Good lookin kid Davey!!!! Nice to see a father and son having something in common!!! Yer doing good work.
Nice to see he didn't take after you though, in the looks department!!!
AND he is taller than you too
Just Kiddin Dave!
Keep up the good work with your children Dave, I know how much you and Cindy love em.
------------------ Dave Grundy AKA "applicator" on mIRC "stickin' sticky stuff to valuable vessels and vehicles!" in Granton, Ontario, Canada 1-519-225-2634
That is a great shot! That kind of picture puts a smile on my face. Just let me know when your team is ready for all star Cody. Our doc keeps telling us he'll be big in some kind of athletics; wonder why.
Here's my little guys (9-10) from our house league ... placed first in the league at 9-1 ... swept the playoffs and lost the championship by a point ... had ice cream
Yeah ...I still need a haircut haha
tonight we play the semi-finals in our first tournament of our travel league team ... a whole different level of play but still great fun
------------------ Designing... it's like an itch in the brain... an itch you can't scratch, that if you can figure out how to scratch it, it just itchs more