Just stumbled across this tonight and I wondered if anyone here is registered on this site and if so, is it worth $10 per month? Do you get business from it?
When I did a search there were about 4-5 companies within a 20 mile radius of my zip code registered.
Could use a boost if this is effective. Any input is greatly appreciated.
We have had our company posted for about 7 months now and it has brought in 2 big fish...guess you have to decide on the monetary chance it takes....We will continue to post our presence...and we haven't even gotten a web page up yet.
I would not look at it as a quick return on my investment.
Hope that helps!
------------------ Robert Beverly Dreamweaver Graphics House Arlington, Texas
"Dreams come a size too big so that we can grow into them"
Am I missing something here? With a sign shop on every corner, and the Yellow Pages overflowing with sign ads, why would anyone look for a sign company online? How would people who buy signs even hear about a website like this?
I can see someone seeing your website address on your company truck, flyer or business card. I'm probally bias, but I believe most people choose a local service by word of mouth. But then again, I would never buy a sign from anyone that wasn't a Letterhead.
Hi Amy, just checked out their site and found a shop 2 miles from me is listed. I'm friendly with the guy so I'll try to stop by his place tomorrow and see how it has worked out for him.
------------------ Mike Clayton MC Graphics Barnegat, NJ AOL IM: mcgrafix
"Youth and enthusiasm is no match for old age and treachery!"
Posts: 508 | From: New Jersey | Registered: Apr 1999
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All of my competitors with the exception of two have signed up for the "regular" $3 service.
Is it worth it? I think it is going to vary from area to area. My question is, "How does the average potential client find this site in the first place?" Do they advertise? And if so, to whom - magazines, direct mail, spam?
I noticed there were quite a few equipment and supply companies advertising there as well - Gerber, Kapco, Rayco and so on. I wonder what they were being charged.
It sounds like something worth looking into doing for yourself, Steve. Just a thought.
Several times a year I receive calls from sign companies far from here that represent some local corporate presense. They hire me to do an install or site survey. I think they usually get my name from the Chamber of Commerce, but sites that register skills and what you're lisenced to do might eventually dominate that need.
------------------ The SignShop Mendocino, California "Where the Redwoods meet the Surf"
Posts: 6718 | From: Mendocino, CA. USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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I've been registered for going on three years now and have done several jobs as a result...there are a lot of franchise type businesses that use one source for all their sign needs and they in turn look for local people...we've done installs on channel letters, 3 ft by 15 ft cabinet signs, some site surveys...I just resigned today for a third year.
------------------ Ace of Signs Selinsgrove, Pa.
Hi Amy, I have been invited to register on that site in the past but I don't think an international site like that could possibly do anything for me. Here in Australia we have a new one just out, in which they have already placed my business for free but I doubt that even this local, I will get anything from it. If you want to have a quick look here is the site: Visual Impact is a local Aussie magazine that comes out once every 2 months. If you are interested I would be only too happy to send one to you which you could then hand around at letterhead meets to let you guys see what is goiung on in Aus. and New Zealand. Feel free to email me if you are interested.
------------------ Drane Signs Sunshine Coast Nambour, Qld. Downunder "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life" - Confucius
Posts: 965 | From: Nambour, Qld. Australia | Registered: Nov 1998
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Just think. For only $4.17 a month, people can live in Letterville. Can't guarantee we can find you all jobs, but we do give away some neat stuff. Now there's a real bargain.
I took a look at this site, which I'm sure ya'll did as well. Checking my local area, I see most all the signshops listed... however - I know at least 2 have been out of business for at least two years. Two others are diehard brush men, who dont even own computers and NEVER advertise anything, anywhere. I assume this outfit has bought mailing lists and phone listings from a list company and just copied the info for 'filler' till enough shops 'bite'. Nothing like the fear of your local competitor doing better than yourself to get you off a few bucks, hmm?
My feelings reflect a lot of what I've read here in the past - yellow pages only bring low-dollar price shoppers, and all other advertising seems to return about 3-10% interest. Word of mouth and self promotion still reign supreme in this industry.
Do YOU search for local vendors on the web? I doubt it. Why would your customers? Who ever needed a sign so far in advance they could get it out of state? I swear, I'm thinking of changing the shop name to "SIGNS911" since everything is always an emergency!
------------------ Robb Lowe Hub City Graphics Spartanburg, SC
Thanks for all the replies! My thinking was that I am trying to get into a better market of not so cheap signs. Things like sandblasted and routed signs that would go on walls at gateways to housing developments or whatever. With this being said, I thought it might be somewhere contractors look to find sign companies. I am not trying to target a national market, that would definately not be cost effective. The search can be done in your local area. I don't think someone looking for a coroplast sign would look here but more prominent companies might. Sounds like a couple of you have landed big jobs and/or clients from them.
Robb, I personally look for local vendors and just about everything else on the internet. But that's just me! I don't know what others do. That's kinda why I brought this up. I know I would use something like but have no clue about others. I feel that the internet is an extremely valuable tool if used correctly. I don't think I would enjoy life without it! I never would have gotten into the sign business without all of the research I did on the interenet. And I really enjoy the sign deal. Sure glad I found out that great info!
Mike, I'll be looking forward to your update!
Thanks again everyone!
------------------ Amy Brown AMBO Design Lake Helen, FL
"If only my toddler was better with paint & computers!"
[This message has been edited by Amy Brown (edited July 31, 2001).]
Posts: 3502 | From: Lake Helen, FL, USA | Registered: Feb 2001
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Amy i live in a serious convention city,and a couple of the guys listed in my area do nothing but convention work...and people/ organizations find them this way,they do very llittle local work in comparison,but they do make big time $$$$
------------------ Gavin Chachere aka Zeeman Miller Supply Co./Ozone Signs & Grafix New Orleans La.
Posts: 1223 | From: new | Registered: Mar 2000
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