Here are the winners from tonights night's Letterville Resident's Draw.1. The SignGold Starter! This kit includes...
A 15" x 2 Yard Roll of Your Choice of Florentine Swirl Gold, Large Engine Turn Gold or MiraGold!
Art Schilling's Vehicle Graphics CD-ROM
"Making Money With SignGold" Video
SignGold POP Retail Counter Display
SignGold's "At-A-Glance" Pricing Guide
Check out this kit and other SignGold promotions at
Thanks to Bill Crowley and Art Schilling at SignGold.
Arklie Hooten from Elizabethton, TN
2. EstiMate Pro.....This program will help keep your pricing in line with your market and tells you exactly how much profit you are making on a given job. Take a few minutes to check out Mark Smith's website at
Thanks again Mark.
John Weber from Carlos MN
3. Arvil Shepherd has been kind enough to donate another of his fabulous Limited Edition Prints to the winner of this draw. Choose either the Porsche 356, the 57 Chevy or Yesterday print. You can see these prints and learn more about Arvil at Thanks Arvil!
Rob Larkham from Chester, MA
4. Mr. J's Pinstriping Kit.... If you have ever wanted to try your hand at pinstiping, this kit is for you. This kit contains a Excaliber striping brush, pinstriping stencil tape, computer cut striping designs, a striping paint video, paint & more. Everything you need to do your first pinstriping project.
Thanks to our friends at GBC SignWarehouse for this gift. Drop by the GBC SignWarehouse Website to find lots of great bargains.
Judy Pate from Albany, GA
5. A Designer's Cafe CD courtesy of Jack Wills and Victor Georgiou at AnchorBlanks. You'll find over 1600 examples of handcrafted sign art on this CD. A must have for any sign shop!
Learn more about AnchorBlanks at
Kim Silvia from Dighton, MA
6. Cambridge Canvas has donated a 3 ft by 24 yard roll of their popular Banana/Bandanna banner to the winner of this and future draws. What a great prize!
Special thanks to Mike Holtzy and the gang at Cambridge Canvas. Take a few minutes to check out their website at Don't miss their video! It's a riot.
Craig & Susan Gardner from Bullard, TX
Thanks to all of you who took time to turn out for this Month's Draw. If you never won this time, next month may be your turn.
[ November 24, 2001: Message edited by: Steve Shortreed ]
Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9