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Steve & Barb Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » "Neon Rope" info

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Author Topic: "Neon Rope" info
Mike Pipes
Member # 1573

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Man someone stole my idea!!

Check out the latest SignCraft, there's an article about flexible lighting on the exterior of a van to enhance the signage.

Anyways, I noticed they didnt offer any product names or anything to help people locate such a product, they just mentioned the price (they paid $5/ft for it) and the fact that the author is now reselling the "rope."

Well, I'll tell ya what that stuff is called so you all can source it for yourselves.

It's called Electroluminescent Rope - or cable - or wire.. "EL" for short.

It's not really all that new, it's been around for years in the Indiglo watches and such, it's the same material.
Car audio guys have been lighting the insides of their vehicles with it for about 5 years now.

You can pick it up for about $2 per foot, or just a hair over $1 per foot if you buy it by the spool.. depending where you get the spool it will have between 800 and 1,000 ft of rope on it.

I was gonna do some text outlines with it on my truck but now I think I might just get full sheets of the material and hand-cut solid lettering from it.

Mike Pipes
Digital Illusion Custom Graphics
Lake Havasu City, AZ

Posts: 8746 | From: Lake Havasu, AZ USA | Registered: Jun 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Brian Snyder
Member # 41

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I had a bunch of emails from a company selling this stuff about a year ago. Wish I had them now so I could pass on some info.
What is the "full sheet" stuff you mentioned and where can you get it? I moving into my first home next week and I have a million decorative ideas rolling around my noggin. Well, 1,000,001 now...

Brian Snyder
Sign Solutions
Woodbridge, New Jersey

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Mike Pipes
Member # 1573

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So far the only source for the sheet form of this material that I have found is Edmund Scientific. a 5"x8" size sheet is about $150, but they also have quantity pricing available, I just havent had a chance to call. I also only spent a few short minutes reading the first couple pages of hits in the search engine.
I'm gonna look into more of this stuff eventually, I've done a TON of work with the rope stuff in custom car audio installs, even "pinstriped" some kid's "riced-out" Honda with it. THAT was a trip to see comin down the road at night.

I would have put rings around his wheels too if I coulda figured out how to wire the things up and still allow his wheels to spin, and not have an exposed battery pack or off-balance wheels from puttin the pack inside the wheel. =)

Mike Pipes
Digital Illusion Custom Graphics
Lake Havasu City, AZ

Posts: 8746 | From: Lake Havasu, AZ USA | Registered: Jun 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Mike Pipes
Member # 1573

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I found this page while doing some more searching.. If yer interested in purchasing some of this "neon rope", you might want to keep this in mind while checking prices on it:


Mike Pipes
Digital Illusion Custom Graphics
Lake Havasu City, AZ

Posts: 8746 | From: Lake Havasu, AZ USA | Registered: Jun 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Shane French
Member # 2098

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Here's the best site i've found so far. The prices leave a bit to be desired though. But it has great info:



Halo Graphics
Clearlake Oaks, CA

Posts: 308 | From: Clearlake Oaks, CA | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Mike Pipes
Member # 1573

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OK I've got a number of links now.. maaaaaan I found some reaaaaally cool stuff out there..

www.magicinkjet.com (gotta look at the "NEWS" section to see their announcement)

And... one of the most interesting items I found..

Electronic Ink - www.eink.com - all I can say is.. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiirrrrrrrd but in a cool way. I think this item just might end up in the automotive arena, like a "digital paint" on the auto body (the whole body?) that you could change by plugging in a computer. Imagine that.. sittin outside on the ground next to your vehicle with a drawing tablet in hand and photoshop, digitally painting graphics onto your ride..

Mike Pipes
Digital Illusion Custom Graphics
Lake Havasu City, AZ

[This message has been edited by Mike Pipes (edited September 06, 2001).]

Posts: 8746 | From: Lake Havasu, AZ USA | Registered: Jun 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Ryan Ursta
Member # 1738

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I sell it! Hotwires neon wire.
Pricing is as follows.

5' $25.00
10' $35.00
15' $45.00

Colors available are.

Quantity discounts are available.
Just give me an email or a phone call!
Ryan Ursta
Ursta Graphics
27 West Shenango St.
Sharpsville Pa. 16150
Call: 724•962•2206
"letters of Recommendation"

Known as "Ugraph" on mirc

[This message has been edited by Ryan Ursta (edited September 06, 2001).]

Posts: 558 | From: Sharpsville Pa. USA | Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Steve Shortreed
Deceased Mayor

Member # 436

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You mean you actually charge money for this product?

Seriously guys. SignCraft and other greedy folks like Barb and I, charge venders to advertise. That's how we keep doing what we do. If there was no contact info for the product, it is probally because they don't advertise at SignCraft.

Can you imagine how long any of our sign magazines would be around if suppliers and fans of their products were able to place ads at will in the magazine? Luckily for the magazines, they are only published monthly or bi-monthly and are able to edit every word. Those of us on the Internet don't have that option.

We have 2 sources of income here in Letterville.

We offer signmakers a chance to become Residents. Resident's get some extra perks, but the website is free to all.

The second source of revenue is advertising. Unlike the Resident thing, advertising is not free. When you add links to those that sell to signmakers, you deprive us of our bread and butter.

Now we understand that many of you consider this sort of thing just exchanging information. Information about products that signmakers buy IS advertising.

If you read this and still don't understand or care about our position in this matter, we ask you to do one or both of these 2 things.

1. Go to the vendor's website and insert information about the benefits of advertising in Letterville.

2. E-mail the marketing people of evey company you have gave a link to. Tell them you gave them a free plug here in Letterville and encourage them to become Letterville Merchants. There's more! Tell them to mention your name and we'll send you $50.

Just think Mike. You could have made $500 just off of your links alone.

Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9
ICQ 316338

Posts: 3710 | From: Fergus, Ontario, Canada | Registered: A Long Time Ago!  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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