I know Cam. (you beatnik - its the beret and beard in your pic) The "atheist peacenik" was a term used by a war protester describing himself as he was being interviewed on the Jerry Agar Show (radio) yesterday. That's where I got the term from.
As far as invoking God in a time of war, I respectfully disagree with you in some respects. As someone who believes, I see no better time than to call on God. But, I think its wrong on believers to ask God to fight for our "team." I do think it is absolutely appropriate to do what Bruce prayed for earlier in this thread. I can't see why asking God for protection for the troops and that "Good rule over the world" and "grant our leaders wisdom and resolve, along with a sense of compassion for the innocents, when dealing with the evil that has infiltrated our lives" could be such a problem and/or offense for some folk.
What I am about to say is not directed at you, LE or anyone else personally. It is just an observation I have and it is not intended to insult or attack anyone..... I am perplexed at how atheists (for lack of a better word or description - I feel like I'm walking on eggs right now) vehemently oppose mentioning God anywhere in public. I realize we may be perceived as fools (as evidenced at www.atheists.org), but some of the reactions I see from some atheists are one of revulsion and what seems to be fear.
Case in point....Two days after the terror attack, the Breen Elementary School in Rockland, California, a suburb of Sacramento, put up a marquee on school grounds that said "God bless America." Three weeks later, the American Civil Liberties Union send the school board a letter, asking them to take that sentiment down. (foxnews.com) It turns out that a mother didn't like it because it "violated the seperation of Church and State." When the school refused, she called in the ACLU. As of 3 days ago, over 450 calls and e-mails were received by the school in favor of keeping the message up. There were only five requests to take it down.
It bothers me when the majority's choice and desire (which causes no physical or lasting harm) is to be overruled by a minority - especially this small of a minority.
Then there is another school which is refusing to require its students to recite the "Pledge of Allegiance" or to sing the "National Anthem", as required by its State's law, because the word "God" is in them.
Anyhow, I'm probably starting to ramble a bit.
I'm just expressing how I feel.
No harm or insult intended to anyone.
[ October 11, 2001: Message edited by: Glenn Taylor ]
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