First of all I would like to say HELLO to everyone as I am a newbie to the board.I have been doing signs and graphics for 3 years now . I mostly do murals in the summer,skidoo graphics in the winter and window paint and airbrush helmets. I only own a Stika 8 and cant find a supplier in Canada to slit the rolls down ,Is there a machine to do this or should I make one? THANX in advance.
------------------ "I can draw anything but unemployment" Steve Spiry Madd Artist Murals&Signs Brandon,Mb. Canada
...don't know what a Stika 8 is but: our local sign supply has a machine to cut up logs of transfer tape into whatever size you wan't.... something like that may work...
------------------ Glenn S. Harris Lorio Design Baton Rouge, LA
posted of my suppliers has a slitter too. He will custom cut rolls to whatever width you need. He is in London Ontario. He will ship to you also. If you want more info send me an e-mail and sak..I'll give you his 800 number etc. and you can talk to him. VERY nice guy to deal with.
------------------ Dave Grundy AKA "applicator" on mIRC "stickin' sticky stuff to valuable vessels and vehicles!" in Granton, Ontario, Canada 1-519-225-2634
Steve Do you have a East West Plastic ltd. in your neighbourhood... They will slice and splice your materials for you if you buy from them! I know they will do this with Tranfer tapes so pre order with them or even ND Graphics will custom cut on advance orders as well.
------------------ Raven/2001 Airbrushed by Raven Lower Sackville N.S.
Posts: 4327 | From: Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia, Canada | Registered: Jan 2000
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Been there - done that....with a bandsaw. Just make sure vinyl is rolled tight. Wrap with piece of masking tape & use that as guide. Use a blade with appropriate size teeth that wont chew up vinyl & roll. I've had to cut down reflective with no trouble.
Good Luck,
------------------ Bill Cosharek Bill Cosharek Signs N.Huntingdon,Pa
Posts: 703 | From: N.Huntingdon, Pa, USA | Registered: Dec 1999
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