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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » What does your creative space looklike?

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Author Topic: What does your creative space looklike?
Dan Sawatzky

Member # 88

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I've always believed that an artist's creative space reflects a lot about the person who works there.

Some like the sparce look. Others have lots of clutter. Some are big and others no more than a corner somewhere in the house.

And I alway enjoy "touring" someone elses.

In my case my studio is full of all kinds of things. I have had the opportunity to travel a lot in my work and my studio is full of many souvenirs. There's the fire hydrant I got from Winnipeg. And the bent french horn I got from down in Ohio. And the carved elephant from Illinois. And the fishing float from Peggy's Cove in Nova Scotia. And my wonderful hat collection. And the over 400 Coca Cola items I have picked up from all over. And a thousand other little trinkets.

There is a 12' bulletin board behind my desk with drawings of my latest projects pinned there along with many scraps, notes and photos of things I find inspirational. Other wall have many framed pictures and even some awards I have gathered over the years.

There are some study models of projects. And of course the thousands of books, magazines and phot albums which are my valuable source of inspiration, when I need a reference picture or idea.

And of course, over there in the corner is our mascot... Spaz, the dragon. Eight feet tall and eight feel long and four feet wide. My next studio will have a high enough ceiling to suspend him above all the rest of my collection.

It is organized deep down, but the surface clutter is a good indication of my current state of business. When things are all put away in their proper place I am either not that busy or else am expecting an important visit.

When things are a little more cluttered, with reference books piled high by my desk and papers stacked around, I am in the middle of a big project (or perhaps two or three.)
In the middle of all this stuff, is my desk. It is 12 feet ling and has a space for drawing as well as all my computer stuff. A comfortable rolling office chair completes the picture.

My studio isn't seen by that many folks. I have it for me. It is my space, where I feel comfortable. It's where I can feel secure and create the most wonderful things.

It's my laughing place.

What's your comfortable creating space look like??Give us a tour.


Dan Sawatzky
Imagination Corporation
Yarrow, British Columbia

Being a grampa is one of the the most wonderful things in the world!!!

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Jackson Smart
Member # 187

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My creative space is upstairs in the shop...actually an attic space that has been remodeled. When you come up the stairs you enter the main part. On the right is my light table...next is my drawing table ( a recycled Boeing drafting table) with a swinging Vemco ruler. Across the room from that is my computer table, a long bookshelf with all my old Signs of the Times, SignCraft, Etc. At the end of the room is my quite space. It has a garden window looking out on the back of our property and the Olympic Mountains...Mount Angeles and Hurricane Ridge...Some View!!!! It has several happy plants and many rocks and crystals that I collect on my hikes in the mountains and the beaches. We are avid antique collectors, so our house and shop is filled with some very unusual things. In my quite spot I have made it look like a cave...I painted rocks on the ceiling, the walls are filled with posters and artwork, some that I did myself. On the other end of the loft is a raised area that serves as a bedroom for guests ( hey Cisco.. ) The loft is about 30'x 12'. Of course my whole shop is wired to my stereo...I CAN'T survive without music. I have a wicker chair and a loveseat in my quite spot for conversations...which is used often...(all the worlds problems are solved there..hahaha) I also do my meditations in there....the energy is very positive....I spend most of my time upstairs.
Downstairs just below the loft is the area that all the lettering is done...it has a big table at on end for projects. It is also the area for customers to enter. There is a counter just as you enter the door. The room is 30'x30' and is filled with antiques and artwork, samples and whatever else that wants to stay there. On one wall is a 4'x10' metal faced easle. On the wall opposite the easle is the desk.. It is an old lawyers stand-up desk...that is where all the paper work is done and stored. On one end is a brick wall that I recently painted (rainy weekend) but is very real looking. Most of the customers spend at least 15-20 minute looking around at all the "stuff"
The main working shop is on the east end of the shop. That is where most of the production is done. It is 45'x30'.

All in all it is a very comfortable shop for the two of us...since we spend MOST of our lives there....we wanted it to reflect our personalities and our intrests. I firmly believe that your enviornment is very conducive to your state of mind...if it is out of balance...you tend to pick up on that energy (Fung Shui or Zen)

Thanks Dan...that was a good idea...it is always enjoyable to take folks on a tour of your shop...so "Come Again"

Jackson Smart
Jackson's Signs
Port Angeles, WA
...."The Straits of Juan De Fuca in my front yard and Olympic National Park in my backyard...

