3 years ago my husband and I started trying for a family. After 1 year and no pregnancy, we went to a specialist to find out that I could not have them on my own without help of a fertility clinic. Well, it's been a long 2 more years of test after test and fertility drugs. Finally, we got the news on Friday that I'm going to have a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it's true! I know it's a little early to be telling people since I am only 6 weeks, but I need to scream it to the world after everything we have been through for the last 3 years! Mayjor changes are going to have to occur. I'm going to have to hire someone, especially since I can't seem to stay awake...I'm sooooo tired We are also just starting renovations on the two car garage to make into a full shop. This is good timing, since I need to get the paints out of the house. I switched over to latex paints and I have packed my enamels away. I also bought a resporator mask. I will have to continue with the painting until I hire...I already turned down two jobs today though. Any advice or information regarding materials I should stay away from is welcome!
Thanks for listening heads!
------------------ Brenda Beaupit Classic Graphics Kemptville, Ont CANADA
Posts: 346 | From: Stittsville, ON | Registered: Dec 1998
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Congratulations!.............................considering the fertility schtuff, could there be 8?? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. A whole crew of installers! Cool!!
------------------ St.Marie Graphics & Makin' Tracks Sound Studio Kalispell, Montana 800 735-8026 We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)
Hey Brenda...Congratulations!!! I just know that you're gonna make a fantastic mom. Try not to increase the population too much up there in Kemptville...they'll want you to be changing the numbers on their sign.
------------------ Ken Henry Henry & Henry Signs London, Ontario Canada (519) 439-1881 e-mail kjmlhenry@home.
Some days you get to be the dog....other days, you get to be the fire hydrant.
Oh Brenda!!!!!! Wayyyyy cool! I am so happy for you! Remember ...easy on the coffee...put your feet up.....drink lots of water...walk alot....and smile!!! You are going to be a Momma! And I can honestly tell you....there aint nuthin' better on this crazy thing called earth. It is the best most important job you will ever have. The moment you look into your little babes is instant love. My kids are 16 and 14. I love them more than anything else!!!! Best wishes to you! Be Happy
------------------ surf or MoJo on mirc Cheryl J Nordby Signs by Cheryl Seattle WA.....!
Brenda, we want to express a hearty congratulations to both of you also. The yearnings you felt were not unfamiliar to us. We had seventeen years of marraige prior to parenting. Most of the time I'd never want to go back.
------------------ The SignShop Mendocino, California "Where the Redwoods meet the Surf"
Posts: 6718 | From: Mendocino, CA. USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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Congrats Brenda! My life is so much better since I had my daughter two years ago. Hope you feel the same way when your little one arrives. Enjoy pregnancy too! It is really different when your pregnant. I think I loved all the attention, he he!
------------------ Amy Brown AMBO Design Lake Helen, FL
"If only my toddler was better with paint & computers!"
Posts: 3502 | From: Lake Helen, FL, USA | Registered: Feb 2001
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Our newest is 7 weeks old now and is the sweetest little thing!
Good luck with your new little one !!
------------------ Pat Neve, Jr. Sign Man, Inc. 4580 N. US 1 Melbourne, FL 32935 321-259-1703 Capt. Sign Letterville Constituent constituent: "One of the individual entities contributing to a whole"
Posts: 2284 | From: Melbourne, FL, USA | Registered: Jan 1999
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Get ready for a ride! We are halfway through our first pregnancy, and so far it is not NEARLY as tuff on us as we thought (at least that is what she was telling me last night!)
Don't worry, and don't let the worriers worry you. This is the oldest, most natural thing in the world being parents, and you will do a great job.
We hope that your pregnancy is joyous, your birthing is easy, and your parenthood a wondeful adventure!
~Rich and Sofia
------------------ Rich Diltz In Sacramento for now, but who knows where next
Congrats Brenda! We have a 6 year old and a 9 week old. Sometimes you will feel at your wits end with your child(children- who knows with those fertility drugs) but, then you see them sleeping peacefully or they strike this expression on their face and you say to yourself,"Wow, what a perfect precious person we've created."
You mentioned to me once that you work with Lexan. Doesn't Lexan give off some sort of GASES? Would it be something to concern yourself with....anybody out there know?
Congrats again!
------------------ Corey Wine signCONCEPTS Airdrie, Alberta, Canada The ex-Californian Canadian
"I cooked a meatloaf recipe that I downloaded off of the internet. A day later, I got a stomach VIRUS....Coincidence?"
Thank you everyone for all the kind words and encourgement! Great song you wrote for your family Mark!! Yes Corey,you're right....I forgot about the lexan.....! I downloaded a calendar from the internet detailing everything that is happening to the baby on every cool! Today the baby is 4mm long...haha
------------------ Brenda Beaupit Classic Graphics Kemptville, Ont CANADA
Posts: 346 | From: Stittsville, ON | Registered: Dec 1998
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Congratulations, Brenda. You just climbed into the front seat of the wildest roller coaster imaginable. Buckle up and enjoy the ride - it never seems to last long enough.
------------------ Sonny Franks Sign Creations Atlanta
Posts: 4115 | From: Lilburn, GA USA | Registered: Feb 1999
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