Just saw one in action!!!!AWWWEEESOOMMEE!!!!!
I just told my left hand that the right one wanted one!
hehehehe no offense Glenn, this post is in good taste, a toung in cheek so to speak on the post about the Edge,
I own an Edge and use my edge almost every day.
And today we gave to do a van for a customer that has a hand drawn cartoon of a rabbit that we drew for her about 4 years ago, I never took the time to input this cartoon into the computer, so every van we did we painted the graphic.
Well today she has a heavy window intensive mini-van and we are going to use the edge.
So I have to input the cartoon into the computer, so I take out my fancy dancy Wacom drawing tablet, pretty soon I realize that even though this is cool, I am going to clean up way too much, so I scan it in and try to trace it in Corel trace, NOPE! we got crappy results, next I try to trace it by hand with the mouse, that failed to produce good results either.
So to the brush box I go, tape a piece of paper up on board, draw it and outlined it in about 20 minutes with black poster paint.
Kinda funny huh? I had to rely on such low tech just to use my high tech.
I guess I'll just to have to buy the next mack upgrade when they release it.
Bob Rochon
Creative Signworks
Millbury, MA
"Some people's kids"
[This message has been edited by Bob Rochon (edited August 08, 2001).]