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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » Vinyl Express Plotter problems

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Author Topic: Vinyl Express Plotter problems
Deron Johnson
Member # 2475

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I have a 24" Vinyl Express plotter, 2 years old. After ~12 months of light use, the pinch rollers stopped working right. Earlier this year I purchased very expensive replacement pinch rollers from Sign Warehouse, and was told that installation instructions would be coming.. they never did. I was also told a video would be sent to me to help me get this thing working well... never saw it either. Tech support at SW was extremely unhelpful and unwilling to replace a part they sent me that arrived broken... After using Gerber plotters for over 10 years with almost no problems, should I go back to a Gerber, and use this thing for a boat anchor??? or is anyone out there happy with these plotters?

Deron Johnson
Virtual Sign
Knoxville, TN

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Raymond Chapman

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Ten years, no problems. Answer seems kinda simple.

Chapman Sign Studio
Temple, Texas

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Mike MIller
Member # 2477

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I have had mine for three years and the only thing i don'tlike is it has a "hum" to it. I can touch the belt and make it go away. Been pleased over all. Mike.

Mike Miller
M & S Custom Stripes and Graphics
Nederland, Tx

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John Deaton
Member # 925

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Like Mike, I too have had mine three years. Not one time in that three years did I have to call tech support. Good thing maybe by what you say. I couldn't say enough good things about mine, but with all types of machinery, problems will arise at some time or other. Stay on em till they come through for you.

Maker of fine signs and
other creative stuff.
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Brad Campbell
Member # 2476

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I have had my VE cutter for about a year now and the support that Signwarehouse has given me has been great.

How long did it take to get the pinch rollers you needed. I have had pinch rollers go bad before (they are a wearable item so that will happen) I had to wait about 3 days before I got mine. I didn't need any instructions to install the pinch rollers but I would have called and told them that I needed help to put them in, they have helped me everytime before with anything I had a problem with.

If you need anymore info let me know, you can email me at brad_campbell3@hotmail.com

Hope this helps,

Brad Campbell

Brad Campbell
Campbell Signs
316 E 16th St
Lckport, IL

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Terry Scott
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I have had my plotter almost 4 years I had one problem with it cutting circles, for some reason it would not totaly close the circle, we tryed a bunch of things over the phone and then they finally had me send it back to them for service, I was with out it for 4 days, the tech support was really good. They changed the blade holder at no charge. We never did resolve the problem 100%, lol but atleast it doesn't leave the circles open everytime.

Scott Family Graphics
Deerfield Beach, Fl

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Amy Brown
Member # 1963

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I'm on my second VE plotter. The first was replaced under warranty because my material constantly fed left off the rollers. Tech support never could figure it out. I asked to be told what they figured out when I returned it and never heard anything.

Now with #2 I am starting to have the exact same problem. Also, when I tried to increase the ips speed it goes slower, leading me to believe it is wired backwards or something.

My VE software always rounds the corners on outlines even when I choose sharp corners (have a call into tech support for that now).

Overall, I am not impressed with their products at all. If I ever have money for new stuff I'm buying it!! That's my 2 cents!!

[ November 21, 2001: Message edited by: Amy Brown ]

Amy Brown
Life Skills 101
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Robin McIlvaine
Member # 1710

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I have to tell this SignWarehouse horror story from last December.
Wind storm took out my original roland cam from 6 years ago.
Called SW & paid extra to overnight a LYNX.... It came overnight BUT would not work. After ALL DAY with tech support they suggest I drive home & test the key with another computer... 28 miles round trip and OOPPS they sent the wrong key....sorry that almost never happens...bummer! So they can send me out another program but I must box up and re-mail & fill out fax forms to return the one that doesn't work & drive it to the nearest UPS pick-up and wait 3 DAYS for them to get the other program out.
I kept asking what about my overnight fees...$70ish but never got a reply.
Then I used the next program for about a month and they called & said they accidentally sent me an upgraded version of the one I was SUPOSED to recieve so I either had to pay the extra $250 or they would simply add it to my charge card anyway!!! I'd become so used to the new program after a month, I ask them to make a deal. They offer a $50 reduction in price (never mentioned the overnight fees I kept bringing up) and offered to send a bonus Logo Helper package FREE. Well the free program does not work with the lynx software or corel as far as any editing goes....so I got nothing. Wanna know how many times I heard tech support say " wow bummer"

