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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » OOPS, I meant Lambergini!

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Author Topic: OOPS, I meant Lambergini!
Adrienne Pereira
Member # 1046

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Sorry...I'm looking for a vectorized image of a Lambergini.

I didn't see one listed on the Mr Clipart web site.

Any help out there?

Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs
"Rainkatt'on chat

Benicia, CA

Posts: 4868 | From: Port Angeles, Washington, USA | Registered: Sep 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Michael Boone

Member # 308

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How about an 81 El Camino?
With fire fleas for accents?

Michael Boone
Sign Painter
5828 Buerman Rd.Sodus,NY 14551
Ontime @localnet.com

Posts: 3223 | From: Sodus,NY,USA | Registered: Dec 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Adrienne Pereira
Member # 1046

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Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs
"Rainkatt'on chat

Benicia, CA

Posts: 4868 | From: Port Angeles, Washington, USA | Registered: Sep 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
jimmy chatham

Member # 525

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Adrienne was talking to this guy that had a big house about doing some painting for him
to earn a little extra money on one of her
adventures and he told her he would give her $100 to pain the porch and he would furnish the paint. he tells her where the paint, rollers and brushes are and goes inside.
his wife said that she thougjht that he had offered her more because the porch went all the way around the house. in a hour or so Adrienne knocked on the door and told him that she put 2 coats on because she had plenty of paint but it wasn't a porshe it
was a lambrigini. haha

Jimmy Chatham
Chatham Signs
164 Poplar Rd.
Commerce, Ga 30529
Fax 706-335-3378

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Mike Languein
Member # 319

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Is that "Limburger"? or maybe it's under Lamborghini ? or "Lamb or guinea"

Fire fleas? What?

"If it isn't fun, why do it?"
Mike Languein
Doctor of Letters

You know what BS is, MS is More of the Same, and it's Piled Higher and Deeper here

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Gavin Chachere
Member # 1443

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rent one and project it

Gavin Chachere
aka Zeeman
Miller Supply Co./Ozone
Signs & Grafix
New Orleans La.

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Adrienne Pereira
Member # 1046

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Y'all a' bunch a smart asses, aint ya!!!!!

Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs
"Rainkatt'on chat

Benicia, CA

Posts: 4868 | From: Port Angeles, Washington, USA | Registered: Sep 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Michael Boone

Member # 308

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What about fire fleas..?Aincha nebber herd a fire fleas....?Twinklers of the summer nights!!
Come on Mike......
We ....in the sign business are priveledged to misuse English...its a perk...
This post has little chance of makin any sense...especially to those who read it...

Michael Boone
Sign Painter
5828 Buerman Rd.Sodus,NY 14551
Ontime @localnet.com

Posts: 3223 | From: Sodus,NY,USA | Registered: Dec 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
old paint
Member # 549

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being serious...there is no vectors available of a one of them...i got some pictures of them...but none are cutable... i painted one on a window in brandon fla right side view...it was larger then a real one took up like 5-6 windows ...

joe pribish-A SIGN MINT
2811 longleaf Dr.
pensacola, fl 32526

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Member # 474

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I don't have it, but go to google and type in lamborghini. It will lead you to some places where you can at least look at it. The best one on a quick search is this one
It has some extra "stuff" in it that is not on Lamborghini's home page. You can clip the jpeg from Lambo's home page but it won't help you much.

You have to be very fast. The images go across the page at 240 mph! (just kidding)

Lambo did design an off road vehicle similar to the Hummer that they were wanted to sell to Saudi Arabia. The thing went ike a bat out of hell, but the Saudi's didn't buy it. That must have been a dune buggy ride to tell the grandkids about.

Victor Georgiou
Clipart CD's & FONTS
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Posts: 1746 | From: Danville, CA , USA | Registered: Dec 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
John Cordova
Member # 220

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Hi Adrienne,

I have two Lamborghini vector images that I have tried twice to send to you but I keep getting a "router failure" message when I send them. It is saying that there is an error writing to rainkatt@jsp.net which is weird 'cuz I sent it to adrienne@splashsigns.com. Do you have another address I can send them to? Let me know. Thanks

John Cordova
Screaming Beaver Graphics
Albuquerque, NM

Posts: 268 | From: Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Adrienne Pereira
Member # 1046

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MAN!!!! I'm having a NIGHTMARE with Earthlink at the moment!!!! ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!
5 Technicians, 3 supervisors and 10 hours of MY time on the phone with them so far and all they can come up with is that my account is inactive!!! Well...

Sorry about that, they PROMISE, they are working on it ...
Remmember the commercial where the guy calls about his car in the shop, and the owner tells him, "Yeah..I got 4 of my best guys on it right now....." and there are 4 fat dudes sitting on the hood eating lunch!!!!?

So......try to send it to splashsigns@hotmail.com....or....
AFireflygirl@aol.com and I will try to open it there.
Thanks, if not maybe....just MAYbe I will be back in the saddle again soon!

Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs
"Rainkatt'on chat

Benicia, CA

Posts: 4868 | From: Port Angeles, Washington, USA | Registered: Sep 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Member # 474

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Adrienne, if it will help, you can have it sent here and you can zip down to pick it up. Just a thought. Vic G

Victor Georgiou
Clipart CD's & FONTS
Designer Sign Blanks

Posts: 1746 | From: Danville, CA , USA | Registered: Dec 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Mike Languein
Member # 319

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Fire Fleas, hm... O.K., Mike I guess it's a New York/back east thing? Maybe I'll aks Joey about them. We have Fire ANTS out here.

"If it isn't fun, why do it?"
Mike Languein
Doctor of Letters

You know what BS is, MS is More of the Same, and it's Piled Higher and Deeper here

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Joey Madden

Member # 1192

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I think Michael Boone got fire fleas mixed up with fire flys, I used to bottle them and send'm to Roger Bailey for whatever he was making at the time....

I remember pinstriping the first Contach to be shipped to south Florida in the early eighties then striping and driving Rod Stewarts red one with the license plate "Reva"

HotLines Joey Madden,47 years in the Classic Art of Pinstriping
Grants Pass, Oregon
Learn something......

[This message has been edited by Joey Madden (edited July 26, 2001).]

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Adrienne Pereira
Member # 1046

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I know exactly what Mike is talkin' about!!! I love them Sodus firefleas!!!

Mike made sure I got to see the 'show' every night while I was there....what a wonderful thing them firefleas be!!!!!

I feel sad that some of those who have lived with them all thier lives don't see how spectacular they really are.....

Wish I coulda brought a whole herd of them back with me.

OK...before we get OT way too far and someone sets the OT pole-eece on our butts.....
Thanks for the links guys, I'll import and convert to a line drawing so i can plot out a pattern...or something along that idea......I've never attempted to do a car life size.....cars aint my 'thing' ya know.

Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs
"Wherever you go...there you are!"
"Rainkatt'on chat

Benicia, CA

Posts: 4868 | From: Port Angeles, Washington, USA | Registered: Sep 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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