"Living on Earth is expensive...but it does include a free trip around the Sun"

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cheryl nordby
Member # 1100

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My space is a bit messy now...but everything is within reach. Lots of drawers for my stuff I have to have at least two of everything...2 scissors.......2 tape measurers you know...sign stuff as I misplace everything.
Jackson.....Cisco told me about your place. He said it was very cool. I am sorry I missed meeting you that day.
When I had my shop.....my space was always red, black, white and yellow. All chairs and ladders were painted in those colors. Stuff was all over the walls. It was always a very happy place. Splashes of paint drips all over the floor...barefoot prints....lots of sign samples on the walls..it was my little colorful corner of the world. Up in the loft was a couch and chairs. And I always had plenty of good music to go with what type of mood I was in. Lots of neighbors liked to hang out and have lunch there. I miss the shop....but not the monthly expenses.

[ December 02, 2001: Message edited by: cheryl nordby ]

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Donna in BC

Member # 130

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My workspace is still fairly new and not alot of clutter and samples are around yet...

-cozy country style gas fireplace in the corner
-a custom made cowgirl that sways back and forth, made out of black painted welded iron, that sits by the fireplace
-two clean computer stations
-4x8 table in the center of the room
-vinyl displayed standing upright filling up a wall
-wall colors deeper taupe, framework fresh white
-lotsa big windows on all four sides
-forest green carpet
-clean and organized when I'm slower or someone is visiting (like Dan LOL)
-funky spotlights and suspended lights everywhere in addition to the standard florescents
-an upstairs view of the country side; wonderful for storm watching!

Soon to be additions - large armoire hiding coffee pot, microwave and fridge, comfy futon, samples on walls of my favorite designs

I've so far made it an extention of our home. It has an office feeling, yet feels like part of the house in many ways. Professional, clean, and ready for work projects and customers anytime.

Donna Williams
Funky Junk Interiors
Yarrow, BC Canada

~ Check out the newest junk at ~ http://funkyjunkinteriors.net/

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Adrienne Pereira
Member # 1046

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Dan, I have stuff I've collected too all over my studio...it's a tiny back bedroom, full of stuff, papers, books, and more STUFF!!!!!

I love having reminders of all the places I've been and people I've met....

There is the boar skull I picked up in Louisiana, the swag of seaweed I picked up off the beach in Mendocino, my collection of exotic feathers and butterflys,deer skulls,(I collect animal skulls, no idea why...)a gourd I got in the Appalachians, several pounds of shale from Nova Scotia (gonna paint them too, someday) a tiny lobster trap from Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia, seashells,even a couple of pecans I picked up off the lawn at Pat King's!
I collect seeds, rocks, feathers, skulls, antlers, etc.
Have enougth t-shirts and coffee mugs to open my own souvenier shop!
And business cards, I have the cards of almost every Letterhead I've met, and then some.

Now, I wanna SEE everyone's creative space!!


Adrienne Pereira
Splash Signs

Port Angeles, WA
"Sure, it's colder in the Northwest, but...it's a damp cold!"


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old paint
Member # 549

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mine is so big i keep it in a 20' step van...hahahahahaha, and a 4 bedroom 2000 sq.ft. house, 12'x 20' carport, 8'x10' shed....and i really need to build a 20'x 30' 2 story garage.
i got stuff everywhere.....but you wana know the sad part, when we moved up here from sarasota, everything we owned fit in a 24' box rental truck and one 85 dodge 1/2 ton van. but we "accumulated"......more stuff!!!!!!

joe pribish-A SIGN MINT
2811 longleaf Dr.
pensacola, fl 32526

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Rob Clark
Member # 787

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My "creative space" is just evolving. I have never before had a space I could call my very own, so this is going to be fun.
At present it's fairly 'makedo' but lovely and quiet, with views of the gardens from 2 windows. 'Bout 12' x 16' plus ensuite it's also the biggest area I have ever had. just up the stairs in the garden is my workshop, just a 3 bay garage. ( Wow, was it a challenge to condense everything down from my 2000 square foot workshop in town).

