I got my new issue of SignCraft this morning. Its changed! Different paper, different layout inside.....da whole thing! Even the logo has changed!
Man, talk about having to get used to a new pair of shoes!
My copy came in yesterday. I'm not sure what to think of the changes yet. The content seems to be of the same quality as before but the new format and size will take some getting use to.
Still waiting for mine. But I am the last to get it, here on the east coast of Canada. Not really as I believe Neil in Newfoundland is the last person!
------------------ Raven/2001 Airbrushed by Raven Lower Sackville N.S.
Posts: 4327 | From: Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia, Canada | Registered: Jan 2000
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I really love the new look. Easy on the eyes, the very readable body copy, and the wider format allows for more photos. Overall, I think the redesign is a much nicer, professional job.
I don't want to speak for Tom, but one of the goals of the new look is to get more photos, and more content into the magazine. I think they've succeeded in presenting a real crisp, cohesive design.
I'd bet most of the people reading the magazine have changed the sign on the outside of their building several times over a period of 16 or so years. More than likely, they were just ready for a change, too. From what I can see, there are more photos, more color photos, larger photos, some new headings along with a new masthead. From what I understand, their direction for the future is to become more visual, with more how-to's and graphics supported articles. After 118 issues printed on glossy paper, this new eggshell finish is most noticeable to me. The texture is different, but I think I will come to like it a lot, too.
Just my 2¢
Mike Jackson
------------------ Mike Jackson Golden Era Studios Jackson Hole, Wy
Posts: 390 | From: PO Box 7850 | Registered: Nov 1998
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OK, I had a chance to look over the "new look" while chewing on a burger. I agree, there does seem to be more photos and more articles. My favorite was that Jersey Wildman Bert Quimby. I love that guys colors. Nice look at how Dan Antonelli creates some of his unique designs. And a whole lot more.
I think the only thing I really don't like is the finish on the cover. The magazine feels like it going to slip out of my hands. I do like the increase in photos though.
Hey Steve you are so right, we get everything last.... you know newfoundland has it's own time zone for crying out loud, we're a half hour ahead of everyone else. Can't wait to see the new Sign Craft.. man I love it when that rag shows up. Neil
------------------ "Keep Positive"
SIGNS1st. Neil Butler Paradise, NF
Posts: 6277 | From: St. John's NF Canada | Registered: Mar 1999
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I think Dan has too much talent. That is some killer stuff! I've got Macromedia Fireworks and never took any real interest in learning it.....until now!
G'day upover guys and girls, in the race to get signcraft LAST I thing I would win, living in a small country town in South Australia where after 5pm they still roll up the side walk and if you havent heard a rumor by 10am you'd better start one.
Got mine today! I like it! Bigger format, and lots more photos. I haven't got into it completely yet, but from first scanover, it looks really good!
------------------ John Deaton III Deaton Design 109 N. Cumberland Ave.,Harlan, Ky. 40831 606-573-9101
I really dig it...I think the new paper texture is good, the photos and the NUMBER of photos is great. Only one drawback, the type paper they use for the cover is too easy to write on, got two phone numbers on there already. Oops. Chapleau, Ontario home of "The World's Largest Game Preserve" Spring is upon us,in Shania Country. Farewell snow,here comes the mosquito!
Change is good. It'll help me locate that "hard to find article" by looking in the old style or new style covers.
They don't get to california sooner because it takes electricity to run postal sorting equipment. Besides, it's too dark to read when you get home anyway. (jus' Kiddin')
------------------ Mike Duncan Lettercraft Signs Alexandria VA
From here on down, its all up hill.
Posts: 1328 | From: Centreville, VA | Registered: Oct 2000
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Except for the feel of the cover, I love it. It's really easy on the eyes. 'course the photos always are. But the low glare is graet. I'm gonna have to try the tack cloth for the cover. Always love the great work featured.
------------------ Bill Dirkes Bethel Hill Signs Butler, Ky. Goodnight Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are.
Posts: 591 | From: Bellevue,Ky. US | Registered: Aug 1999
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I like the new look and we got our first pic in the mag(signs we've seen). It's not our best, but they liked it. I just want to be like you John.
------------------ Marc & Mike Estep SignCrafters of London 202 E. 4th St London Ky 606-862-0003
Posts: 89 | From: London, KY | Registered: Dec 1998
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Hey Ticks, you might have a debate on your hands, think of us in Tasmania - the small island to the south. Not complaining, SignCraft is worth waiting for!
------------------ Gray M. Hodge Cam River Signs Somerset, Tasmania.
Hey my issue 3 days ago. WOW! I like the wider format, the wider columns for readability. Little things like the less glare paper, color blocks used to separate sidebars or bits of related info to the artucle. Excellent pictures. Plus I called Tom the editor a told him all of the things I liked...had a nice conversation and also learned it was the first all digital issue. Everything sent to the printer in PDF format. Applause to a business not afraid to change and keep trying. My favorite mag amongst the rest that are done for our trade! Mick Samsel
Posts: 499 | From: Cherokee, Ia USA | Registered: Jan 1999
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Got my issue yesterday, firt response was not a good one.
It threw me off big time, but I opened my mind a little, ( just a little )
I really like the new format, content is a big plus. I like the roomie look too.
But the paper has got to go, damn already got the cover filthy, feels like it'll get ruined easily, I keep every sign craft as if it were a collectors edition.
I would like the glossy paper again.
It " feels" cheap, what can I say!!
Just my opinion
------------------ Bob Rochon Creative Signworks Millbury, MA
"Some people's kids"
Posts: 5149 | From: Millbury, Mass. U.S. | Registered: Nov 1998
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Feels kinda cheap. My bet is that it is indeed cheaper to produce. I liked the old glossy paper stock...especially the cover. I like to save my issues and I'm not sure this one will hold up as nicely.
Just my opinion and you know how those go.
------------------ Bruce Evans Chromark Design-A-Sign Covina , CA
Posts: 912 | From: Chino, CA | Registered: Nov 1998
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Hi, I got my copy this week, I like the new layout, etc. I subscribe thru AS Handover, Signwriters supplies in London, it must have surprised them too as it came a little corrugated to me...after being forced into an A4 envelope! I agree with the comments about the would be nice to keep that glossy for longterm protection.
But the new layout are great...and some great reading ahead of me...Thanks also to Dan for his fireworks step by step..
------------------ Henry Barker #1924 akaKaftan SignCraft AB Stockholm, Sweden. A little bit of England in a corner of Stockholm
Posts: 1552 | From: Stockholm, Sweden | Registered: Nov 1998
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I was really surprised at first that a magazine that shows all the creative signs and designs all over the world came up with such a simple design for their own name, but after thinking for a bit they use the Mike Stevens thinking and don't want to compete for the attention of the real thing they want to show! our work! very nice thinking! I like the new feel the tack cloth thing works great and it is easier to scan all your work out of too!!!!no more glare on my scans!!!JUST KIDDING!
Great job I like the bigger pictures.
------------------ Freshink Creative Design Group 376 Romeo, Street Stratford, ON N5A 4T9
Love the format. Wasn't sure about the size being that it may not fit into regular magazine holders but it sure is great for the space it allows for more and larger photos. Really would like to have the heavier glossy cover back though.
Happy Signcrafting.......Marty
------------------ Marty Happy Signmaker Since 1974 Happy Ad Sign & Design Regina SK, Canada S4N 5K4
Glad you folks enjoyed the Step-by-Step on Fireworks. I've never received as many phone calls and emails about anything I've written before. For some reason, this article caught some people's attention.