I just got a check in the mail today from a guy I did a boat lettering job for in mid-May. When I met him, I was doing a boat for another guy on the same dock, and he asked if I could copy his existing lettering and replace it (it had been scratched up) The lettering was Mistral, and I knew the computer might not produce exactly the same graphic in order to cover the discoloration under the old name, so I traced it, made a pattern and hand cut it. By the way, I've been hand-cutting Ulano stencils and vinyl for over 30 years, so I can handle an X-acto pretty well. When I went back to do the boat, he was there, and upon completion, said he didn't have his checkbook (red flag) and could I leave him an invoice, which I did. I gave him about a month, and then started calling (home and cell phone) and leaving a message each time. Naturally, he never returned any of the calls, so I rang him up early one Saturday morning and I guess he was too groggy to check his caller ID, because he finally answered. I told him the bill was way overdue, and I needed to get paid. He told me he would send it and even got my address again (sure). After a week, I started calling again (to no avail). After 2 weeks, I left a message that said he had until noon the following day before I filed papers on him. Bingo! I get a call the next day from him and he says he might consider paying me less than the full amount because he's unsatisfied with the job, but only if I changed my belligerent attitude. I promptly told him to kiss my belligerent butt, and it was ALL or NOTHING. He hung up. Which brings us to today's mail: a check for $50 less than the full amount($170).
So, level-headed Letterheads (and revenge-mongers,too): Do I take the money and call it a day, or send the check back in suppository form, and go file the paperwork on the jerk? Thanks for any and all responses.
------------------ Sonny Franks Sign Creations Atlanta
Posts: 4117 | From: Lilburn, GA USA | Registered: Feb 1999
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Funny he didn't say anything about "the shoddy job" till you got on his case.
You should go back and christen his boat "deadbeat"
------------------ "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."
Albert Einstein
Failure to advertise is a lot like blinking in the dark. Nobody, but you, knows what you're doing.
Yep.....I have no time for these idiots. Today I am waiting for a guy to pick up his sign. He has told me at least 5 times he would be here to get his sign. Mmmm Hmmm. sure. I have another customer who has a sign sitting here waiting for them to pick up. It has been 2 months. I have offered to deliver....but they want to pick them up. Probably because they don't have the money. Well then why did they order their *#@*+~@ signs??? I think you should do a little work on the jerks boat. Like remove one or two letters. He didn't pay in he shouldn't get his full sign. No problemo.
------------------ surf or MoJo on mirc Cheryl J Nordby Signs by Cheryl Seattle WA.....!
If you intend to sue, do NOT cash the check. I'd go for that one, only because of his own attitude.
------------------ St.Marie Graphics & Makin' Tracks Sound Studio Kalispell, Montana 800 735-8026 We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)
Sue!(unless this guy happens to be an attorney)
Keep his check, but do not cash it! You have the date of your invoice, the date on the check. Open and shut case. You might have to pay a filing fee to take this to court, but you can add that cost back into the judgement. Also you can add fees for late payment, time lost due to having to collect this bad debt, etc..etc... If you happen to know an attorney, call him/her up and see if they will take this case for a % of the judgement! Try one of those "personal injury" types in the yellow pages, the initial consultation is almost always free!
Just let this guy know that he can pay you for the lettering, or he can give you his boat!
------------------ "I have the body of a God.....(Buddha)"......................................... David Cooper, The Sign Shack Enid, OK.
Posts: 658 | From: Enid,Oklahoma, USA | Registered: Dec 1998
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HI, Sonny, This strikes me as a lose-lose situation. If you cash the check, you are accepting it as full payment, but you are also being had. If you return the check, and go to small claims court, you may get the judgement,especially if he doesn't show up. That is no guarantee you will ever collect. On top of that, since you returned the lesser amount in hopes of getting the full amount, you risk losing it all. Word has a way of getting around about this sort of person. His reputation will eventually precede him and nobody will work for him.
