DanI haven't gone there not hired anyone who attended NAIT. But I have spoken to a couple classes as a guest speaker. The students also got to tour our projects we had on the go at West Edmonton Mall.
I got to know Susan Ward-Cornish who is head of the program.
I also met a former student who attended there and eventually opened her own shop. She spoke at one of the sessions I was at. She was very enthusiastic in her support of the program.
As I understand it, the program is quite good and the course covers all aspects of sign making in one year.
Susan's greatest wish is for students who really get it and want to learn instead of folks who want to just cruise through and waste a year of their lives.
Susan is very approachable and I'm sure would happily give you a personal tour and explanation of the program. I'm sure she would happily give you some references from former students as well.
you can reach her at susanc@nait.ab.ca or phone her at (780)471 7766
Generally there is a bigger list of students than spaces available, so don't put off at least putting in your application.
Good luck in your endevors!
Dan Sawatzky
Imagination Corporation
Yarrow, British Columbia
Being a grampa is one of the the most wonderful things in the world!!!