The best thing is that if I need inspiration I can go for a walk, either to the river or along a path through the trees. I can take a dip in the pool if I want to clear the head or set up & work out the back overlooking the river.
i love to listen to the birds, there is one magpie that loves to sing just outside and feeds from our hands.
After many many years of noisy, caotic workshops, this is fabulous. i am finding that I have to regulate my hours somewhat because it's just too easy to drift along out here.

I don't get interupted during the day anymore, my wonderful wife Annie takes all the calls and I return them when it suits me.
Clients must also make appointments to see me, they can't just walk in off the street anymore.......fantastic.

Hell, I can even work "nekkid" if i want.

I should have done this sooner, I just know that my best work is yet to come.


Rob Clark
Rob Clark Design
11 Lassig st
Moore Park Queensland Australia

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Marty Happy

Member # 302

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Hey Lettervillians....

I'm home-based and my business has pretty much overun my home. Probably couldn't get away with this if I had a woman in my life.(LOL) My design area is my living room because of the open space and large windows with stereo and television and couches conveniently nearby for those impromptu breaks/naps. An often cluttered drafting table centres my living room while this 'puter is along the foyer beside a large window. One bedroom is my admin office and storage as is an additional bedroom downstairs. My attached garage is where I create sawdust along with dimensional signs. My vinyl work is primarily produced in my mobile unit which doubles as an RV and is wonderfully useful for on-site work. In the summer I spend as much time working outdoors as I can. Nothing beats quietly working with the sounds of the neighborhood all around you as compared to being in a busy commercial area. I think I got it good because my personal and professional life intermingle and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Happy Signing...... Marty

M.F. (Marty) Happy
Signmaker Since 1974
Happy Ad Sign & Design
Regina SK, Canada S4N 5K4

Get Happy & Get Noticed!

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Doug Allan

Member # 2247

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I lean heavily to the neat & organized side, but I do like the kind of mess that comes from very involved, long running projects using all production areas & a vast array of tools, supplies & equipment. It's the kind of mess that speaks of the creative process rather then a jumble of old procrastination.

Below is one photo of the creative zone for workbench creativity, & color matching work. I have a series of 4 shots of my front door starting with the first layout of my shop 5 years ago when I rented this warehouse. Next to that is a few years back after I got some nice concrete stain & a somewhat presentable showroom. My airconditioning was an open door due to the 24 foot ceiling & 16' partition between me & my neighbor.

The bottom photos are last years milestone of creating an enclosed office to air condition. This was to protect the new Edge equip. from the dust that used to heavily line the top of every roll of vinyl on my rack.

Now my creative work is 90% computer work & vinyl cutting, printing & prepping done in this room. I can reach all my client job & bookkeeping files, most of my vinyl, all my edge foils, my computers, plotters, printers, phone, fax, stereo, & 200+ audio CD's from this one 10' x 12' half of my office. The 4x8 table in the front (w/ 4x8 cutting mat) is great for vinyl prep & small sign application as well a service counter for discussing & writing up jobs.

Doug Allan

"you get what you settle for"

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Member # 254

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Ahhh.. my creative space.. there are a couple. One, I fear, is my bedroom: full of clutter, and very livable. My book cases, three in total (very full and overflowing with books.. other books in boxes away... I LOVE my books, and I'm not going to uni without them.) I have a box in the corner.. filled with stuff that never got put away, coz it has no home.. I have a bedside table beside my bed, which I made myself. And another small bookshelf resting on that that I also made myself. Hmmm... On my box in the corner, I currently have a poster resting on top of it, with a picture of a cat, on a table, with many paint brushes etc, And the name plaque "Piccatso" underneath it.. I Love it. Underneath my bed is a place where mortals fear to tread. It has everything from picture frames, to goblets, to candles, and long forgotten pieces of paper with notes scrawled on them. Over in another corner, formed by two of my bookcases, is a green wine bottle, with peacock fethers in, along with an assorment of paints, pastels, pencils, etc. Oh, and a pile of footrot flats comics, a few bars of soap in a gift set, and another couple of boxes, containing miscellanious objects. The walls used to be covered with various pictures I liked, and other things, from fake flowers, to stickers adrienne sent me. Oh, and I still have that packet of grits in the cupboard somewhere at home too..