------------------ Bill Preston Fly Creek, N.Y. USA
Posts: 943 | From: Fly Creek, N.Y. USA | Registered: Jan 2000
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I've known you forever, and you couldn't do shoddy work if they paid you double! I agree that it would be less hassle to take the check than to sue him. If the numbers were less to your favour, I'd have a different opinion. I know you can belittle with the best of em so do your damage as you see fit! I would let the Big Guy take him out though, he does a much better job (more resources hehehe.)
------------------ PEACE SIGNS Big on Murals and Tight on Camera Ready!
"With every breath, we have a choice." --Linda Silver Eagle Georgia, USA
Here is what I would do. If you are considering taking the loss I would at least cause him some grief and perhaps get paid in full. I would send a registered letter stating that the bill was not paid in full, you are now adding interest(if you hadn't already), plus interest up to the time of the small claims date, you will add court costs and process serving fees and will not cash the check until then but use it as evidence, along with a photo (even if you don't have one and can't get one).
Let him chew on that for a while, he will be paying nearly double by the time the judge wacks his stones plus he will be humiliated in front of fellow locals. I would do this even if I had no intention of going through with it, but hey, that's just the kind of guy I am
Unless Alaska is different than most states you cannot be compensated for your time lost in pursuing the guy.
------------------ Artworks Olympia WA
[This message has been edited by Jim Upchurch (edited August 29, 2001).]
Posts: 797 | From: Olympia, WA | Registered: Nov 1998
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Life is full of way too many aggravations and a**holes to let this get to ya. I'd cash the check, buy a six pack, put it on ice, drive to the boat dock, drink a few ( not enough to inhibit your driving though ) reflect on the situation, relieve yourself on/in the guys boat, call it even.
------------------ George Perkins Millington,TN.
"I started out with nothing and still have most of it left"
cash the check,....look at yer watch check the time, then go to the courthouse file papers for the amount due, the filing costs, & your shop rate for the time lost making phone calls and processing any papers at the courthouse and any interest due on late payments, oh yea don't forget to add a full day at shop rate to appear in court.Then if he tries to settle out of court at least cover yer butt for the time & trouble it took to get his attention,not just the $50.
Dang, I hate these kind of customers. I have one now that owes me 250.00, and I've billed and billed and called, but never get an answer, etc. If he walked in today with 200 bucks, I'd probably take it, call every other shop to let em know about him, bad mouth him to everyone that would listen, then forget about it. Normally, I'd wanta fight him for the rest, but it just aint worth the crap you go through, or the added stress. And here, even if you win a judgement against someone, it's no guarantee you will get paid. But if this guy don't pay me soon, I'm gonna take him down there anyway. Cash the check and be done with the bonehead. Next time you're near his boat, PISS on it.
------------------ John Deaton III Deaton Design 109 N. Cumberland Ave.,Harlan, Ky. 40831 606-573-9101
Sonny, Had a similar situation here back in March. This guy with this "Promotions" company keeps calling for me to bid on jobs, finally he calls and needs a small banner for a golf outing he is involved in. I happen to have a banner the size he needs(2'x3') he also needs a corplast sign(SS) he needs them next day so I whip them out and he comes by to get them. When he gets there I hand him a bill for $110.00, Here comes the red flag, he says I will send you a check. I seen this coming but my mistake, thought they might be a good customer once I did some work for them.
Boy was "I" wrong ( my own fault not whining) any hoos I tell him I have to add 25.00 to the bill for billing. he has no problem with this( another red flag). A month goes by no check, I start calling, most times no answer, when I do get him he has every excuse in the book. each month I send a bill with intrest added on. Finally last month I talked to my Dad about sueing this guy or me( Dad is a Lawyer,ret.) He says to send the guy a letter stating my intions to turn this over to the firm and tells me all these charges to add on, court cost,filling fees, attorneys fees,etc. The total came around $400.00 dollars. Dad said send it to him and wait about a month before doing anything else. Low and behold I get to the shop several days later and there is a check under the door for $135.00.
