- John Smith Kings Bay Signs (Retired) Kissimmee, Florida Posts: 816 | From: Central Florida - The Sunshine State | Registered: Jan 2000
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I got one marked "returned as undeliverable" that appeared to have been sent by me. There was no attachment even though the message said there was one. The address was not on my mailing list.
This was scary enough to take the time to do a complete system scan, which came back clean.
McAfee suggested running a system scan in safe mode as a 100% check. That also came back clean.
Thank goodness for virus checkers.
-------------------- Victor Georgiou Danville, CA , USA Posts: 1746 | From: Danville, CA , USA | Registered: Dec 1998
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