It's taken me too long to post this, at least a coupla days. But I gotta share with ya that everytime I meet another Letterhead, I am really awestruck by the total connection I feel. There's simply something there - dont' know what to call it - but it's a comraderie that is so awesome, it makes my head spin. I've never had such a great group of friends. OK . . . now on with the story . . . My backs bad - really out of wack, big time. I'm looking at 6 mos., at least, recovery. Nevermind the gory details - what's important is the support I've gained through this site. Remember the "Great Volcano Blast" back in Feb. of this year, when Steve & Barb visited my humble abode? I held a small gathering - anyone was welcome - but what wonderful friends I've gained. Good Ol' Crazy Jack Wills & Vic Georgio (sp?), met here for the first time & started their business together - Anchor Blanks. In fact, my brother & wife came over for the feast and commented later "they are like a family, aren't they?" . . . a big YEP! They were taken aback by the people that were here, and still, to this day, can't understand how total strangers can get together, eat, drink, be merry, but most of all be "brothers of the brush" and . .. instant friends. Well, Vic & Jack keep sending me all theses absolutley wonderful fonts to use - and believe me, you should check them out!! If I was doing signs right now, I don't think I could do without them! And to think it all started in little podunk Volcano. Lo & behold, Jack hear's of my plight with my back. Calls me out of the blue, last Sat. night. Say's he'll be here Sun. Morn. with a thing he calls the "Time Machine" - something this awesome creator has designed & constructed to ease some back problems he's had in the past. And you should see this contraption - not just something put together "willie nillie" - but a true piece of art - Jack put's his heart into everything he does - and makes it shine, big time! Well . . . guess who he show's up with . . . Yep - another Letterhead - Dave Simpson of Sign DNA. They could only spend a short time - but the comraderie was instant. Poor Jack couldn't get a word in edgewise, as Dave & I hashed over old times - old "hippie" stuff - yeah, been there, done that, tried that, oh boy, what fun . . . They only spent maybe a half hour here, but as always, I'd have Dave come back - along with Jack - or anyone else in tow, anytime. My first Letterhead encounter was with Cisco & Richard. I've been to Fort Bragg & met Rick Sacks, and off to Sweden & Henry Barker. Everywhere I go, there's a Letterhead with open arms, open heart, open house. So, yeah, this is what I guess you'd call a "warm fuzzy" - but all in all, I love you all. Andanyone is welcome here, anytime!!!! Bomba-Dear
------------------ Bomba-Dear Jackie Vaughn #5115 Volcano, California 10% Discount for Letterheads Use Reference Code letr01 email
Posts: 761 | From: Volcano, California, USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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Bomba Dear......I know exactly what you mean. Cisco was the first Letterhead I met. We had instant rapport. I have met Adrienne...Rick Sacks....Mikey Languein (sorry Mikey...I always mispell your last name) Steve and Barb, Si, Brian and many others. Each and every Letterhead is special indeed. Evenhough I haven't met John Novicki, Marty, Michael Boone, Deb, Brenda, Joey, Greg....and all the 'seems' like I know them from the jokes and email they send or calls they make. What a great place! Thanks again Steve and Barb for bringing us all together!
------------------ surf or MoJo on mirc Cheryl J Nordby Signs by Cheryl Seattle WA.....!
I feel very honored that thru Jackie B, who was my first stop at the beginning of a sign journey world I was about to succcumb. I think it was back in '97. I still am waiting for the chili chesse omlets :O) But yes this is one hell of a web site, and thru the efforts of Steve and Barb. I hope this pic comes out
I did get to talk with them at Jackie's home, along with the Crazy Jack and Vic, and we cannot forget that wild side of the silvery MOON child Stef, hey loca "que paso?"
and yes I was very fortunate to meet the sweet Cheryl! Seattle's finest sign Chocolate bouquet! Now I'm hoping I can get to the deep south and run into the fellows and sign ladies over in the Duck Soup Splatter Meet. So I can say HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
aka: Cisco aka:Traveling Millennium Sign Artist Fresno, CA 93703 559 252-0935
"to live life, is to love life, a sign of no life, is a sign of no love"...Cisco 12'98
Posts: 3576 | From: Fresno, Ca, the great USA | Registered: Dec 1998
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My feelings exactlly Jackie.My first exsposure to Letterheads was in 97 at the "Wall to Wall"meet put on by Jay Allen with all I could attend in between.Who will forget me crawling out of the bathroom in Bloomington with a cast on my broken heel. Cisco running my "TALL" job for me still in a cast,all the while helping him in his tarveling artsist show.This warm fuzzy feeling you call it.Is so addicting I am having my own Duck Soup Splatter Jam in Sept. Just to be amongst my Friends AGAIN!!!!!! Would be FANTASIC to see Cisco here again. Please!Please!Please! show up Cisco.(there will be a Spanish speaking person here)
------------------ PKing is Pat King of King Sign Design in McCalla,Alabama The Professor of SIGNOLOGY
Posts: 3113 | From: Pompano Beach, FL. USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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