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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » Sad day.

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Author Topic: Sad day.
Dan Sawatzky

Member # 88

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Today was a sad day for me. I saw the future. Very clearly.

I drove into the big city today and visited a new 'sign supplier' to get some 1Shot paint. I decided to guild and handletter my own truck and needed some supplies. A supplier I used to go to a long time ago was gone and it was time to look up a new source. This supplier was recommended to me as being the best around. I had trouble locating their premises... no sign was visible to speak of and what they had wasn't memorable in any fashion.

They had what I needed although it wasn't kept in the customer area which was little more than a few square feet of floor in front of a desk. I picked the paint I wanted from a color chart and it was fetched for me. The fellow was friendly enough and seemed to even know about what he sold. While he disappeard into the warehouse to get my paint I snuck a peek around.

They had a bit of the latest in 'sign technology' set up in a back room just off the order desk... all them plotters and printers and such. There were a few decal samples on the wall in that room as well - all digital art from what I could see.

I used to love to go visit my art material supplier... my wife dreaded it - for I was always severely tempted to stock up on all kinds of great stuff when I went there. And there was always lots of eye candy displayed to show me what I might accomplish with these magic materials and tools. Many great books to stock up on as well. There were rows and rows of 1Shot paint all stacked in neat rows... and a thousand other things too.

After my visit to Rick Glawson's Estoteric Fine Gold a few weeks ago today's visit was a letdown of monumental proportions. I certainly didn't expect to see what I saw at Rick's place.... after all he is about doing things the old way.

But there was none of that on display in this store... the closest being a rude message and funny picture which was stuck to the back of the monitor on the desk in front of me. The fellow had a small graphic on his sweat shirt although it wasn't anything to do with the company I was at.

To be fair, it was a warehouse type supplier.

But I sure miss the old store I used to go to years ago. It was a sad day in my 'sign life'.

Maybe next time I'll look through some of my books to inspire me and then do things the modern way... order online and wait for the courier to deliver what I need. It will be way more efficient I suppose... but I will miss the fun way I used to do it. I'll miss the chat with the store clerk about my latest projects and his advice on how to tackle them. The supply store used to be a place where we could bump into our fellow artist's too once in a while and catch up on what they were up too.

Oh well.....life goes on.


Dan Sawatzky
Imagination Corporation
Yarrow, British Columbia

Being a grampa is one of the the most wonderful things in the world!!!

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Wm. J. Krupinski
Member # 1746

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Amen, brother...RIP...

Wm. J. Krupinski
ArtFirst Studio
Jefferson, WI

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Monte Jumper

Member # 1106

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Hi Dan...I too have the feelings you describe.

I am already thinking it won't be long til we are mixing our own paint from reccipes fopund in some of the old books about sign painting.

But then again I'm of the age that paint will probably quit about the time I do.

I still have one supplier that knows what it's all about and I don't mind mentioning their name Midwest Sign Supply...they still believe in service and facts...they still believe in training their people to understanding your needs and frustrations and it's the last place to ask "can I help you?" instead of "what do ya need".

The sad part is they are 750 miles from me and I still prefer to deal with them over the suppliers in my own town.

Well this wasn't a paid ad...but it is a sincere one.

Sorry about your day...

"Werks fer me...it'll werk fer you"

Monte Jumper

Posts: 3185 | From: Norman,Okla.U.S.A. | Registered: Sep 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Adrienne Pereira
Member # 1046

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I feel the same way about Product Sign Supply in Sacramento...

they have some nice panels from past meets, samples of interesting things and a shop to browse in...I love to browse..as Chris in the morning used to say
"Browse, it's good for the soul"

When I get up that way I love to stop in, chat with Bunny a few minutes and look around at all the stuff...hmmm, I think I could use a box of stabilos...and a couple of squeegees....OOO, I've been meaning to get that Atkinson book!

I always leave with an armload of goodies!

Dan, your right, Rick's place is amazing! More a museum than a sign supply shop...I don't think there is any other place quite like it.

Show us the truck doors when you've finished will ya?


Adrienne Pereira
Splash Signs

Port Angeles, WA
"Sure, it's colder in the Northwest, but...it's a damp cold!"


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Rick Sacks

Member # 379

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Yesterday as I smelled the bullitin spar and it was like the old smell of the shop I apprenticed in, I was thinking some similar things.

There are still suppliers that have paints and varnishes and brushes and gilding tools. There are still places you can go and find other painters to chat with. Just not many.

