Today I was hit with no less than 5 viruses and found out that I did not renew my NORTON anti-virus subscription as required...... I had over 300 names in my e-mail address book, including many of you Letterhead folks !!! The most dangerous virus I received dug into my e-mail address book and started sending out infected e-mails from ME !! My computer took a hard hit. It took the puter tech over 3 hours to clean it up and get it back to a trustworthy state. I must humbly and emphatictly apologize to any and all that may have been infected or inconvenienced by this action on my part. It just goes to show you, even if you have a system to protect you, it may have to be renewed by subscription. Norton only costs $9.95 per YEAR !!! Very cheap insurance considering what I just peeled out to fix all my contaminated files. Check your system. make sure you have all the LATEST updates and you are current with your system requirements !!!! Again, I am sorry for sending out bogus and maybe harmful stuff !!!!
-------------------- John Smith Kings Bay Signs (Retired) Kissimmee, Florida Posts: 822 | From: Central Florida - The Sunshine State | Registered: Jan 2000
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My kids system got worm infested also. The protection I have on my kids system would have stopped it had I responded to those messages about getting the Microsoft Updates. It didn't take long at all for my software to find it and remove it, but I started getting returned emails from places I never heard of before. Those things spread real fast.
-------------------- The SignShop Mendocino, California
Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity. — Charles Mingus Posts: 6806 | From: Mendocino, CA. USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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I could tell something was circulating throughout Letterville as I've been getting it daily from other residents. God Bless Norton, I knew every time - and was confident the sender had no knowlege of it.
What is the proper etiquite in these matters? It's become so common, I've gotten in the habit of just quarrantining the messages and deleting them from my system without even notifying the sender. I figure they have probably heard it from enough others without me having to rub it in. If I do notify, then I feel obligated to tell them it was no biggie and a reply isn't necessary. Usually I just delete and move on.
Joe...If the e-mail with the virus is from sopmeone I know I usually send them a reply to give them a heads up that they have a virus. I figure it might help them clean it up quicker so that the virus doesn't send itself to someone else that doesn't have protection that is up-to-date.
I USED to be mad if someone sent me a message with a virus, but nowadays I realise that these things do it automatically and the sender doesn't realise he has a virus OR that the messages are even being sent.
-------------------- Dave Grundy retired in Chelem,Yucatan,Mexico/Hensall,Ontario,Canada 1-519-262-3651 Canada 011-52-1-999-102-2923 Mexico cell 1-226-785-8957 Canada/Mexico home
This may sound awful..... but,..... it may be like having a booger hanging from your nose. . .. you don't know it is there until someone that really cares about you tells you it is there . .. . So, folks, please tell your shipmates that something is WRONG before it is way, way too late. Just like Diane said..... We "think" we are protected. Or, in the immortal words of my most dearest friend, Paul Harvey..... "Insurance is like a hospital gown .. . you only THINK you are covered" !!!
[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: John Smith ]
-------------------- John Smith Kings Bay Signs (Retired) Kissimmee, Florida Posts: 822 | From: Central Florida - The Sunshine State | Registered: Jan 2000
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(I posted this earlier under it's own topic, but thought it to be relevant here, too.)
After our discussion this week on anti-virus software, I was feeling pretty comfy about my level of protection. My Norton Anti-Virus software updates its definitions diligently every night, and I feel protected all day. But, this world has gotten so small that in my little out-of-the-way corner, I was sent a worm that was so new it was just added to Norton's site TODAY!!! We're talking hours here folks.
When I got the email in question every fibre of my being told me it was a virus, but then I thought it couldn't be because Norton would have caught it, so I let my guard down, let my curiosity get the better of me, and I checked out the attachment (which, or course, was from a known source). So, now, I'm infected.
I hope I don't transmit this to any of my contacts here at Letterville, and my apologies if I do.
LESSON...DON'T LET YOUR GUARD DOWN! If you haven't updated your virus definitions in the last 2 seconds, you're vulnerable.
-------------------- Diane Crowther, Metaline Graphics Ltd., Hubbards, Nova Scotia, Canada,
This is why i simply DO NOT keep an address book on da computer. And, is poewrfull reason why I use a email address.
I do not open or read any forwarded chain mail. Outlook is configured not to use the preview window, or run any scripts or macros.
This habit just protected my system just the other day in fact.
I have a full time firewall, anti virus and a dsl router to protect my system.
I do so much work over the computer & internet that i do not have the luxery of risking down time due to virii. curtis
-------------------- Leaper of Tall buildings.. If you find my posts divisive or otherwise snarky please ignore them. If you do not know how then PM me about it and I will demonstrate.
