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Author Topic: Need tips on giant fade
Dave Sherby

Member # 698

Icon 1 posted October 10, 1999 12:34 AM      Profile for Dave Sherby   Email Dave Sherby   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I have to do a fade from a deep blue to orange. Its a half circle 19 foot radius. I plan on using an HVLP gun. Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated. Also I have to spray horizontal, but this shouldn't be a problem because the gun has a pressure cup.

Dave Sherby
SherWood Sign & Graphic Design
Crystal Falls, MI 49920
ICQ: 21604027

Posts: 5396 | From: Crystal Falls, MI USA | Registered: Apr 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Rob Clark
Member # 787

Icon 1 posted October 10, 1999 03:39 PM      Profile for Rob Clark   Email Rob Clark       Edit/Delete Post 

Is the job in your shop or out in the open?

Does it need to be an even "airbrushed" finish as in a perfect blend or could it be a little textured?

The main thing that concerns me is the choice of colours, what do you get when you mix deep blue with orange......yeeeeeeuuuuw!
Do tou have any other colour options?

thats no bull


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Bruce Jackson
Member # 45

Icon 1 posted October 11, 1999 12:22 PM      Profile for Bruce Jackson   Author's Homepage   Email Bruce Jackson   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Yeah, what a color for a blend!

I'd be inclined to put a full base of orange down and blend the blue over it rather than the other way around.

With any blend, add plenty of extra clear medium to the blending color. It gives you more control.

Do it in several very thin passes. You wont get it even trying to blend in a single pass.

If using high pressure spray, don't set the pressure too high. You'll get a blotchy pattern appear. (I'm not as familiar with HVLP, but it should be good)

If its a banner, make sure there are no wrinkles. Pull it tight and nail it down if you have to. The paint will gather on wrinkles and make a very pretty pattern.

Working on the floor, wipe the pot and don't drip.

Sometimes I do large blends with a roller. Works well if you always keep it rolling the same way. check this for a biggun'. 10 metres high from lemon yellow to dark red with the letters going the other way (what idiot thought that up!)

Bruce Jackson
Melbourne, Australia

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Monte Jumper

Member # 1106

Icon 1 posted October 11, 1999 01:42 PM      Profile for Monte Jumper   Email Monte Jumper   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 

Monte Jumper

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Bernice Tornquist

Member # 16

Icon 1 posted October 11, 1999 02:33 PM      Profile for Bernice Tornquist   Email Bernice Tornquist   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Orange and blue mixed together make gray.

Bernice Tornquist
Bernice's Signs & Graphics
Choiceland, SK Canada

Posts: 676 | From: Nipawin, Saskatchewan, Canada | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
George Perkins

Member # 156

Icon 1 posted October 11, 1999 07:54 PM      Profile for George Perkins   Author's Homepage   Email George Perkins   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I'd be looking into a third color to ease the transition between the blue and orange, possibly magenta, which darkens orange nicely. The size of this is going to make for a long reach if the blend is to be in the middle. Is this a gym floor? Hopefully the boards will be going the right way in relation to the half circle. Spraying a straight, parallel line is going to be hard at that distance without something to guide off of. Some string streched at spray gun height might be in order.

George Perkins

"I started out with nothing and still have most of it left"

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Member # 337

Icon 1 posted October 11, 1999 08:24 PM      Profile for PKing         Edit/Delete Post 
I have been doing blends successfully with the use of three(3)foam rollers
Butt your blue and orange to each other,blend with clean roller!!
Especialy with an area this larger,no compressor,no electricity,spray mask,gun cleaning,solvents,etc etc.
Gravity itself will help with the slickness
Hopes this helps

PKing is
Pat King of
King Sign Design in
The Professor of

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mike meyer
Member # 542

Icon 14 posted October 11, 1999 09:05 PM      Profile for mike meyer   Author's Homepage   Email mike meyer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Orange and Blue.I LOVE iT! I painted my Studebaker and my Dakota and my Chevy Van Ronan Dark Blue and Medium Orange.The Chicks go wild for it!

Mike Meyer
Box 3 Mazeppa, Mn 55956
Can I get some SNOW here people?

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Dave Sherby

Member # 698

Icon 1 posted October 20, 1999 01:31 PM      Profile for Dave Sherby   Email Dave Sherby   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Thanks to all who responded. Unfortunatly I didn't have a chance to check out the responses before I had to leave for the job. I was out of town for a week on this job.

Yes this was a gym floor.

Therefore I had no control over the colors. We had to use the school colors, urethane floor paint.

I wish I would have tried the roller method first, but I'm thinking that the blend area was just too large for this.

The area to blend was inside the 3 point area excluding the lane. I painted one sid all orange and the other side half orange half blue. We used a long painters plank (pic?) stretched between 2 pallet jacks. The side that I sprayed the blue on the orange came out very good. As soon as you get a few feet away it is a very nice blend. But on the other side, I ended up with a little too much blue on the orange. Time restraints prevented any fix so it will go out as is. You can see the job if you catch the University of Florida (Gators) play basketball on TV. The rest of the floor came out great, but I never want to do a fade that big again.

Dave Sherby
SherWood Sign & Graphic Design
Crystal Falls, MI 49920
ICQ: 21604027

Posts: 5396 | From: Crystal Falls, MI USA | Registered: Apr 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Member # 332

Icon 14 posted October 20, 1999 05:07 PM      Profile for Nevman   Author's Homepage   Email Nevman   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Go Gators!!

Pat Neve, Jr.
Sign Man, Inc. Melbourne, FL
Capt. Sign
February in Florida http://www.signmaninc.com/mm/default.htm
!! Site Supporter !!

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