It's important that we all realize that this virus was not sent by Laura or anyone else here. These nasty little pieces of code infect innocent people's mailing lists and send themselves without the person even knowing.
NO!!! I wasn't accusing anyone, just a 'heads's still going around'..... If it had come from my computer I would want everyone to know so as to not get it from me. Sorry, no accusation was intended.
I was taken off gaurd since it had a different title than I expected. A
------------------ Adrienne Morgan Splash Signs "Wherever you go...there you are!" "Rainkatt'on chat
I just received it in my email tonight. Have no idea who sent it as I deleted it without opening. Then deleted the deleted messages section (recycle-bin) just to be extra cautious. So, Thanks again for without your alert, don't even want to know.
------------------ Bill Cosharek Bill Cosharek Signs N.Huntingdon,Pa
Posts: 703 | From: N.Huntingdon, Pa, USA | Registered: Dec 1999
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I think this was posted before, but in case anyone missed it...this virus has the ability to come in underneath Norton AntiVirus' radar. Even running Norton 'automatically' will non necessarily prevent it from being received. It would detect it if you scan that particular file, but only after it's in your inbox. So be careful what you open even if Norton didn't warn you.
Joe, I've been opening ALL my mail from Eremove instead of Outlook Express now. That way there is no way it can affect my computer. You can delete suspicious mail (and junk) before it leaves the server. I think this is another good safety procaution.
------------------ Adrienne Morgan Splash Signs "Wherever you go...there you are!" "Rainkatt'on chat