I had a chance to talk with a theme park hero this moring. I first met him when he gave me a backstage tour at Disneyland a few years ago. It was like we were best friends and took up from where we had left off a few years ago. We were talking the very same language.I also have had many conversations with others here and elsewhere who share this same passion for what they do.
It has become clear to me that this passion has little to do with the size of project we may tackle. It has EVERYTHING to do with the quality and effort we apply to it. The projects I speak about come from the heart.
I love what I do. My work is a large part of who I am. My life is much bigger than that, but my work is a large part of me.
And I put myself whole heartedly into all I do. Its crazy sometimes, really crazy. And most folks who are around me don't really understand where I come from.
Sometimes I ask myself why... is it worth it?
And I get my answer and reward once in a while. Indirectly is the best, when I am sitting off to the side, invisible, anonomous.
Someone will come up to a project I have put my heart into and they GET IT. Their jaw drops, they get real excited and they try to point out to those they are with about what they are seeing. Look at that!!! Look! Look!! They see. They are amazed, they get the vision I had in my head. It doesn't matter if they are 4 or 84 years old. And as they walk away they keep looking over their shoulders to get one last look.
And thats the reward. It makes me smile.
I react this same way when I travel. I see these projects everywhere. Someone has put their heart, their passion into what they do and it shows instantly. It has nothing to do with scale. It has everything to do with passion and working from the heart.
Dan Sawatzky
Imagination Corporation
Yarrow, British Columbia
Being a grampa is one of the the most wonderful things in the world!!!