The second lil creative place of mine, is in my head *ta da*. It's a funny little place, and quite crowded and cluttered. Many multiple personalities up there.. I counted them once.. Came up with ten. And it really is quite freaky, when you end up with a three way argument with youself, on a topic. There's a corner over there, for distant memories, and even a few more recent. And there is a pitt beside that, which contains all the memories that get forgotten. Like what I ate for dinner last night, or what day it is. Most are retrievable Oh, and then there is that big bit in the middle, full of dragons, and faeries, and things of a more fantastical nature. Oh, and there is a section for the practical side: cooking, cleaning, how to change a tire, etc, But the creative space is that bit in the middle, with the faeries, and dragons and such, amongst other things. I love to draw fantasy creatures, and some of the things I have come up with Drawing and creating fantasy and magic is my passion, as such. So that's my second creative place.

Hmm.. ok.. I've rambled for long enough, I think.
From Katie

From Kat Johnston (previously Katie Wright, for those who can remember that far back)

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Member # 254

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My creative space is in my head. (figurative space as well as literal space)
The rest of the planet is just somewhere to put stuff down in order for it to disappear into an alternate universe when next you need it.
Think I'm kidding?
Ask Katie


From Kat Johnston (previously Katie Wright, for those who can remember that far back)

Posts: 530 | From: Brisbane, Australia | Registered: Feb 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
David Fisher
Member # 107

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Hmmmmm, maybe I should have logged in as me instead of leaving Katie's details for the above post.
The perils of staying at my place don't end when you leave here apparently Katie.

David Fisher
D.A. & P.M. Fisher Services
Brisbane Australia
Trying out a new tag:
"Parents are the bones on which children cut their teeth
Peter Ustinov

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Rick Sacks

Member # 379

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Ever have someone ask "What's your favorite sign that you've done?" Often my honest answer would be the one that I'm just finishing now. There's this feeling of enjoying the sign enough that I almost would prefer to keep it than kiss it goodbye and just get money. Some of those signs are small enough that I might make a second one at the same time to keep for me. Often a business will re-locate and need a new sign appropriate for the new building. I try to get back the old ones. So, I like decorating my walls with signs that I've been romantically involved with. An up front open album of some history of my lovers that doesn't harm my marraige.

The SignShop
Mendocino, California


Making the simple complicated is commonplace;
making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity. — Charles Mingus

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Robin McIlvaine
Member # 1710

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I bought the cutest little house to work out of then moved in. The living room 12' by 15' has my computer station on mission style tables, my vinyl is held in a crakle painted cupboard, the vinyl cutting table is from an office and has crakle copper leaf legs & a faux marble top. Above it is a book cupboard that I salvaged & stripped. The TV sits on a small chest of drawers that hold my favorite organized sign & vehicle pic.s from Signcraft.It looks completely like a normal living room if all the cupboards are closed. I love Mia indian paintings and have a huge air-brushed indian painting on the wall of my own. I will drag 4' by 8's in or horses & make a table dead center if I feel like working in here--my cat loves it! My sons over it!

My linnen closet is all ref. books & a bed rookm closet hold odd roll of vinyl. To get to my great 20' by 20' garage/shop you have to go thru my tiny kitchen. Sooooo I have to keep it neat. The floor is marth stewart basket weave painted, the walls are light blue sponged with vines around the top going onto the ceiling. I use fiesta dishes so even if they aren't done they look nice!

The garage has 2 sky lights, 2 sliding glass doors, the one whole wall is recycled double hung windows sided by side....there is recycled carpet and a separate furnace. The overhead door can be left open for an outside in feeling, in the summer and the ceiling is 10' high. The window wall has low shelves for all my paint. The back wall (all painted pale yellow) has a man door that goes to shed #1 which is only 8 by 9 but holds my 4' by 8'stuff and extra paint and goes straight back to connect to shed #2 that keeps my lawn stuff (I have 3 acres with a pond and working pitcher pump and gardens---major distractions!) Which leads to a fenced in area for my 2 dogs. I air-brushed 2 life size cut-outs of wolves for the kennel area & to keep the neighbors guessing.
I absolutley LOVE this place.

Robin McIlvaine
RM Signs & Vehicle Graphics
Punxsutawney, Pa

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