Can you believe this guy calls me a few days later for a bid on another job!!!!! I tell him I now have a $25.00 bid fee, payable in cash upfront, he hangs up on me
------------------ Troy Haas "Metal_Leg" on mIRC
SAM Signs "At old Hose House No. 8" 931 W. Columbia street Evansville,Indiana 47710 812-437-5367 Home of the: "Brush Fire at the Hose House" Letterhead Meet April 27-29th,2001
"Chaos, panic, disorder - my work here is done."
Posts: 1100 | From: Evansville,Indiana, USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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Life's too short... as tempting as it would be (and also fun) to get revenge, $50 is just not worth the time and aggrivation. cash the check and chalk it up to a lesson learned... (plus a little bad mouthing about him to select individuals would be in order)
------------------ Mark Barnhill Vinyl Creations Antioch TN.
[This message has been edited by Mark Barnhill (edited August 29, 2001).]
i say cash the check like george says, go get a six pack. most likely this guy has done the same thing to other folks. i really liked george's idea of peeing in his boat though!
the law is on your side. Either cash the check & buy a six pack...Or make the SOB pay & buy a keg!
------------------ "I have the body of a God.....(Buddha)"......................................... David Cooper, The Sign Shack Enid, OK.
Posts: 658 | From: Enid,Oklahoma, USA | Registered: Dec 1998
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Where does he keep the boat? Go talk to the folks at his marina. Chances are you aren't the only person chasing this ****heel for money. Ask around; you might find other folks who are less than thrilled to have worked(for free) on this boat. An alliance with other unhappy tradesmen can work wonders; suddenly nobody wants to fix the canvas or fiberglass or work on his engine. You might even find someone who has already hauled him into Small Claims, or who might want to if he's not going it alone; a judge who sees all these different people suing the same guy is likely to get real cranky with him real quick. Hey, the least you can do is ruin his day, if not his reputation. Whereas if you just cut your losses and write it off, all he learns is that he can f*** someone out of $50 and get away with it.
------------------ "A wise man concerns himself with the truth, not with what people believe." - Aristotle
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. - Raoul Duke (Hunter S. Thompson)
Cam Finest Kind Signs 256 S. Broad St. Pawcatuck, Ct. 06379 "Award winning Signs since 1988"
Posts: 3051 | From: Pawcatuck,Connecticut USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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If you decide to teach him not to rob anyone again, make sure he doesn't rob you of more, add mileage, lunches, any inconviences the pursuit entails. Good Luck either way!
------------------ PEACE SIGNS Big on Murals and Tight on Camera Ready!
"With every breath, we have a choice." --Linda Silver Eagle Georgia, USA
Also travel charges, what it would cost you to rent a person capable of administrative duties, everything but toilet paper you would have used anyway.
Also, schedules messed up, or jobs that were affected by the disturbance in your financial *kaboom*.
[This message has been edited by Linda Silver Eagle (edited August 29, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Linda Silver Eagle (edited August 29, 2001).]
Go to the marina and pull the plug from his boat. Hold your right hand out, open, palm up. Show him the plug in your left hand and ask if it is worth $50.
------------------ Kathy Joiner River Road Graphics 41628 River Road Ponchatoula, La.70454 PH. (504)386-3313
Old enough to know better...Too young to resist.
Posts: 1891 | From: Ponchatoula, LA | Registered: Nov 2000
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Or another way: Cash the check....forgive him and yourself....then get on with your life!!!
------------------ Jackson Smart Jackson's Signs Port Angeles, WA ...."The Straits of Juan De Fuca in my front yard and Olympic National Park in my backyard...