[ November 20, 2001: Message edited by: Robin ]

Robin McIlvaine
RM Signs & Vehicle Graphics
Punxsutawney, Pa

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Shane French
Member # 2098

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Well, I am not thrilled with the company at all. I like my plotter though! Works great. i love cutting directly from corel too. i think my next plotter will be a roland, summa, or graphtec. I aint in no hurry though.


Halo Graphics
Clearlake Oaks, CA

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Member # 2028

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I have a Lynx I got from them. I don't know what my next plotter will be but I guarantee it will NOT be a Lynx or Vinyl Express.
I was lied to by the salesman (told me I'd have it in 2 days, it sat in their warehouse for 2 days before being shipped. Took over a week to get it)
Their tech support is a joke. Call, leave a message and hope they return your call sometime this week. Last time, I argued with the phone answerer and she told me understood my frustration. I asked her exactly how could she understand? Had she spent that much money out of her pocket on a piece of junk machine, only to have to kill an entire day waiting for tech support when the junk breaks down? She didn't answer me.
I finally, after I don't know how much wasted time, got it to cut from Corel. That garbage software they send with it....I would import a file, cut it, ok. Import it (exact same file, I didn't save changes) next day and it would tell me there was nothing to cut. I did use it a little for simple design work while waiting to get Corel. I would save my work and when I re-opened, it would tell me the font wasn't found. It was a font from their menu and it was on the menu, I could change it back to what it was suppost to be after opening it, but it couldn't find it when opening?

Robin: with that logo helper stuff. Import the file into Corel, ungroup the entire thing (they usually have a ton of groups, so make sure you ungroup all.) Then, you should be able to change it.

BTW, in the last week, I've had to tear mine apart twice (actually got tech support to tell me this) to unplug and replug all connectors, jiggle wires because when I turned the power on, it wouldn't come online. No idea what the problem is, but I now keep a screwdriver beside it so I don't have to look for one to tear it apart everytime I turn it on.

And, did you look at the book you get with it? In mine, there's more information on how to assemble the optional cutter stand than on the actual cutter.

Chris Welker
Wildfire Signs
Indiana, Pa

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Raleigh Parker
Member # 2468

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I've had my 30" VE FOR 4 YEARS, no problems
I love it. The tech team was great.

Raleigh Parker
Raleigh SIGNS
Lynchburg, VA

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Amy Brown
Member # 1963

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To to add to the earlier post, I just got off the phone with tech support (called them yesterday, got called back at 5:00pm today).

They had me reset preferences in my software. I lost all of my settings. One other problem I am having they blamed on Scanvec Amiable (I know they wrote the software). When I asked if I should call Scanvec about that problem they told me it's not documented, they won't fix it.

I think their support (GBC Signwarehouse) sucks!

I should also add that it hasn't even been a year since I got my first plotter which was replaced by a second one.


Amy Brown
Life Skills 101
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Brian Snyder
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I posted about my experiences with this machine at:


Brian Snyder
Sign Effectz
Woodbridge, New Jersey

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Member # 2352

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I love my 30" VE Pro. I've had a few little problems (like the clamp arm does not stay up)...but my problems have been with Amiable..the makers Flexi.

Garrick Crocker
Absolute Signs and Printing
20372 E. Pennsylvania Ave, Suite G
Dunnellon, FL 34432

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Harvie Loomis

Member # 1635

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I have had my VE Cutter for 1.5 years. It is my first cutter. It was recommended to me by an established sign company. Best advise I ever got! My 30" VE plotter has been without fail. I marvel at it's speed and precision.

The SignPal Master software has much to offer. I am willing to discuss it's potential with other users.

Feel free to respond.

Harvie Loomis
Loomis Signs
76 Cortright Hill Road
Newark Valley, NY 13811

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