I received this from a up-north friend. Hope you ejou as much as I did.Up here in Canada a major debate continues against privatized ‘’U.S.-style’’ health care. Here in Alberta, our Premier Klein and his
majority government have passed a Bill 11 which opponents argue opens the door to just such ‘’health care.’’ I found the following in
my doctor’s waiting room and thought you folks – particularly, my Canuck friends – might enjoy it.
Ten signs that Ralph Klein’s Bill 11 might not be such a good idea:
#10. Your annual breast exam is conducted at Hooters.
#9. Directions to your doctor’s office include, ‘’take a left when you enter the trailer park.’’
#8. The tongue depressors taste faintly of Fudgesicles.
#7. The only proctologist in the plan is ‘’Gus’’ from Roto-Rooter.
#6. The only item listed under Preventive Care coverage is ‘’an apple a day.’’
#5. Your ‘’primary care physician’’ is wearing the pants you gave to Goodwill last month.
#4. The patient is responsible for 200% of out-of-network charges. (*this is not a typo.)
#3. The only expense covered 100% is embalming.
#2. Before Bill 11, your Prozac did not come in different colours with little ‘’m’’s on them.
#1. You ask for Viagra and you get a Popsicle stick and duct tape.
Nomon Kennedy
Sweetwater, Tennessee, USA
EMAIL ksigns@usa.net
Tennessee a State of Mind
Tennessee a State of Champs