Dan, twenty five years ago I drove down to Oakland to get some supplies from what used to be Western Sign Supply, the biggest and best in this part of the country. I drove 4 1/2 hours to get there. They had changed the format of the store and no longer looked like a sign guys supermarket. There was a counter that separated me from everything and a wall behind it. I handed the clerk my long list of needed supplies. He would dissappear and return with one item at a time, setting them on the counter. Soon he came over and told me that I needed to leave and come back in an hour, at 1 pm, because they were closing for lunch. I thought he was joking and in a couple moments I found out he wasn't. This was a union shop in a strong union town and that's how it was. I did go back and get the stuff later.

The SignShop
Mendocino, California


Making the simple complicated is commonplace;
making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity. — Charles Mingus

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Robert Beverly

Member # 1907

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I read your excerpt and have only this to add.

I too agree with your comment...BUT

When was the last time you went into a supplier of anything and came out feeling almost childlike because you found a new product or method that could be applied to your craft. Those shops that change their personna only feed the many new entreprenuers that realize and offer not only the old but find themselves offering much more than those before them.

I find adulation in the spirit of someone new in the industry...it is refreshing to me and continues to spark my imagination!

[ March 16, 2002, 11:25 AM: Message edited by: Robert Beverly ]

Robert Beverly
Arlington, Texas

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Roy Frisby

Member # 736

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I suppose that is progress for ya. Even the
little neighborhood store that was next door
to my shop has been demolished and is being
reconstructed as a sell all convenience store
super what ever! They tell me it will increase my property value but I think I liked things the way
they were!
Oh well, what do old farts know anyway!

Frisby Signs, Inc.
El Dorado, Arkansas

Posts: 902 | From: El Dorado, Arkansas, USA | Registered: Apr 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Adrienne Pereira
Member # 1046

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Wow! Western Sign....been a long time since I've heard them mentioned.
Last time I was there was the afternoon before the Loma Preita earthquake...(I was on the freeway that collapsed)

We have Cal sign supply here in town, but they only have a will call counter....no browsing of any kind...and the clerks, as friendly as they are, have never heard of a 'meet' or have ever painted a sign, they just bring stuff up from the warehouse. sigh..... [Frown]

Guess I will have to wait till the next meet to talk signs.


Adrienne Pereira
Splash Signs

Port Angeles, WA
"Sure, it's colder in the Northwest, but...it's a damp cold!"


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Steve Nuttle
Member # 2645

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Well everyone here is my "2 cents". I wish I had been in this business for as long as some of you, but I am a new comer to the sign world. However Dan, I can totally relate as an old cowboy in Jackson Hole. Large areas of open ranch land that we used to chase cows on are now sprawing sub-divisons. Just 5 months ago Jackson Drug closed. They made their own ice cream in the basement and had a great fountain. Many of the old Dude ranches are gone. The old drive in movie long gone. The list is too long to mention. Progress....sometimes I wonder. Everyone driving while talking on cell phones. What the hell is that all about? Any way, I can relate. I'm just glad to have the mind to remember the "good" old days. [Smile]

Steve Nuttle,

Posts: 466 | From: Jackson Wy | Registered: Jan 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Jim Mulligan
Member # 1956

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Who the heck has time to visit a supplier? I order everything from the supplier and send a courier for pickup or UPS. It would take an hour to make the trip. Courier $ 12.00 UPS $ 5.00.
Posts: 121 | From: Indianapolis, IN | Registered: Feb 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
John Lennig

Member # 2455

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Hey Dan, I feel your pain!
The old Behnsens(is that the one you're referring to?)
on Richards St. Gone. They've been bought up by mericans, now it's mostly an art store, the new owners arent't into the "trade". The old Behnsens was fun, for sure, always ended up buying things I didn't know that I needed. Canadian Signcrafters in Ontario, lot'o'stuff, they'll send you a catalogue, but not the same as a bag full of Behnsens goodies.

John /Big Top Graphics ... it's a sign circus....

John Lennig / Big Top Sign Arts
5668 Ewart Street, Burnaby,
British Columbia, Canada

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Ken Morse
Member # 1799

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Product Sign Supply just sold, this comes from the San Jose store. Change is a tough one to swallow, it say's were getting old. (I mean, I am getting old) Close one!