"Living on Earth is expensive...but it does include a free trip around the Sun"
Posts: 1001 | From: Port Angeles, Washington | Registered: Jan 1999
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Thanks y'all. I knew I could count on you for some creative and informative solutions. Wayne: Apparently it hasn't bothered him for 3 months. Cheryl: I really like the idea of removing $50 worth from the boat. I'd REALLY like to be there when he sees it! LOL Dan: My father would have given me the same advice. Unfortunately, I haven't reached that level of maturity yet. J.T.: Lake Lanier- the name is Liberte'- Sunrise Cove Marina. By the way, I looked at your site; awesome stuff, man. George: I sure like the way you think. Maybe a combo platter with Cheryl's suggestion? We'll make a practice run at Duck Soup. Pierre, Coop, Bill, Jim, Timi,Ron, My instincts say go to Magistrate Court, but in my limited experience, you get a judgement but no money. Then you have to go after him with a lien, but most people like this have everything in their wives' names and you can't attach anything. Another factor, I don't have a copy of the original invoice - I just wrote up one from some blanks I keep in the truck. I don't think that's a major problem, but it could be. Cam: I'm very good friends with the marina staff. I've known the manager for 12 years and I've done every sign there for 18 years. I called today and they said he wasn't on their "doo-doo list", but I'll definitely pass his name around and he'll have a very hard time getting anyone to work on his boat. All the bottom painters, riggers, mechanics, etc. have a pretty tight network here and we eagerly share the names of deadbeats. Kathy: I sure wouldn't want you mad at me! Don't get near George at Duck Soup. Y'all are DANGEROUS! Jackson: You're right of course, it's only $50 bucks. Fageddaboutit. But about 5 years ago, I did a boat for a guy who pulled this same stunt. I cashed the check, and regretted it ever since. I found out later he had done this to other people too. In my crusading zeal to right the wrongs of the universe, I feel the need to retaliate, but I may just go chug a few and pee on his boat instead. Thanks again for all of your input. This guy really has me ragged out, but I'm gonna sleep on it and hope the voice of reason speaks to me. If not, I'll let you know what the devil made me do.
------------------ Sonny Franks Sign Creations Atlanta
Posts: 4117 | From: Lilburn, GA USA | Registered: Feb 1999
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Sonny, I'm not sure if I made myself clear. I wouldn't go to court over it, I would send a registered letter with the addons and intent. What do you have to lose ? At least it will give him some grief and hopefully educate him a bit. The reason he did this is because he got away with it before.
------------------ Artworks Olympia WA
Posts: 797 | From: Olympia, WA | Registered: Nov 1998
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well i dont feel all alone anymore .....seein iam not the the only one here that gets screwed now and again.......what does this guy do for a living????? who are some of his "high buck" friends?....where does he hang out... at pool hall, bar, to his clients, friends, and family..and tell them what an a**hole this guy up where he hangs out...and smile at you know something he dont......youll get your money...or at least he will know better then to pull that crap on people...find an old dead fish, or some old bait and stash it on his this heat...oh boy....
------------------ joe pribish-A SIGN MINT 2811 longleaf Dr. pensacola, fl 32526 850-944-5060 BEWARE THE TRUTH.....YOU MAY NOT LIKE WHAT YOU FIND
Posts: 11582 | From: pensacola, fl. usa | Registered: Nov 1998
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Hi, again, Sonny, You have gotten some pretty fair advice on this subject, tho' I don't agree with all of it. Forgive and forget--- I don't think so. Bad mouth the guy-- be very careful on that one; go too far and he may cause you more grief than the $50 will ever be worth. The other thing is this-- when one badmouths somebody, one tends to sink to that person's level. I hope most of us are better than that. Having been down the road to small claims court only once in all these years, and finding it was a waste of time, I wont offer advice on that course of action. I could have had the sheriff seize the mans vehicle to be sold to satisfy the $400 judgement-- but, and it's a big "but", it would have cost me an additional $150 to set this in motion. On top of that, proceeds of the sale would have first gone to whoever held the note on his truck, and then to whoever was next in line on unsatisfied judgements, and so on down to me. There was a long list of those, so it wasn't likely I'd ever see any thing but more aggravation. It's your call on how to handle this, good luck, whatever you decide.
------------------ Bill Preston Fly Creek, N.Y. USA
Posts: 943 | From: Fly Creek, N.Y. USA | Registered: Jan 2000
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I'd say send him a registered letter (the ones you have to sign for). Add on interest to the original amount and explain to him that he has 5 days from receipt of said letter to make payment in full or you will be filing suit and he will have to pay the total due, with interest, compensation for time you've wasted trying to collect, court costs, attorney fees, etc.
