I just have alittle something to interject here.
It seems like many will blurt out their opinions on a thread in such a way, only to have it lead to some pretty wierd diversions from the intended topic of the post. Like say, a simple request leading to an opinion on someone's business ethics, followed by assumptions and judgements.
It's funny, because so many have harped on and on about "Off" topic posts on this BB ... but, as I see it, the problems lie in threads that severely wander off the original intent of any given topic.
I submit that perhaps the goal we each may seek to keep to the forefront here could be that we stay "on topic" with whatever the topic is ... be it "off topic" or not.
Please ... can't we just stay focused and keep some of our opinions, assumptions ... and dare I say, judgements, to ourselves?
There is a difference between voicing our opinions, and making a judgement. Delivery is a big factor in bringing that difference to light.
Just an observation. Could I be wrong? Nettie
------------------ "When Love and Skill Work Together ... Expect a Masterpiece"
Just stopped by for a quick look...........only to find what I consider to be, the "Most Intellegent Post thats been on this board in the Past SIX MONTHS". Would really be great, if only some people around here could pay attention long enough to make it work............
Problem is.....Too many only read "HALF" of a post, then go off banging on their keyboards, only to listen to their own heads rattle.........
Truth is.......there's only a handful that seem to always get a thread all twisted around to fit their own agenda.....whatever that is.....!! These same ones keep doing it over and over.....!! If these people would simply follow Netties advise here, and pretend they have an attention span of a little more than a "Grape".........we might just be surprised to see new folks "Wanting" to post here, and some of the older ones coming back.....!! But realistically, I don't see that happening... The way it is now...........Who needs it..!! Thanks Nettie, GREAT POST !!
As for me........I'm oughta here again for another few weeks,( I get a hell of a lot more done, and don't miss this place at all anymore) maybe I'll check back in, maybe I won't.........See ya at Pat's !!
I was thinking something similar about MYSELF on answering questions on the BB. If I would just answer the question directly without all of the explanation(here is why)there shouldn't be any drifting Off Topic.Once again the promblem is ME!!!! again the solution is also ME!!! Should be just Black & White.with no Grey areas to bog us down. Thanks Nettie for getting ME to look at MYSELF
------------------ PKing is Pat King of King Sign Design in McCalla,Alabama The Professor of SIGNOLOGY
Posts: 3113 | From: Pompano Beach, FL. USA | Registered: Nov 1998
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Nettie- I'm as guilty as any when it comes to everything you spoke of. I'm trying to change my ways. We are a diverse crowd of people and tend to let our own opinions get in the way of the true meaning of this site. As Pat said, thanks for pointing this out!!!
------------------ Rob Larkham RL Graphic D-Sign Chester, MA
Posts: 517 | From: Chester, MA | Registered: May 2001
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I'm always the guilty one, always read too much of anyones post but totally believe for once what the Nettster said. Persons do go off the deep end, me first anyone care to follow?
------------------ HotLines Joey Madden,47 years in the Classic Art of Pinstriping Grants Pass, Oregon Learn something......
To me, it's unfortunate and distracting, all of these diversions. I believe most of them could be addressed through e-mail.
I, for one, would not overly-criticize anyone face-to-face with 2000 people watching.
I don't mind family/pet/vacation type [OT] post as they keep me involved in my friends lives.
Letterville - we're all on the same team!
------------------ Pat Neve, Jr. Sign Man, Inc. 4580 N. US 1 Melbourne, FL 32935 321-259-1703 Capt. Sign Letterville Constituent constituent: "One of the individual entities contributing to a whole"
Posts: 2284 | From: Melbourne, FL, USA | Registered: Jan 1999
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------------------ Ian Wilson Signmaker Toowoomba City Council Cnr Anzac Ave & Stephen st Toowoomba Queensland Australia may all your toubles be little ones The man that never make a mistake never makes anything
Posts: 656 | From: Toowoomba Queensland Australia | Registered: Nov 1998
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I agree with Nettie also....and Glen, the obvious answer to that problem is simply not to answer the post, just ignore it
------------------ Arvil Shep' Shepherd Art by Shep Oak Island, NC " As long as they say your name, you will live forever"
Well said Nettie! We all come from different parts of the World, with different views on almost everything. If we all gather here in Letterville wearing our "Letterhead hats" first, things will go much smoother.
Letterheads believe in the free exchange of information, doing all we can to preserve the best of our craft's past as well as helping each other learn today's new technologys. Sometimes we just have to get our eyes back on target. Thanks for the reminder Janette.
I agree with Nettie too. Sometimes the original post is left behind a cloud of a totally different subject. S'okay to joke and play and have fun, as we all do, but don't push the post off into another direction.
------------------ John Deaton III Deaton Design 109 N. Cumberland Ave.,Harlan, Ky. 40831 606-573-9101
I find it humerirst that Many of you PAY Steve for running this BB...BUTT try to make decisions for him "in your own best intrest,,,OR to bager, and belittle the mast for self elevation........HELL here lately I even read a post TELLING Steve what to do...
