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» The Letterville BullBoard » Old Archives » MacSign Lite? anybody here try it?

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Member # 2023

Icon 15 posted      Profile for ScooterX   Author's Homepage   Email ScooterX       Edit/Delete Post 
i'm about ready to take the plunge into vinyl. my research has lead me to MacSign Lite - to run the cutter (i'll do the designs in Illustrator 9). i'll be running from my iMac. anybody have any horror stories or other reasons i should avoid MacSign?

:: Scooter Marriner ::
:: Coyote Signs ::
:: San Francisco ::
:: don't blame me... i'm just a beginner

Posts: 1356 | From: Oakland (and San Francisco) | Registered: Mar 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Don Coplen

Member # 127

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I've never heard of it. Who makes/sells MacSign, what features does it have and how much does it sell for?

Oh, sorry...you were looking for answers, not questions.

Don Coplen aka "SaintPete"
Coplen Designs
St.Petersburg, FL dcoplen@mindspring.com

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Diane Crowther
Member # 120

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I started looking into this when I thought we were going to need a new Mac-to-cutter solution, but I got my old system going again so I never did finish my research.

You can download a full working demo, though, so you should do that first to find out if you'll have any surprises.

Diane Crowther, Metaline Graphics Ltd., Nova Scotia, Canada, ID #285

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Dave Sherby

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Scooter, Another MacMan here and I too have never heard of MacSign Lite. I can give you info on an alternative called SignPost which I use every day. I too would like to know the cost of MacSign Lite.


Well I downloaded a demo version of MacSign. I was NOT impressed. The way the full version handled fonts was a royal pain, especially for an Illustrator user. When I went to the plot window, the display was not at all WYSIWYG, just a bunch of info in boxes and on the screen. It was very easy to make a big time mistake. There were no options for doing inlines, outlines, drop shadows, or 3D blocks.

With what I saw of their full version of a sign making program, I certainly wouldn't trust their bridge program to be as user friendly as what I'm used to. I'd pass unless it is dirt cheap and you have to start with a bare bones program. My 2¢ worth.

Dave Sherby
SherWood Sign & Graphic Design
Crystal Falls, MI 49920
ICQ: 21604027

[This message has been edited by Dave Sherby (edited April 09, 2001).]

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Dave Sherby

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Scooter, if you would like more info on SignPost, e mail me. The guy that wrote the program is a Mac and Illustrator expert. When you call for tech support, you get the programmer. He's a one man operation, so the help is very personal. But the program is so easy but powerful, you won't have to call much.

Dave Sherby
SherWood Sign & Graphic Design
Crystal Falls, MI 49920
ICQ: 21604027

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Philippe JACQUES
Member # 664

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You said you are designing in Adobe Illustrator 9.0. So why to loose time to export in another bridge software ?

The solution today is plug-in's : you do all in Adobe, including page layout. You click in a palette while you are ready to plot. Your plotter move. You are back in Adobe Illustrator.

I always recommend to use the layers to save various states of a job within a single one. One layer for the scan, one other for the vecto and the text, one other for the same vectorised and group to save vinyl space. One other for each color of vinyl. You than save the name of the foil as name of the layer, so you remind you all the next time yo have to plot it.

Everybody would know that you can move an artwork afrom a layer to an other just by moving the dot colored point at the right of the layer name from one layer name to another. More, to copy an artwork from one layer to another, press option(alt) key and proceed as before. You will obtain a copy. It's so fast an easy to do and yo just have to hide the unwanted layers by a simple click into the "visibility" icon at the left of the layer names.

All this this could be done with Adobe Illustrator.

So why now to export to a bridge ? To loose time ? To be confused by a third party interface ?

It's why NCS MagiSign is there. It's appears in Adobe as a palette. One click to send all to the plotter ! With NCS MagiSign, the single true plug-in of the market, you never leaves Adobe Illustrator !

More info ? http://www.magisign.com

PS : I invite you to visit our website the Easter day and the days after…

Philippe JACQUES

Want to produce signs in 4 steps directly from Adobe Illustrator ? Take a look at www.magisign.com…

Posts: 185 | From: Ottignies Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium | Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Bill Modzel

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I too have been a long time Signpost user. Simple and bullitproof software with excellent phone support if needed. I've needed it twice but both times it was because of faulty hardware/cables etc. Which Max (the progammer), found for me.

One other option if your ever considering buying a Edge is MacImprint from Gerber. direct plotting and printing out of Illustrator to you Gerber plotter or Edge. Been running it for two years now.

Bill Modzel
Mod-Zel screen Printing
Traverse city, MI

Posts: 1358 | From: Traverse City, MI | Registered: Nov 1998  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Member # 2023

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well, this is what i've found out about the various programs available to me:

MagiSign : i haven't heard from anybody who uses it. i looked at the web site (which is poorly translated from the French) and didn't learn anything about it, except that its a plug-in. i sent a reply to Philippe and one to the "contact" address at the web site (the US distributor) to inquire about pricing, and i got no response. it may be a great plugin, but my experience with their support is that there is no support.

Sign-Post: i called the guy who wrote it, and he seems very nice. if he gets hit by a meteor tonight there will be no tech support. the program costs $599 and is only available on a floppy disk. neither i, nor the Kinkos, nor any of my friends still have 3.5" floppy drives so there is no easy way for me to install the software. he cant (or wont) email or post it for me to download, and its not really his business any more (he's doing real estate) so he doesn't have a CD burner or a Zip drive.

MacSIgn Lite: i don't like MacSign, but the "LITE" version is the bridge program (essentially, a printer driver). the company's main product is computer embroidery machines (team jackets, uniforms, caps, etc). the cost is $399 ($200 less than SignPost). the software comes with a hardware "gate" (unlike SignPost which is site-licensed). they have a demo online, and they offer a 30-day money-back guarranty. they knew i'd need a serial-to-USB adapter cable, and they sell that too. (unlike the SignPost guy who didn't realize that floppy's are about as useful as punch card readers and 2400 baud modems).

FlexiCut was discontinued two or three years ago. i would have purchased it, but its not available, except for one guy who wanted to sell me a copy (new, in the box) for $599 (list) which seems high for discontinued software.

So, that's what i've learned. i'm inclined to at least TRY MacSign Lite, and if i don't like it i'll return it and try SignPost (if i can find a way to export it from the floppy!). so far, i haven't found anybody who has had any problems with MacSign, but i haven't found anybody who uses it either. i'm still open to suggestions.

:: Scooter Marriner ::
:: Coyote Signs ::
:: San Francisco ::
:: don't blame me... i'm just a beginner

Posts: 1356 | From: Oakland (and San Francisco) | Registered: Mar 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Member # 2023

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the update --
Philippe from MagiSign contacted me, and their product sell for the same price as SignPost ($599 list), and comes with a USB "lock" (SignPost is site licensed, no lock). He's been very helpful in answering my questions (somehow I never received his first response last week).
So, anybody here using MagiSign and care to comment on it?

:: Scooter Marriner ::
:: Coyote Signs ::
:: San Francisco ::
:: don't blame me... i'm just a beginner

Posts: 1356 | From: Oakland (and San Francisco) | Registered: Mar 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Member # 135

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Another Signpost user here... Using it since 1990 or so, it was the only Mac program for the Roland cutter I bought, I still use it daily, fast, powerful and simple! Tried using Flexi, but needed to keep the dongle on the machine and it was a pain in the butt to configure. My vote is still for Signpost. I have ran it on a Mac Plus, Mac II, and now it is running on G3 with a usb/serial adapter.

Eric Patzer
A.S.A.P. Design
Lafayette, CO

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