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Author Topic: omega software
Henry Barker

Member # 174

Icon 1 posted April 16, 2002 04:03 PM      Profile for Henry Barker   Author's Homepage   Email Henry Barker   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Just wondering if any of you Omega experts had time to glance over my post....about 20 posts back about colour problems....would really appreciate any tips there.

I have Omega CP but run it to emulate CS (vinyl only), as I found importing Illustrator files was even worse in regular mode, we outsource our Edge work so I normally just forward a regular plt file.

Thanks, and thanks for this thread!

Henry Barker #1924akaKaftan
SignCraft AB
A little bit of England in a corner of Stockholm www.signcraft.se www.facebook.com/signcraftsweden

Posts: 1552 | From: Stockholm, Sweden | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Diane Crowther
Member # 120

Icon 1 posted April 16, 2002 04:04 PM      Profile for Diane Crowther   Email Diane Crowther   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Chuck, your distributor may offer a crash course - ours did. Also, there is a tutorial manual comes with the software so if you work through the exercises you'll get the basics in no time.

You can make money on day one, and I always find it easier to learn something using my own jobs than the ones given in the samples.

Also, some projects are more complicated than others. For instance, today we worked on lexan panels which were fairly complicated because they're printed in reverse, some areas are left clear for LED's, some text is backlit, some holes are cutout, etc., BUT we also pumped out several hundred labels with a "cut finger" symbol on it. Simple, black image on yellow vinyl.

You should mosey over to the edgetalk forum to get some perspective on this. There are many there who are brand new users. One guy paid for half his machine with the first order.

Diane Crowther,
Metaline Graphics Ltd.,
Hubbards, Nova Scotia, Canada,

Posts: 516 | From: Hubbards, NS Canada | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Glenn Taylor
Member # 162

Icon 6 posted April 16, 2002 05:17 PM      Profile for Glenn Taylor   Author's Homepage   Email Glenn Taylor   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 

When I get home tonight, I'll poke around and see what I can find out about your color problem.

BlueDog Graphics
Wilson, NC


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Neil D. Butler

Member # 661

Icon 1 posted April 16, 2002 07:19 PM      Profile for Neil D. Butler   Email Neil D. Butler   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
You Know, I still have my headache. What did I start here? I just checked out EDGETALK and there is loads and loads of info there. Yes I do believe
that Glenn gets Very Anal when it comes to the nitty gritty... but in a good way, because he's always first with advice and he know's what he's talking about. But like he said he pushing the envelope. I'm hoping my new software will be here by thursday..... then I'm sure I'll have many questions, do be there for me Glenn.. please?

"Keep Positive"

Neil Butler
Paradise, NF

Posts: 6277 | From: St. John's NF Canada | Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Glenn Taylor
Member # 162

Icon 10 posted April 16, 2002 08:28 PM      Profile for Glenn Taylor   Author's Homepage   Email Glenn Taylor   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Very Anal??!! hehehehehe......

Actually, I just like to hear myself type. [Wink] [Big Grin]



I thought I had Adobe Illustrator 10 installed on my computer at home, but I don't. If you'll give me a couple days, I'll get it put in along with Omega and do some experimenting.

Meanwhile, why don't you try posting your same question with as much detail as you can on 4edgetalk.com. Maybe we can coax a response from someone at Gerber.



(sheesh....me anal?.....nah... ...........well, maybe just a little bit......hehehehehe)

BlueDog Graphics
Wilson, NC


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Mikes Mischeif
Member # 1744

Icon 1 posted April 17, 2002 01:42 AM      Profile for Mikes Mischeif   Email Mikes Mischeif       Edit/Delete Post 
Chuck, here's a suggestion. I have begun selling edge work. I"ll outsource the orders until the BIG job hits.

Then I'll buy one, have the rep demonstrate the machine on the actual job, and head to the bank with the first years payments already in the bag.

This is how I purchased a router and slept at night.

Mike Duncan
Lettercraft Signs

Posts: 1328 | From: Centreville, VA | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Henry Barker

Member # 174

Icon 1 posted April 17, 2002 04:58 AM      Profile for Henry Barker   Author's Homepage   Email Henry Barker   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Another small frustration....although I'm sure there is some check box that is not checked or whatever.

I often send artwork to printers for businesscards or to newspapers for ads etc. I open a customers job in Omega....sometimes in comes back in another color than what it was when previously saved, anyway I go up to save as then pick ai or eps save and also save as a jpg. so they see how it should look.I have had people ring me saying the centres of the letters are filled, and they have had problems fixing that??

I open the same file in Illustrator and see the probplem they have....if you select all in Illustrator you can see blue lines around everything including the centres of letters so the info is being sent OK. How can I fix so the centres of letters remain "open" so as to avoid confusion in the future

Henry Barker #1924akaKaftan
SignCraft AB
A little bit of England in a corner of Stockholm www.signcraft.se www.facebook.com/signcraftsweden

Posts: 1552 | From: Stockholm, Sweden | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Glenn Taylor
Member # 162

Icon 1 posted April 17, 2002 06:41 AM      Profile for Glenn Taylor   Author's Homepage   Email Glenn Taylor   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 

I meant to ask earlier, what version of Omega are you using?

BlueDog Graphics
Wilson, NC


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Henry Barker

Member # 174

Icon 1 posted April 17, 2002 10:01 AM      Profile for Henry Barker   Author's Homepage   Email Henry Barker   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Omega Version [Smile]

Henry Barker #1924akaKaftan
SignCraft AB
A little bit of England in a corner of Stockholm www.signcraft.se www.facebook.com/signcraftsweden

Posts: 1552 | From: Stockholm, Sweden | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Jon Aston
Member # 1725

Icon 16 posted April 22, 2002 09:37 AM      Profile for Jon Aston   Email Jon Aston   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Congratulations, guys for a really incredible disucssion thread!

Jon Aston
"Strategy, Marketing and Business Development"
Tel 705-719-9209

Posts: 1724 | From: Barrie, ON, CANADA | Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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