To all!I have been on this board for quite some time, maybe not compared to most and although I have taken a back seat lately, I find myself unable to keep up with most posts, either because they were not tasteful or I am usually beat to the punch by someone with much more knowledge or wisdom than I.
But I will tell you that without a doubt, you will find few that have as much passion for the artistic application of ideas to a "sign media" as I do!
No...I have not been doing signs all my life...but I have worked in 85% of the different medias available...and it is so cool when I can get a client to buy into allowing me to use them as guiney pigs to try something new!
which brings me to this post!
After conferring with a client, it was suggested to sculpt a clients logo...which happened to be a family(man,women, and child) in complete 3-d form. Bronze was out of budget and foam is (in my opinion) not stable enough for a ground sculpture of this delicate nature.
so...why not concrete...but I have not seen this application in a one of a kind format...just the typical garden variety seen along the road.
Then of course, Dan Sawatsky crossed my mind for his Giggle Ridge concept. Boy isn't that what most of us would love to aspire to? Dan in his extremely humble manner was extremly forthwith in his knowledge and willingness to advise. I am familiar with concrete but what a neat thing to get a person that has experience to guide you through the delicate spots! I thank you and have instant respect for Dan!, not for your work(that was a given) but for your spirit of sharing which is what being a Letterhead is all about.
My ultimate goal in life is to continue to educate the public that there are other ways to create that graphical image than what is considered standard! I like most of you elect to eat than starve therefore adding words to my art!
therefore a sign!
This goal includes creating a non profit corporation that offers a service to the world that basically "creates anything in anything"
The Three phases would be
1.the reintroduction of the guild system
2.An internship program that would educate and inspire attending college students in design/art/architectural students
3. a sabbatical program for a well known artist/craftsman to share their knowledge and design knowledge.
all of this while performing a functional need to the design community.
My wish is the profoundness that we all carry in our hearts ,transform this board to nothing but Dan has gracefully contributed.
I have something to share with you that I have carried around for years and it is my answer to those who cannot understand why I am constantly inpired by my work. I hope you enjoy this excerpt!
Food for thought!
We don’t read/write poetry or create art because it’s cute!
We do these things because we are members of the human race.
And the human race is filled with passion!
Business, Law, Medicine, - they are noble pursuits necessary to sustain life...
But Love, Romance, Poetry, Beauty, Art...these are what we stay alive for!
As quoted from Walt Whitman
“Oh me...Oh Life...of the questions of these recurring,
Of the endless trains of the faithless,
of cities filled with the foolish.
What good amid these
Oh me...Oh Life?
The answer...
You are exists, an identity...
That this powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse!
What will your verse be?
Robert Beverly
Arlington, Texas