Keep a copy of the letter you send him. If he refuses to accept the registered letter, take the unopened envelope, marked refused, the copy of the letter and invoice to the magistrate.
I have a situation sorta like this. I'll be going to file with the magistrate next week. Mine too is a small amount, but with me it's the principle of the matter. I do signs because I love doing signs. That doesn't mean I want to do them for free.
Good luck. I would also tell the guys at the marina since you are on good terms with them.
Another thing to do (I've seen this done once).. if he uses the boat for friends, clients, whatever. Next time he's out at the marina with his buddies, show up waving an invoice and ask (quite loudly, walking toward him, waving the invoice) "Are you gonna make good on this money you've owed me for x months?" Embarassment brings out a checkbook faster than you can imagine.
------------------ Chris King Lines-N-Signs Indiana, PA
'Then there was the gal who never believed in signs until one day she went through a door marked Gentlemen'
Posts: 4254 | From: Indiana, PA | Registered: Mar 2001
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I would not have given any thought of the job until paid in full & the check cleared, usually I have them make it out in my name & I go directly to the bank, cash it then start on their project or on my discretion I insist on cash. You people must take your business as serious as lets say Sears, try walking in there pick up a TV & tell them you don't have your checkbook but you'll mail one tomorrow. I might not make as much $$$ as Sears but my business is just as real, just as important and I don't give credit. James Brown (the entertainer)lives in Augusta he's very rich & famous & I've done work for him on several occasions, he paid in advance. President Bush could walk through my door no cash you no get anything done at my place. I don't care who you are by giving credit you dishonor your business by not taking it as serious as Sears.Why do you think large companies don't give credit?They'll be glad to let you fill out a credit appliciation for a finance co. that guarantees money.Why do people think if your a small business you must give credit? Are you afraid if you don't you will not get the business, well is not getting paid not worst that not getting the business. Oh.. Jackson you say forgive him are you crazy as hell thats sound real good when your in church but when your bills come due are you going to tell them you hadn't got the money because you didn't get paid by some ASS**** but I forgive him will you forgive me for not having my rent money ? Please huh huh Jesus H. Christ, I need some signs made will you mail them to me please because I don't have to worry about paying for them. I know you will forgive me LOL LOL FORGIVE HIM EXCUSE ME A MINUTE I MUST GO OUTSIDE & SCREAM LIKE A MADMAN BECAUSE MOST OF THE TIME I FEEL LIKE I'M THE ONLY MAN ON EARTH WITH ANY SENSE.
Just a little hint for anyone that takes something like this to court...
Don't cash the check... and make sure you know his bank! I had a friend once had to sue an old employer for wages not paid. He took him to small claims, won but it was up to him to collect.
He went with the judgement straight to the bank everyday until there was enough money in there to cover it.
------------------ Dana Bowers docs-gal on chat
Did you hear about the new Dial-A-Prayer for atheists? It rings and rings and rings... but no one answers.
[This message has been edited by Dana Bowers (edited August 31, 2001).]
Posts: 1556 | From: St Cloud, MN | Registered: May 1999
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Ronnie Conrad, your advice is wearing a little thin around here. Yes, we know, nobody but nobody takes adavantage of you. You've made that quite clear. As to why you keep harping on that point makes me wonder what type of screwing you got in the past. Sonny has enough experience to know how to run his business and has been caught for $50. The post was about how to best remedy this deadbeat customer. The only man on earth with sense? Jeesh.
------------------ Wright Signs Wyandotte, Michigan Since 1978 All change isn't progress, and all progress isn't forward.
Posts: 2786 | From: Wyandotte, MI USA | Registered: Jan 1999
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I think there is a lot of good advice here. My suggestion is to go with what feels right, set it in motion, and then let it go. Imagine the wear and tear on your feelings and energy this has taken already, and that costs a lot in ways other than money.
