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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » Speaking of tools......#@*# Exactos! grrr

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Author Topic: Speaking of tools......#@*# Exactos! grrr
cheryl nordby
Member # 1100

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What's up with those exactos anyway? Everytime I change a blade....the whole damn thing falls apart. Screws go flying here....metal parts go flinging there....what a joke. You would think someone could make an easier changable exacto knife. All of mine are sitting in a heap. Can't get any of the dang things together. Is it just me?

surf or MoJo
on mirc
Cheryl J Nordby
Signs by Cheryl
Seattle WA.....!


From sharp minds come sharp products

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Mikes Mischeif
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Hey C.

Are we talking about the same exacto knife that only requires one-half turn counter clockwise to release the twin blade clamps?

If you've got falling parts something is very wrong. Are you completely unscrewing the whole thing? I think the blade system could not be easier, faster and hassle free.

Maybe it's a knock-off. Never heard of this problem before, and believe me, if it can be messed up, I've done it!

Mike Duncan
Lettercraft Signs
Alexandria VA

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cheryl nordby
Member # 1100

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Mike...I am talking about the big silver honker......the one you have to unscrew a screw..and then lock the blade inbetween contraptions.....you think you have it conquered.....then the blade falls out. Must be me.

surf or MoJo
on mirc
Cheryl J Nordby
Signs by Cheryl
Seattle WA.....!


From sharp minds come sharp products

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Adrienne Pereira
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Cheryl...do you mean a utility knife?
can't be that, can you scan one so we can see?
I hate changing the blades on wallpaper scrapers (use them to remove window paint) once they get gunked up with paint and rust, they are darn right dangerous!

Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs
"Wherever you go...there you are!"
"Rainkatt'on chat

Benicia, CA

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Robb Lowe
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X-acto = small, thin scalpel like knife. Very sharp with a fine thin blade that when dropped, always finds a toe. Top of handle requires a short, 1/4-1/2 turn to change blades. Blades also come in several different and useful styles.

Utility knife = a large retractable knife with rhombus shaped blade. Made for cutting boxes, boards and grocery store stockboys. The handle usually has an area inside to hold extra blades, and is a small pain to change blades on.

You might look into the 'Rotator' knife offered at Home Depot. It's similar to the utility knife in use, but has a cartridge based blade holder that allows you to change blades with a twist... It seems cumbersome, however.

Robb Lowe
Hub City Graphics
Spartanburg, SC

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[This message has been edited by Robb Lowe (edited July 30, 2001).]

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Michael Boone

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E mail me...its a man thing.......
Adrienne knows better!
Dangerous !

Michael Boone
Sign Painter
5828 Buerman Rd.Sodus,NY 14551
Ontime @localnet.com

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cheryl nordby
Member # 1100

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YEAH Adrienne! U~T~I~L~I~T~Y That's it. (thanks.) I can never get those big dumb utility knife blades changed. (boy now THAT'S a mouthful) Like I said.....mine are all in a heap. Dismembered. Dismantled. Disengaged. Disfunctional.

surf or MoJo
on mirc
Cheryl J Nordby
Signs by Cheryl
Seattle WA.....!


From sharp minds come sharp products

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Adrienne Pereira
Member # 1046

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Dismembered. Dismantled. Disengaged. Disfunctional.

Yup!!! ya just described my life!!!!!!


Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs
"Wherever you go...there you are!"
"Rainkatt'on chat

Benicia, CA

[This message has been edited by AdrienneMorgan (edited July 30, 2001).]

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old paint
Member # 549

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go to home depot/lowes...get a WEISS utility knife...about 6 buck and the blades are inside...and all you do is raise side lever, pull out old blade, retrasct side lever and it picks up new blade..

joe pribish-A SIGN MINT
2811 longleaf Dr.
pensacola, fl 32526

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jimmy chatham

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i use those sliding utility knives. just break of the blade and you have a new one

Jimmy Chatham
Chatham Signs
164 Poplar Rd.
Commerce, Ga 30529
Fax 706-335-3378

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Tim Barrow

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I use the olfa knives whenevr possible.with the exception of a few minor hand cutting chores they serve my purpose well & fit in the pockets of my work jeans.the small ones do almost 99% of my old exacto chores & I can keep it in my pocket handy 99% of the time. the larger ones do basically the same job as a utility knife.I tried the cheap tiawan plastic knock offs but none come close to the "real" olfa brand knives.

fly low...timi/NC
is,.....Tim Barrow
Barrow Art Signs

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FranCisco Vargas

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Hey Cheryl, good thing, that thing didn't have a steering wheel on it, it would have drove you crazy!


aka: Cisco
aka:Traveling Millennium Sign Artist
Fresno, CA 93703
559 252-0935

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Jerry Mathel
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"Jack" the Fox Terrier who is my shop dog is usually right under my feet when I am working. X-Acto knives seem to be perfectly balanced to land point first when they are dropped. A while back, the knife rolled off the work table, and you guessed it, a direct hit on Jack. Since then, he won't get near the work table.

Jerry Mathel
Jerry Mathel Signs
Grants Pass, Oregon

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cheryl nordby
Member # 1100

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OK Thanks everybody! I am heading to Home Depot to look for either a Weiss or an Olfa (uff~da!)..................and 'ouch' for poor Jack.

surf or MoJo
on mirc
Cheryl J Nordby
Signs by Cheryl
Seattle WA.....!


From sharp minds come sharp products

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Ian Wilson
Member # 177

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cheryl I just purchase a new type of utility knife that to change the blade you rotate the handle and slide apart to change the blade no screws it has no brand on it and it was really cheap but works great got it from one of those cheap discount stores made in china

Ian Wilson
Signmaker Toowoomba City Council
Cnr Anzac Ave & Stephen st
Toowoomba Queensland Australia
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