You are partially correct Timi. When we originally came up with the idea of a virtual community called Letterville, I envisioned a logo that suggested a 1940-1960 look.
After struggling with a few of my own design ideas, I called on Dave Butler, one of my favorite designers for help. Dave's first design featured a water tower and a script that inspired the final design you see today.
The "skyline" is composed of actual buildings here in Fergus, Ontario. I came up with the script and David added the decorative touches to the capital L. What a difference that made!
Janette Balough was monitoring our progress and suggested the "cornflake" sky design. To help put the whole thing together, we enlisted Corel Wiz Kid Doug "Too Tall" Downey. Doug added the secondary copy and fill effects on the main Letterville script.
So there you have it. Ain't it great what can happen when Letterheads work together? Now all we gotta do is get those t-shirts and aprons done.
-------------------- Steve Shortreed 144 Hill St., E. Fergus, Ontario Canada N1M 1G9 519-787-2673