Well it was actually only 39,200 rivits but close enough. Just finished this contract on 100 trailers this morning. I just had to figure out how many rivits were involved. Turns out there were 392 rivits being covered with vinyl on the last trailer. So if you want to learn how to deal with rivits in a hurry..just take on a hundred will learn in a hurry!!!!
Below are a couple of pics (hope they aren't too big, still tryin to figure out this digital camera) one is the nighttime pic and one is the daytime pic. This job was pretty simple as far as design (it was an existing format) but the use of the reflective outlining is pretty obviously a big PLUS as far as the safety concerns of the customer are concerned. (despite the fact it was expensive to buy and a pain to apply). It apparently also saved the customer almost as much as the entire job in insurance premiums!!! (just something you might want to suggest to your customers)
For those who are interested... the total job ended up costing the customer $2.00 per rivit!!
There is hope for the "little guy"!!!!
------------------ Dave Grundy shop#340 AKA "applicator" on mIRC "stickin' sticky stuff to valuable vessels and vehicles!" in Granton, Ontario, Canada 1-519-225-2634 "A PROUD $ supporter of the website"
So that's what you've been up to! Sorry we never had time to give you a hand..ha ha No I'm not really sorry...just thinkin' about all those rivets! Looks great Dave!
------------------ Dennis Veenema The Sign Shop Dresden, Ont. "We Sign Everything" Chapleau, Ontario home of "The World's Largest Game Preserve" Winter is near,in Shania Country. Farewell Mosquito, here comes the Snow!
[This message has been edited by J & N Signs (edited November 25, 1999).]
Hey Dave........Can I borrow some money??? tee hee.........Nice sign order!
------------------ Cheryl Nordby "surf" (previously Cheryl Bianchi) signs and lines "surfsigns" a hop and skip from Seattle ICQ# 36992184