As I see it'' there is ONLY ONE time, when we can tell Steve what to do,,,, and that is when we finaly have had it with this site and we TELL Steve to go screw himself.;...LOL
The rest of our visit time here is as it should be,,,, ourselves to others''
IF you are unable to communate, and you fill the need to say your sorry'' after stateing your thoughts,,, then CHURCH is a better fourm for you,, where you will be preach AT""" and you can say your sorry all god damn day,,, with a few hale marys...being the only return allowed from the crowd...
What the hell is this post about anyway, I know it started as Nettie saying something about sticking to the topic, then CJ goes accusing everybody of not being intellegent. Then you got Pat & Joey taking the blame for everybody. Then you got Rob all apologetic, and Glenn and Shep looking to outcast OT'ers, then some how Mike made it a racial war, Tbuk and Jack made it a religious thing. can we please just get back to the topic?
------------------ -------------------------------------------------- "A wise man once said that, or was it a wise guy?"
for me, i kind of enjoy the off-topic rambles that develop. i think a lot of sign painters are right-brained (intuitive, artistic, less rational), and the topic posts sort of follow that random pattern of thoughts and ideas.
example: i asked how to coat out a 2x3 piece of masonite and ended up getting suggestions on pinstriping for dollars, using newspaper for lettering practice, and support for painting on refrigerators. not exactly on topic... but its all part of the mix.
there are many paths leading to the same place.
------------------ :: Scooter Marriner :: :: Coyote Signs :: :: San Francisco :: :: don't blame me... i'm just a beginner ::
Posts: 1356 | From: Oakland (and San Francisco) | Registered: Mar 2001
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Scooter I am with you on this one! I love how the posts take on new twists the farther along they go. How boring to just stay on the path. In real life conversations, topics take on new twists and turns too, and that is what spices them up.
------------------ surf or MoJo on mirc Cheryl J Nordby Signs by Cheryl Seattle WA.....! The person who laughs at himself will never cease to be amused!
I think there is an easy way we can satisfy everyone. Here's my idea.
Before making a reply, go read the first post at the top of the list and try your best to answer or address the question and/or topic. With that done, feel free to address another issue or start a new topic.
Since we switched to this BB, almost 70,000 post have been made. That's a pile of information that is available for all of us to access. Last week, we saved, and then deleted almost 40,000 posts. We took great care to sort out what posts to keep and what to eliminate.
Keep this in mind when you post. Your words may very well live on here for years to come.
Ya know...we just might need a new law. Let's contact our representatives and have them introduce the ROT (Remaining On Topic) Bill of 2001. We need censorship! It is urgent that we all think alike for the good of the sign industry. No more off topic stuff...indeed. Once we establish the topic, we will then need to establish the relevant importance of that topic and then form a committee to put these "topics" in order so that we can discuss them efficiently without wasting a lot of time jabbering on this and that. After we vote on which topic is really important we can then all put our heads together and by thinking exactly alike...come up with the RIGHT answer.... Seriously, however,'s a great idea and all that...but it ain't gonna work because people are people and they get "off topic" by nature. Just think about the next conversation you have with somebody and pay attention to just how "off topic" that gets. This forum is no different...IMHO that is.
------------------ Louis A. Lazarus Milt's Sign Service, Inc. 20 So. Linden Ave. #5B 650-588-0490
Posts: 560 | From: El Granada, CA | Registered: Apr 1999
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I think this BB has changed drastically since it first began. I still like the replys I get. I tend not to post or get involved because it feels like there is a certain group that has more time to be here than we do.
I think it's just the nature of the beast. People will read what they want into what they read.
I think we're all in different positions of our careers, different areas, different customers, different ages, different experiences, different whatever, etc.... We're different people together in the same line of business. It's this way in any business.
When a certain few get together at Meets they are, obviously, going to have more in common. Or, if they live near eachother,etc...
I was surprized to see that Nettie pointed this out. It must be apparent to the people who run this bb what's up. I posted a post a while ago about cliques. I had some responses I could have taken the wrong way - like people not knowing how long I've been involved. Just because you aren't posting all the time doesn't mean you aren't involved.
It could be worse. My husband goes to BBs that are bruital. If you worked in a big corporation you always have different personalities. Plus, it seems like the world is getting this way - in a big hurry to go no where; and nobody puts themselves in eachother's shoes anymore. I live too close to the big cities probably.
------------------ Summit Signs Sellersville, PA
I try to stay out of the ones I know nothing about, but it's fun to read the guys' stuff when they're all swelled up and strutting their stuff. My dad moderates on two firearm boards and nobody gives him any guff there. But he knows what he's talking about too. He's always told me that it's good to know what you're talking about if your a moderator, but it's better to read and learn at the same time. There's always somebody out there with some new knowledge. Maybe here
------------------ Girls carve too! Behind every good Woman, there's a man.............waiting.
------------------ Arvil Shep' Shepherd Art by Shep Oak Island, NC " As long as they say your name, you will live forever"