I am constantly impressed with the feedback we get here at Letterville, it's positive, constructive, helpfull and it is only intended to help us grow.This trade is a process of constant learning, when we stop learning, we stop growing, we die.
We have all seen examples of people who have reached a certain level of expertise and have somehow felt that that was enough, that they know all there is to know, they level out and their work becomes out of date, never seems to improve, same old...same old......
Letterville is a great chance to show off, I have looked forward to being able to show some of my work to my peers, thats great and thanks for the opportunity.
But, working on my own I lack the feedback I need to help me grow, this is where I can not only recieve praise but also constructive critique and I hope I can give positive feedback to others.
So this is an invitation to go to town on my work, I intend giving you every opportunity I can to assist me in my learning process, because I certainly don't think that I have "made it"
I know only too well my limitations, and I know I can learn a lot from many of you guys and gals.
I also hope I can give positive feedback to others where needed.
Thanks Letterville, thanks heaps.
Rob Clark
Rob Clark Design
11 Lassig st
Moore Park Queensland Australia