This year's International Letterhead Meet has begun. This year's hosts have done a great job putting this meet together. The hall is setup perfect with lots of easels on the main floor and vendors doing their thing on an upper level that surrounds the whole facility.
The Pinheads are here bigtime. Everywhere you turn, there are stripers, airbrush artists and cartoonists slinging paint. Lots of people working on panels and they are encouraging onlookers to grab a brush and join in.
Bob Parsons is here. Mike & Ayleen Meyers are looking slim and trim. Legendary sign designer Ken Millar is here...his first meet in 15 years. Alan Johnson, Tramp, Dewayne Connot and countless others are doing what Letterheads do best...sharing what they know.
Here are a few photos to get you started. If you can make it here, there are still 2 full days to go. Jump into your wheels and join us.
Sorry Adrienne. HeadTV was not possible at this meet. We've been running back and forth between the meet and motel to download and get you all the latest photos. I just added a bunch more from today. Keep checking the photo link above for the latest stuff.
The theme of this meet is Back To Basics and that's exactly what is happening. Everyone is creating panels, drawing cartoons and teaching each other new tips and tricks. I'm seeing lots of new people attending their first meet, but the real surprise is all the oldtime Letterheads back attending their first meet in years. We're having a ball!