As I posted earlier I was privileged to attend the Conclave Meet at Rick Glawson's place this past weekend. In a word. WOW!
Now I've been intrigued with gold leafing for some time... even tried a little a few years ago.
Now as things settle down again after a few hectic but exciting years it's time to once again take up some new things. I can never stay the course and only do what's familiar or safe. It's not money I chase but growth and excellence.
When it was time to get a new truck recently, the color was picked to show off this new skill I didn't yet possess. I strongly considered vinyl for practical reasons and it will still have a little on the windows and other areas but the doors will be gold and paint.
So when I was afforded the opportunity last week to zip down to LA and hang with the best in the business I jumped at it.
For me it was as exciting as the very start of my career. I hadn't painted with a quill and enamels for years. In fact, I had to buy some new
quills just for this job. I relied on the advice of Lola and Rick as I selected my new tools and some GOLD with great delight. I still have to make up a maul stick for the actual job.
I prepared the glass as if it were my truck doors (surface guilding instead of reverse) and set about doing a practice piece.
The painting part was like riding a bike. Although a little rusty I hadn't forgotten all I had learned so many years ago. I was having a blast!
Many folks passing by were kind and supportive in their comments (even if they were wondering why I was working on the wrong side of the glass) To have the best in the business at your shoulder as you try new things is both intimidating and wonderful.
I am excited about this business all over again. There is a new challenge before me. I have so much to learn and practice. The truck doors will only be the start of many gold projects to come.
Down the road I hope to sell some work, but first I must master the skills as I work up some exciting projects for myself.
Once gold is under control I will have to dig out that glue for chipping I've had stored away for a few years.
By next years event I may just be good enough to tackle a very serious piece to show that I haven't been idle in the ensuing year.
Gonna be fun!
Dan Sawatzky
Imagination Corporation
Yarrow, British Columbia
Being a grampa is one of the the most wonderful things in the world!!!