I am working on this project with the developer of the subdivision. He has been my client for over 20 years.
The sign is appoximately 4'x5'x1.5" HDU.
I gave him the old three tiered price scheme:
1) Simple Sandblasted Sign, simple posts/ installation - $ 1640.00
2) Fancy Sandblasted Sign, nicer posts/ installed - $ 1920.00
3 Gold leaf Custom Sandblasted sign, fancy posts/installed - $ 2420.00
Well - the developer chooses the middle price. OK.
Lucky for me, the home builder also happens to be a very good client of mine.
I asked the developer before approaching the builder, and got his okay to do this...
I told the builder that for $ 500.00 more, I could do a top of the line, gold leaf sign out front if he was willing to co-op the sign with the developer.
My pitch was that this better looking sign will allow him to raise the home prices because people would be so impressed by the sign that the VALUE of his homes would go up. If he raises the price of each home by that $ 500.00, his gross profit on the 44 lots is - get this - $ 22,000 ! A good return on investment!
This is a smart fellow and he apparently trusts my judgement because he went for it!
Sometimes it takes a little creative thinking, but you can get extra money sometimes if you look for the options.
I would not have had the confidence or the insight to do this if it wasn't for my friends here in Letterville and the Letterhead movement. Thanks to everyone who has helped me along the way!!
Pat Neve, Jr.
Sign Man, Inc.
4580 N. US 1
Melbourne, FL 32935
Capt. Sign
Letterville Constituent
constituent: "One of the individual entities contributing to a whole"
[This message has been edited by Nevman (edited May 21, 2001).]