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Steve & Barb Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, ON, Canada
N1M 1G9

Phone: 519-787-2892
Fax: 519-787-2673
Email: barb@letterville.com

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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » Driving To Milwaukee? Directions & Map!

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Author Topic: Driving To Milwaukee? Directions & Map!
Steve Shortreed
Deceased Mayor

Member # 436

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Here's some more details on the Back To Basics Meet coming up on Aug. 2,3 & 4.

Driving Directions

The meet is being held at the....

Waukesha Expo. Center
1000 Northview Road
Waukesha, Wisconsin

From I-94 east or west, take exit #294 Pewaukee Road (Cty. "J"), 20 miles west of downtown Milwaukee. Turn south on Pewaukee Road and travel 1.3 miles, to the second light. Turn west (right) on Northview Road (Cty. "FT") and drive .6 miles to gate 2 on the north (right) side of the street.

Traveling on I-43, take Hwy. 164 exit north, (East Avenue). Proceed on East Avenue untill you reach Sunset Drive. Turn right or east onto Sunset Drive. Follow Sunset Drive to Hwy. 164/59, then turn left or north. Travel on Hwy 164 to Moreland Blvd. Turn left, or west, to Pewaukee Road, (Cty "J"). Go north on Pewaukee Road to Northview Avenue (Cty. "FT"), turn left or west and drive .6 miles to gate 2 on the north (right) side of the street.

A map you can print out is available at



I'm not sure what the status of this list of hotels is at the present time, but here is the list. All these hotels are within 3.5 miles of the Expo Center.

1.Holiday Inn
Waukesha 1-262-786-0460
Reserve before July 12

2.Baymont Inn
Waukesha 1-262-782-9100
Reserve before July 2

3.Comfort Suites
Pewaukee 1-262-506-2000
Reserve before July 10

Pewaukee 1-262-506-6300
Reserve before July 10

5.Select Inn
Waukesha 1-262-786-6015
Reserve before July 18

6.Extended Stay America
Waukesha 1-262-798-0217

7.Super 8 Motel
Waukesha 1-262-785-1590

Mention "Milwaukee Panel Jam 2001" when contacting the top five hotels to receive the discounted price.

Hotels 1,5,6,and 7 look to be the closest ones to the meet.

The airport is the General Mitchell International, if anyone needs that information.

I'll update the page we have on this meet ASAP. This page is at http://www.letterhead.com/meets/milwaukee2001/index.html

It anyone has new info about this year's International, please post it under this topic.

Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9
ICQ 316338

Posts: 3710 | From: Fergus, Ontario, Canada | Registered: A Long Time Ago!  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Member # 332

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Sounds like a fun time - wish I could be there for this one...maybe next year...

Pat Neve, Jr.
Sign Man, Inc.
4580 N. US 1
Melbourne, FL 32935
Capt. Sign
Letterville Constituent
constituent: "One of the individual entities contributing to a whole"

Posts: 2284 | From: Melbourne, FL, USA | Registered: Jan 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Wm. J. Krupinski
Member # 1746

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Hey Steve!

On behalf of all those who would have been potential lost persons due to the confusing maze of streets, highways & interstates that is Waukesha, I give you a whole hearted thanx & a tip of the ol' fitch as well!! No kidding you guys--that area is one big rats nest of roads, all crawling with revenue seeking law enforcement units, so stay alert on yer way in (or out...)!!

Also, thanx for clarifying the motel situation a little better, too--we can't all crash in Dave's van or on the floor in Barry's basement...can we?

And how do I post my panel photo again?

Yer Pal, Bill Krupinski
Non-aligned, free-agent, independent contractor subbing out data somewhere nearby to the Waukesha-based Milwaukee Panel Jam

Wm. J. Krupinski
ArtFirst Studio
Jefferson, WI

Posts: 95 | From: Jefferson, WI USA | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Jeffery Haberman
Member # 2100

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Thank You Steve,
Once again you saved me. Thanks for keep all informed.

Jeffery Haberman
Slewfoot Signs
Jefferson, WI

Posts: 42 | From: Jefferson, Wi. USA | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Steve Shortreed
Deceased Mayor

Member # 436

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Bump up!

Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9
ICQ 316338

Posts: 3710 | From: Fergus, Ontario, Canada | Registered: A Long Time Ago!  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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