I personally hope I would chose to forgedaboudit, and learn my own lessons of the situation for the future. I would nevertheless gently but persistently tell anyone who is appropriate and who is willing to listen that the man is dishonorable, and not to do business with him.
------------------ Myra A. Grozinger Signs Limited Winston-Salem, NC V 336-722-1033/F 336-723-6112
Posts: 1244 | From: Winston-Salem, NC USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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Mr.Wright, I have never been screwed & I succeeded at this with very little effort. The difference may be I have Masters Degree in Business & Economics from Georgia Tech University in Atlanta & I was taught net profit is what you work for. You talk about me going on about not getting screw** it's because that's all I ever hear on this BB is about people getting stiffed for their money. You say people know how to run their own business well this may hurt the truth usually does I would say a lot of people need help on the economics of operating a business. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how to get paid . Now you can blame me for being truthful till it hurts but you can't say I've lied or imagined the constant money problems on this BB. When making money to support your family well I take it very serious & it's really very easy to run a business & get paid in advance. I've read post where sign makers get screw** over & over, what does it take to change a persons thinking? How much money do you have to lose before you figure out the cause? You sound rather mad with my attitude but it's the truth & yes the truth can hurt but I really say it so much hoping someone will listen. You laugh about me saying I'm the only one with any sense well I seem to be the only one who doesn't get screw**,I've never had to call for my money, had a check bounce, take someone to court etc..It's all about money, getting paid for the work you do that's what I preach but hey if want to keep worrying about getting paid for the work you produce feel free to run you business anyway you want. You say this BB is about learning well a lot of you need to be listing because what I'm saying is the plain honest truth & you say the topic was how to handle the situation well the best way is not to have it occur any more. Now you can stone me for having the courage to say what needs to be said even when it's unpopular. I might not agree with things you say but I will defend to the death your right to say them. I'm sorry if I don't get it but why in the hell would anyone keep operating a business where losing money by customers not paying is expected & an accepted way of doing business. David you explain this to me & make it sound reasonable & I'll shut up about everyone giving their sweat & products & hours of work to create their art away for free.OK
Well let's see. First comes the credentials which I suppose is stop me from questioning the premise. A Masters degree no less. Believe me, some of the worst business advice I get is from that crowd and on a regular basis.
Not all, and I am not lumping you in with them, just saying, what has that got to do with everyday business and people skills. Never been shorted or taken advantage of? Sounds like the person who cuts there foot on a piece of glass from the beach. From then on is looking everywhere so as not to cut themselves again. Trouble is, they then walk off the pier. You don't know how many jobs you never got from such an adamant attitude. I don't mean for you not to call the proper people who are handling payment to insure you get yours, but come on, do you really make them write the check out to you personally and run to the bank. Do they teach that in business school. The very same people who originated many of the 30 and 60 day account payment plans.
Getting paid in advance for your work. Yes, I'll bet you go for that one when you shop. Trust is a two way street, and on work like ours, 50% should cover it. Bert Rosenkrantz will be my guide on most of this. The man has had some bad experiences which enabled him to teach us well about the business and profit end of this business, none of which is so unbending as yours. Ask the other trades and professionals how they handle their accounts,many of which could teach us far more than you would like to know. I know of which I speak, having the good sense and fortune to do quite well in this trade. I just don't look at it as cut throat but as a shared enterprise with other business people. Maybe I live in a good area , I don't know. It seems if one doesn't agree with your methods somehow that makes us willing to do work for free and to keep chasing money. To the contrary, our goals are the same, our methods and outlook differ.
I noticed Dan Sawatsky posted on this, sure would like to hear more from him. One of the more succesful (and talented) people on this board. Make the check out in full to you Dan before you start?
------------------ Wright Signs Wyandotte, Michigan Since 1978 All change isn't progress, and all progress isn't forward.
[This message has been edited by David Wright (edited September 01, 2001).]