Posts: 5278 | From: Im a nowhere man | Registered: Jul 2001
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Good idea about the address book. In fact, the minute I thought I might be infected, I found and renamed the address book file on my computer so the virus couldn't access it while I tried to snuff it (the virus) out.
The good news is that I was somehow able to thwart the virus before it could write to my registry or send any emails. It did, however, delete my anti-virus software. What a close call! It was still disruptive for several hours while I scrambled to make sure it was eradicated.
-------------------- Diane Crowther, Metaline Graphics Ltd., Hubbards, Nova Scotia, Canada,
I've got the AVG software (it's free) from recommended by Michael Boone (thanks Mike) It has caught them each time...screen goes suddenly black then says a virus has been detected, what whould you like to do....since it doesn't have a panic button, I choose delete it. It updates daily, but sometimes I force a second or third update if it will let me. I also will read my mail from also free, it allows you to read your mail remotely.
I also will send a heads up to whoever I get a virus from, just in case they didn't know . I would hope someone would do the same for me if I was sending them out inadvertly.
[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: AdrienneMorgan ]
No sweat, I've been innundated this week with viruses -- most notably from (about 20 times, today alone). Here's the warning e-mail I got from McAffe (ironic, since I use Norton): has seen an OUTBREAK of computers infected with W32/Goner@MM, also known as Pentagone, Goner or Gone. This is a NEW, HIGH RISK virus that spreads via Microsoft Outlook email and ICQ instant messaging programs.
However, I use Outlook Express 6 (free), and in my security options I do this:
This makes it impossible to get bitten (bold statement, yet I've never gotten stung). The only pain is that when folks send me an attachment I want, I need to disable the "don't download or open" option, temporarily. Not a big deal. Also the "warn me when other apps" option eliminates the possibility that a virus will be sent to all my pals, if my bold statement above ever proves wrong.
This may not be the only solution, but it's free and has proven failsafe ... even this week (what the heck's going on!!! This is the worst I've seen).
Sorry you had bad luck ... I hope you get it cleaned up easily.
-------------------- Jim Doggett General Manager, USA Yellotools, Ltd
Posts: 500 | From: Sherman, TX USA | Registered: Mar 2000
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Unfortunately viruses are here to stay with us it seems, and they're getting smarter, nastier and more common. No matter how much protection we have, or how often we update it, a virus at some point will get through. I was hit by Sircam earlier this year even though I was using both Norton and Computer Associates antivirus software, and both were set to update daily, as well, I connect through a proxy server which has an (antivirus) firewall. It spread through my network like a dose of ****. Keep in mind there is lag time between when a virus is introduced 'in the wild' and when it gets brought to the attention of an antivirus developer and when a 'fix' then gets distributed. Hiding or not using address books doesn't seem to make much difference to the newer breed of viruses, they're able to extract addresses from cached web pages, you very likely won't even know the people to whom your 'puter is passing the virus on to. Likewise, many of the newer viruses are transmitted through infected web servers, irc servers, and icq servers, so thinking that if you block all mail attachments will keep you safe, you may be in for a surprise.
Best bets for safety on today's internet are:
1) Use good antivirus software(s) and firewalls - update daily.
2) Use common sense, be wary of ALL emails.
3) (MOST IMPORTANTLY) - - - Have a good method of safely backing up EVERYTHING that is important to you, so that WHEN (not if) disaster strikes, you are prepared to re-install, re-configure and get on with your life.
Ya'll have a safe and virus free Christmas !!
-------------------- Mike O'Neill
It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value. - Arthur C. Clarke
I use Netscape, a web based e-mail through my server, that virus scans it. I use Netscape Mail and I have zone alarm software on the mirc and e-mail. The only virus I usually get is an attachment type from outlook express users and I usually delete it without consequence, if it makes it through the other safeguards. But I don't have dsl so maybe that is why I don't have so much trouble. Bill
-------------------- Bill & Barbara Biggs Art's Sign Service, Inc. Clute, Texas, USA Home of The Great Texas Mosquito Festival Proud 10 year Supporter of the Letterheads Website "MrBill-" on the chat page Posts: 1020 | From: Lake Jackson,Tx | Registered: Nov 1998
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The 'trick' part is, we created a shortcut to the file and dropped it in our quicklaunch bar. Now, when you are typing a new email, and need an address, you just click the shortcut, and copy and paste the address in to the email. That alone doesn't keep us virus free but it sure keeps our friends from getting pi$$&@ at us.
[ December 06, 2001: Message edited by: utter ]
-------------------- Dave Utter D-utterguy on chat Sign Designs Beardstown, Il. Posts: 777 | From: beardstown, illinois, usa | Registered: Mar 1999
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