Nomon's post about medical insurance reminded me of something that I had intended to post regarding accident insurance..specifically in Ontario Canada.
Those of us who are self-employed are aware of the financial damage, both out-of-pocket expenses and loss of income, that could result from an accident that results in being unable to work.
I discovered something as a result of an accident that my mother experienced back in June. She and my father decided to take a city bus to downtown instead of driving their car. My mother fell while getting off the bus and broke her leg. Hospital expenses, etc. were covered by our Ontario hospital plan but about 3 weeks after the accident my parents were contacted by the insurance company for the bus company. They were advised to contact their own automobile insurance company and submit any bills that they had to pay out of their own pockets.
Seems that in Ontario, after implementation of "No-Fault" insurence, all automobile policies now contain coverage for accidents whether you automobile was involved or not. So far Mom and Dad have recieved ongoing support in all forms, completely covered by their auto insurance carrier.
I just recieved my vehicle insurance renewal papers last week and enclosed was a brief explanation of this coverage that had previously not been "advertised". I intend to visit my agent next week and get further details about what exactly is covered and what compensation is allowed. Mom and Dad are long retired so loss of income was not a factor in their case but I wonder if that would be applicable to a self-employed person.
You folks in Ontario might want to check with your own insurance agents and get the whole scoop from them.
------------------ Dave Grundy shop#340 AKA "applicator" on mIRC "stickin' sticky stuff to valuable vessels and vehicles!" in Granton, Ontario, Canada 1-519-225-2634 "A PROUD $ supporter of the website"
Yes Michael....That was why the bus insurance company contacted find out if they had car insurance.
------------------ Dave Grundy shop#340 AKA "applicator" on mIRC "stickin' sticky stuff to valuable vessels and vehicles!" in Granton, Ontario, Canada 1-519-225-2634 "A PROUD $ supporter of the website"
This one could get pretty deep in a hurry.Isnt what you say...kinda like what goes on everywhere in the world today? Those that can and will taking care of those who can but wont?The very reason socialism cannot function..its a great concept,if you do not take human nature into account.