Ken Morse
Jamn Graphics
Santa Cruz, CA

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Pam Eddy

Member # 1858

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I remember when Wensco Sign Supply had a pickup truck with a fifth wheel trailer to deliver their supplies. The trailer was like a mini store and you could climb in and do a little shopping for the smaller items (stabilos, brushes, misc.)while Denny unloaded your order of sign boards or what have you. We used to plan lunch at the Holmstead Restaurant with about 5 local sign shop owners when Denny was going to be in town with an order. Everyone had lunch and told stories and then headed out to the trailer to do a little shopping. (Large orders, Denny would deliver to the shops after lunch.) It was so nice having a delivery person who knew and understood the products, and enjoyed his job so much, that he spent a little time with his customers on his route.

Today, we just don't have the time to visit and enjoy others in the business "in person", or take a time out for lunch with the other local shops when the supply truck is in town. Since we don't have the luxury of spare time anymore, I sure am glad we have this website to still get a little visit in with others in our trade.

Now I must get to work, enjoy your day.


Pam Eddy
Niles, MI

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Glenn Taylor
Member # 162

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Along those lines, I'm wondering, "What happened?"

Are the profit margins that much tighter today?

I ask that because it looks like I'm going to have to change distributors. I used to be able to get almost anything I wanted, but now, every time I call, he's out of stock or he's quit carrying it.

OneShot? Gone. Gold leaf? Gone. MDO? Garbage. Lettering quills? Gotta order from out of state.

It seems like most distributors I know of are starting to cater to what franchise shops use mostly -- 3mm PVC, coroplast, vinyl-clad plywood and intermediate vinyl.

It is getting sad.

BlueDog Graphics
Wilson, NC


Warning: A well designed sign may cause fatigue due to increased business.

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Ed Cimaglio
Member # 1530

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Good post Dan. And really good posts from everyone else as well. But in reality don't you think that we really did it to ourselves?

Many Many years back I went to a sign show, when I first got into the industry and ended up purchasing a gerber 4B, one of the first editions of Corel draw and a link to the gerber. Spent 6 months playing with that thing, and the program, thought it was really kewl. When I finally made the transition to the sign industry I went to another show, in California, and saw all the new programs that were coming out, as well as going to see Rick Glawsons shop. That got me hooked, and over the coming years I went to Noel Webbers gold leaf seminar, and Jay Cooks carving course and several more meets. At each meet and show, the programs for the computer got better and the printers became more of the industry. Don't get me wrong, but I still feel the older way is the best way for me. Never got a printer and really don't intend to do it. I feel better when I use the computer to design, and cut out the mundane lettering, but still like to get my brush wet, chisle out some lettering and lay down some 23k gold.

When I had my shop in IL we had some great distributors, that handled everything that we needed, and got it delivered the next day. When I moved to WV that became a thing of the past. The only place that carries 1 shot is an art store 50 miles away so we make day trip out of it. Fortunately we still have a distrubitor that handles MDO and that new fangled stuff called sign foam and delivers, but to make a long story short things have definately changed. Some of the changes are good, and some are bad, but can't really blame the distributors. If you don't buy the products, and prefer to go the printer route it makes it rough on some of us that like to do it the old way [Smile]

Well guess it's time for me to get my brush wet, keep the posts going, and have fun.....

Ed Cimaglio
Hedgesville, WV

Posts: 13 | From: Hedgesville, WV | Registered: May 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
George Perkins

Member # 156

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I'm used to it. We have never had a supplier anywhere near what you could call decent here in Memphis. I've ordered 95% of my sign supplies from out of town for over twenty years. One time when I still had my shop, one of the salemen from a local supplier paid me a visist to inquire why I never bought much from them. I handed him my "need to order list" to see what he could fill from it. Brushes, at three times what I was paying, was the only thing [Frown]
I did have to go in search of some 6000 reducer the other day and from the looks of things it won't be long before OS will be gone.
Chaulk it up to the times, I damn sure won't say progress. Look at the gas station, remember them? You pulled up to the pump, a guy put gas in your car, you paid him and you were on your way. You could also get tires, mechanical work and your oil changed. Now you have to go to a place that specializes in oil changes or a tire store or a mechanic shop. The gas...hahhahaha now you have to go to a "convenience" store. Who the hell came up with that name???? You have to get out, walk inside, pay for the gas you are going to pump...AFTER waiting in line behind three bozos ordering fried chicken and potato slices at 9:30 in the morning then walk back out to the pump to pump your own gas hoping like hell the twit behind the counter has turned on the right pump otherwise it's another trip back in side:(
Oh what a convenience, what progress:)

George Perkins

"I started out with nothing and still have most of it left"


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