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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » FJ400 UPDATE

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Author Topic: FJ400 UPDATE
Bob Burns
Member # 268

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This new printer together with COLORCHOICE RIP plus the ADOBE PS printer driver, enables me to directly RIP and PRINT out of Casmate, Inspire, and Flexi, regardless of file type.
I bring up an SCV file from Casmate on computer #1 (WIN95) using INSPIRE import on computer #2 (WIN98, RAM 512). I make all the changes I wish in INSPIRE, and RIP/PRINT directly from the INSPIRE window using the PS printer driver(under PRINTERS). GREAT RESULTS!
Just printed out a whole 4 X 8...actually 42X96....on vinyl, then laminated it. ROLAND
says this will give 50 months durabilty.
My cost, if I figured correctly, was about $140 including the 1/2" celtex signboard.
Selling price was $625. The whole process took 4 hours, most of it printing time, and while I was cutting vinyl for some other jobs.
Yeah, I think this is the "future"!

Bob Burns
Bob Burns Signs

1619 Oregon Ave.
Prescott, Az 86305

Posts: 2121 | From: Prescott, Arizona, USA | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Dave Draper
Member # 102

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Sounds like you are on to something neat. Thanks for the info. Soonor or later we are all gonna have to upgrade to something.

Draper The Signmaker
Bloomington Illinois USA

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Amy Brown
Member # 1963

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Did your price include design work or was that provided for you? How about a pict of what you printed? Thanks! Have fun with the goodies!

Amy Brown
AMBO Design
Lake Helen, FL

"If only my toddler was better with paint & computers!"

[This message has been edited by Amy Brown (edited July 26, 2001).]

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Bob Burns
Member # 268

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The design work was $175. I'll email you a picture.

Bob Burns
Bob Burns Signs

1619 Oregon Ave.
Prescott, Az 86305

Posts: 2121 | From: Prescott, Arizona, USA | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Rick Sacks

Member # 379

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Bob, I've been subbing out that kind of printing, and getting it done for $10 a sq. ft. with a clear coat. Usually takes four to five days to return to me.I have a new source that does it for $7 now.

Back when I first saw the Goober 4B, someone told me to send out to have the vinyl cut and when the bill from Gregory got up to the equivalent of a monthly payment, then it was time to make the plunge. I thought that was wise counsel.

The SignShop
Mendocino, California
"Where the Redwoods meet the Surf"

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Brian Stoddard
Member # 39

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I am actually a little surprised at that it cost you that much in materials, dont get me wrong thats a great profit, I just thought that inkjets were a lot cheaper to operate than the thermal transfers such as our Durachrome which would would actually cost less than that to produce. No I am not saying our machine is better, just a comment. The one thing I really like about the Durachrome is that it does not need the laminate which really cuts down on time and also make stretching over rivets and contours much easier. How thick is the lam you put on for fleet stuff?

Brian Stoddard
Expressions Signs
2621 244th Ave NE
Sammamish WA 98074


Large format Thermal printing and cutting

Posts: 790 | From: Redmond, WA | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Bob Burns
Member # 268

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I haven't gotten to the fleet stuff yet. That's last on my list. Laminated inkjet wouldn't be my choice for fleet anyhow. I think scotchprint or thermal is best for THAT at this point. I'm dealing strictly with sign work. I'm tired of weeding vinyl. The ROLAND setup gives me 50 months durability,
with very little labor, and great mark-up.
It hasn't taken the place of EVERYTGHING....that's for sure.....I'm using a ColorCAMM for thermal, and, of course, there's always some vinyl to be weeded, at leat so far. I certainly have a long way to go yet, to get it all "together", but I think/hope I'm heading into a productive direction.

Bob Burns
Bob Burns Signs

1619 Oregon Ave.
Prescott, Az 86305

Posts: 2121 | From: Prescott, Arizona, USA | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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