At the Int. Meet in Bloomington,1998, I got to meet John"Tramp"Warner and got him to sign my copy of his book.Last week I had a guy come in and want some striping on his trucks tailgate. He started looking at Tramps book to get some idea's of what he wanted. I thought this would be a starting point to create a one-of-akind design for his truck, WRONG!!!
He fell in love with the design that has the lion heads in it, the same design on the cover of the book. I told him that that was the creators artwork and I could not reproduce it the way it was. He basiclly said he wanted it just like the book so I told him I would look into it.
I got on the net and looked up Tramps number and gave him a call. One of the nicest guys you ever want to talk to.
I told him the situation and he was really appreciative that I called and talked to him about it long distance. He gave me full permission to use it and said "Have fun doin it!!!"
More than likely, as far apart as we are from each other he would have never known, but I would have....
Just goes to show if you are upfront and honest, sometimes you get what ya need.
Thanks again Tramp!!!!!!!!
Troy Haas
"Metal_Leg" on mIRC
SAM Signs
& RPM Auto Graphix
931 W. Columbia street
Evansville,Indiana 47710
Home of the:
"Brush Fire at the Hose House" Letterhead Meet
April 27-29th,2001
"Chaos, panic, disorder - my work here is done."
[This message has been edited by Troy Haas (edited May 21, 2001).]