What kind of vinyl are you using for the 6" wide car stripes that go down the center of the car? I had a customer call me after a year saying it was peeling and losing it's color. It was silver Kapco K6000. I don't want nightmares. What should I be using? I've sold it to others too. Thanks. Judy The customer just stopped in to show me the damaged vinyl. It looks like the silver has tarnished spots that make the vinyl look like it is marbled or antiqued. It's kind of a neat effect if that's what you are looking for. This teenager was not. The peelinmg was at the beginning and end of the stripes. Any suggestions? Judy ------------------ Judy Hilliker/owner Hae Jude Custom Signs Silver Creek, NY
[This message has been edited by Judy Hilliker (edited August 11, 2001).]
Posts: 65 | From: Silver Creek, NY 14136 USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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Hi Judy...I just checked out Kapco's website. K6000 is a calendered vinyl that they "claim" has a 5 year life. Obviously it doesn't.
I would be using a 2 mil cast vinyl. Cast vinyl is usually 7 to 8 year vinyl and is what I use for 99% of my vehicle and boat lettering. I believe calendered vinyl is suitable ONLY for temporary signage.
I did use calendered vinyl on a vehicle application once, but that was because that was what previous companies had used on the fleet and that was what I was quoting against.
Just for comparison, up here in Canada Avery 24" cast vinyl is $10/yd. Avery 24" calendered vinyl is $3.50/yd. There is obviously a reason for the difference in price.
------------------ Dave Grundy AKA "applicator" on mIRC "stickin' sticky stuff to valuable vessels and vehicles!" in Granton, Ontario, Canada 1-519-225-2634
Judy, Dave is right about the "quality" difference, however if installed(applied)correctly, even calandered should last longer (in regard to peeling).
The "color fade" is a hazard of "calandered".
You not having applied it, are not responsible for the peeling though.
------------------ Roger Bailey Rapid Tac Incorporated Waikoloa, Hawaii
I use Avery Preminum but I don't warranty carry out's. You buy it, you install it, you on your on! But I haven't had any fail, I've had a few who found out the hard way it's not as easy as it sounds. I've had them tell me..All you have to do is stick it,how hard can that be? I think ?? Not very,for me.
I do not know if this a pplies to your brand but 3m just wiped us because their vinyl is only garanteed if you mount it at 90 degrees anything at fourty five degrees and or flat will not be garanteed we spend a fortune for reflective class 1w orange red Flourescent supposed to last 5 years so we were told by the supplier lasted Two and turned white 3m does not want to know because we mounted it at 45 degrees on some bollards to mark out taxiways at night. This brand may have the same problem
------------------ Ian Wilson Signmaker Toowoomba City Council Cnr Anzac Ave & Stephen st Toowoomba Queensland Australia may all your toubles be little ones The man that never make a mistake never makes anything
Posts: 656 | From: Toowoomba Queensland Australia | Registered: Nov 1998
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Ian...I saw that same disclaimer about the Kapco Vinyl that Judy is talking about..90%...NOT horizontal applications. BUT most, if not all, of the manufacturers mention that in the fine print.
2 mil cast vinyl is still the best bet for vehicle apllications. IMHO
------------------ Dave Grundy AKA "applicator" on mIRC "stickin' sticky stuff to valuable vessels and vehicles!" in Granton, Ontario, Canada 1-519-225-2634
I've had problems with calandered silver vinyl before. For some reason it degenerates quickly. I use only cast 2 ml Arlon or Gerber metalic silver now.
On automotive, 2 mil Premium ONLY. 3M/Gerber, has a real reputaion for metallic failures, even in their premuim films. They have not reformulated those metallics since day one. THAT is the primary reason we've never been a 3M distributor. Many of our customers are automotive installers, and years of experience/failures with 3M metallics have imprinted their lessons well upon us. Avery is the top of the line followed closely by Arlon.
------------------ St.Marie Graphics & Makin' Tracks Sound Studio Kalispell, Montana 800 735-8026 We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)
I applied some of the same stripes to an S-10 last summer. Used Avery 2mil white, about a month ago the customer called and said it was peeling off at the front edges. He wanted to know if I would re-do it. I told him that I would have to see the truck and if it was a vinyl failure I would replace it. I said to bring it by the shop. He then said that he did not wnat white anymore, claimed he didn't trust it and wanted it done in another color. I told him I would be happy to replace it, but only if it was a vinyl failure and that I could take a piece off that was lifting and sending in to see exactly what the cause for the failure was and then I would be happy to replace it in white only(same color)
He hasn't showed up yet, did I tell you he was only 17 last year when I did it.
Something tells me he just wanted his truck redone since he was bored with it.
I did do a black Dodge P/U last year for a friend in Avery 2mil silver metalic and he was just by last week and the stripes still look as good as the day they went on.
------------------ Troy Haas "Metal_Leg" on mIRC
SAM Signs "At old Hose House No. 8" 931 W. Columbia street Evansville,Indiana 47710 812-437-5367 Home of the: "Brush Fire at the Hose House" Letterhead Meet April 27-29th,2001
"Chaos, panic, disorder - my work here is done."
[This message has been edited by Troy Haas (edited August 13, 2001).]
Posts: 1100 | From: Evansville,Indiana, USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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Most(not all)adhesion failures are due to the "application process", if the wrong cleaning agents were used or wax or silicone was not removed well enough.
Just a thought(with experiance).
------------------ Roger Bailey Rapid Tac Incorporated Waikoloa, Hawaii