Posts: 2786 | From: Wyandotte, MI USA | Registered: Jan 1999
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David, My people skills are so good that I have no trouble getting paid in advance not even a complaint about it, GODS HONEST TRUTH. The check deal no I don't do everyone that way but if I don't know you I either call the bank in advance to check funds or go cash it, yes I do this. Before I went into business for my self I was a district manager for several large clothing companies, music stores, & retail shoe stores to name a few. I worked for companies who had problem areas & believe it or not I was hired to get them back on track which meant weeding out problem people & suppliers & time management & made a great deal more money than I do now but I'm happier. But from working for large multi million dollars companies, I learned to run a business separated from trusting large companies who you expect to be fair & pay their bills. If you operate a company on trusting people you don't even know personally your in for heartache & cash flow problems. With large accounts & large franchise companies you must fill out a credit form & it must be approved or you do not accept a check as payment. If approved it's net 30 days & one late payment you'll never get a chance to write the company another check only cashier's or money orders forever. The big boys don't play they take their money very serious every dollar of it. So I run my business as if I were the largest company in the world. And here's the kicker I have great people skills when it comes to salesmanship, I let everyone know my policy up front it's even on my invoices which I will be glad to email you one that I reserve the right to cash their check or let it clear the bank or insist on cash before they take possession of the product. No one complains if your up front honest & sincere people understand & it has been working flawlessly for 15 years to the sum of over $200,000 a year which I will be glad to email you a copy of my income tax forms, I proud & have nothing to hide. Believe it or not I also do not ever have complaints I give each customer an invoice with their artwork,logo..whatever have them sign to approve it & I guarantee it will look exactly the same. I'm through, consistent & I cover every base something I learned in business school leave nothing to chance. I cover everything & then some & my wife comes behind me & does the same thing I did over again. So you see I don't mean to criticize but I do have years of business school behind me, years of management where I've had as many as 300 people under my direct supervision so I know you don't have to give credit. Now maybe in small towns it might be different I have no life experience to pull from, but I live in a town with around 500,000 people including surrounding counties. So people in large towns may be more use to doing business this way. I didn't mean to offend you but I do operate my business by the book & I really mean no one ever complains about my payment method GODS HONEST TRUTH. If it works for me why will it not work for anyone? The other day someone posted about getting a couple vinyl signs made for a truck $50.00 the guy said he didn't have his checkbook with him RED FLAG he ordered them knew he was coming to get them but didn't bring his checkbook he never intended to pay. I 've got signs posted all over the office we don't accept checks unless previously approved but I've had many, many people after we tint their car tell them that'll be $240.00 they pull out their checkbook lay in on my no checks accepted sign & start writing. I then interrupt & say we don't take checks, they say that's all I've got...Well sir you need to call a friend & have them bring you the cash or we accept all major credit cards. They say well let me run to the bank & I'll bring the cash back that'll be fine sir but you can't use your car to go to the bank. I've had people sit there 8 hours waiting for someone to bring them the money. Once or twice I have said I will take them to the bank to cash their check but they always have an excuse wow probably cause they don't have any money in the bank. No money oh well I'll lock your car in the building & I'll reopen tomorrow @ 9am you can come in with the cash then & pick up your car.Trust don't pay the bills.
Well Ronnie....First, let me make an seem like one angry dude!! choose to be that I won't try to change your mind.
Secondly, as some of you know this about comment about forgivness has NOTHING to do with church...jesus...or god! I contend that if someone wants to carry around all that anger and resentment about someone screwing them out of $50...then they miss the whole point. It is NOT about the is about your reaction to losing the money, and your idea that someone would have the balls to screw you. can stay pissed-off at that person...and yourself for as long as you need to...however...the stronger person would's only $50...and I know that guy is an asshole...and I know he is definatly NOT a very happy person to do that to another...but I need to turn it lose and move on....and I will learn from this experience.
But alas....Ronnie...I see that you need to huff and puff about how tough you are...I see that you seem to value money and bieng right more than accepting that you live in an illusion of your own making.
But...what do I know...
------------------ Jackson Smart Jackson's Signs Port Angeles, WA ...."The Straits of Juan De Fuca in my front yard and Olympic National Park in my backyard...
"Living on Earth is expensive...but it does include a free trip around the Sun"
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